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Hi Pete, glad to see your exhaust pieces worked out.  That wood is soft enough to allow for that kind of twist with the right leverage which it seems you found.  good job.  Sorry about the hinges.....paper sometimes just won't lie right.


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


Thanks to everyone who clicked on "like," appreciate it much.


@ Adriaan, hmmmm, detail eh, it's going to extend the time she'll be on the ways but in the long run - - - I'l be very happy with it.  Well, Belgian ale does help and you know what?  I also buy some US micro brew beer brewed after the Belgian formula and method.  I actually miss Oranje Boom!  Hey Sjors, do you read that, Dutch beer  :P  :P


@ Remco, well actually I only have to redo the hinges, all they need is being a little longer so they can lay on top of the deck slats.  Not really a problem.  Green tree plastic?  What is it, where can I buy that and how thick is it.  If possible I'll settle for .70 mm.  I think that this slight difference would not be noticeable and helps with the hinge problem.


@ Sjors, yes, I knew that you were born and raised in Mokum!  I used to visit family a lot there (but missed you  :( ) and almost lived at the Scheepvaart museum! My parents were born and raised there, much family there.  Used to be a great town. 

Ah yes, the bells on the trams!  You need to put one on your buss, wow, that'll be something  :D  :D  :D also a good way to get fired.  When you are coming to the States can you bring one of these tram bells?


@ John txxn5, yup, I lucked out with the exhaust shrouds and the port side worked even better, almost no additional shaping.  I think that the paper hinges will work okay, it's only for static purposes except for a possible demo. I have to stop somewhere with trying to make this into a working model.  The torpedo loading gantries and booms are still to come and the deck torp. launchers.  Oh, and not to forget the stow-able AA guns on the con.


Okay, this morning I completed the two longitudinal deck T beams over the deck torp. launcher area. Pic tomorrow.


This is it for now. Y'all take care now y'hear and happy modeling.



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


lovely work my friend, i was thinking about how many people have actually seen a submarine, i doubt not many have, but having served in them for  28 years out of 33 i could not build one, 

again lovely work, i await your next update

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat




Lovely work - as normal. ;)


Evergreen supply sheeting an various cross sections in plastic. Most model shops that I have come across sell it. My friends who use it say the various sections in the Evergreen range are much more accurately produced than some other suppliers. (Usual disclaimer - I have no connection with the company).

Have a look at http://www.evergreenscalemodels.com/ for more info.

Ian M.


Current build: HMS Unicorn  (1748) - Corel Kit


Advice from my Grandfather to me. The only people who don't make mistakes are those who stand back and watch. The trick is not to repeat the error. 


Hi Piet....I forgot to ask what the name of that Belgian Ale is......I would recognize the picture and the discription, but can't remember the name.....shhort memory....


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


Thanks to Anthony, Ian, Kevin and Sjors for your "like" votes.


@ Kevin, thank you for your very kind comments.  Well, my guess is that not many have seen a real sub, let alone having been on one.  I like ships, including subs and sailing ships.  Even went to school to learn the trades for ship's machinist but fortunately I had the opportunity to go to aviation tech school.  I say fortunately because when my father left to go with the fleet to battle the JIN in February '42, he strongly advised me not to go to sea.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a seaman but I was already bitten by the "airplane bug"  :)


@ Ian, thank you too for your kind words and thanks for the link.  I'll check around and see of the local hobby shops carry that stuff.  We really don't have any "model" shops here.  Most all hobby shops sell only plastic and mostly cars and a few airplanes.  Best is still internet.  I never heard of that stuff, something new I learned  :D


@ John texxn5, hello John, still on the road?  That particular Belgian ale is called Leffe. There are literally hundreds of good Belgian beers and to list them all here will fill this build log  ;)  There is Lambiek, Kriek, Duvel, Palm, Brugse Tripel, Chimay, oh I better stop.  I'll send you a list of beers they may carry near Houston including some good Dutch beers.


Cheers to all,




Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


Hello everyone, I could spend some time in the dockyard today, it was raining on and off.  


So, today I cut the little slots into the crossbeams over the deck torpedo area for the T "irons".  I made the space between then the same as the small hatches for the dingy compartment, 12 mm. That works out to .6 meter.  I am tentatively planning on a 25 mm length, which is 1.25 meter.  That may change to a little smaller, depending on what I can determine from the photographs and what Gino suggests.

Actually there are many hatches all over the deck of this boat and I will not make all of them removable, just to much work. The only ones will be over the deck torpedo area, the rest will only be indicated.  One problem is to show the rails where the hatches sit between.  Have not figured that one out yet.  I mentioned to Gino that I have bought one piece of N gauge flex track.  I do have to remove the narrow flat part where the wheels ride on and that's a labor intensive job.  That stuff is rather tough and small but seems the only way that will look good on the deck.  We'll see.  Perhaps someone here on the forum has a better idea.


I also put two coats of poly urethane on the deck torp doors and the surrounding outside area where the doors go. I may have to put an extra coat on and let it dry real hard before I can sand it down. So far it looks okay.  Once that's done I can make and install the hinges to the side doors.


Besides doing that I also shaped the starboard engine exhaust shroud to almost satisfactory.  The final shaping will most likely be done after it's glued to the deck sides.


I also made the two rubbing strips (wales) at WL 7.  Again, looking at photos and guessing for size I think I came up with a passably thick strip.  Now I need to find some 3/4 or 1 inch very thin brads to nail it to the hull frames as a clamping aid while the glue cures.  I have .9 mm brads but they may not be long enough.

Have to go to the local hobby shop tomorrow anyhow to get some gray paint and will ask about that Evergreen plastic stuff and see if they have these small brads.  The hardware stores don't have them in the lengths I want.  I could use sewing pins though in a pinch but they bend easy.


Oaky, here are a few pics.



This shows both engine exhaust shrouds temporarily rubber banded to the hull.  I already shaped the starboard shroud some. There is much more to do and a few pics down it shows close to be satisfactory. I just wanted to show how my Rube Goldberg twisting setup worked. The port side does not need any fitting to the hull.



These are the two T "irons" for deck and hatch supports.  Kinda out of focus but just squint a little and you can see the T shape  ;)



These are the cross beams to help support the T "irons."  It's hard to see the little cutouts for the T "irons."



This shows the cutouts for the T "irons" better. Both T "irons" are laying on the forward deck, ready to be put in. Their final installation will have to wait till I'm happy with the side door hinges and the operation of the doors.



Both T "irons" are temporarily laid in the crossbeams to check the fit of the deck pieces.



The starboard engine exhaust shroud nearing its final shaping. Yes, the pipe will be positioned parallel to the boat's centerline.  Fastening them will be a challenge.



This is a shot looking forward of the starboard engine exhaust shroud.



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


Getting better and better, good job Piet.



Paul    :10_1_10:






Current Build:

1:72nd German WWII Heavy Battle Cruiser DKM Scharnhorst http://modelshipworld...1:72ndDKMScharnhorst/


Future Build Logs:

German WWII Captured Flower Class Corvette.

German WWII Armed Trawler.

German WWII Aircraft Carrier - Graf Zeppelin.


nice progress Piet!

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


Thank you Andy, Popeye, Ian, Paul and John for dropping in and your kind word.


This day was a good day, got some stuff done.  Went to the local hobby store to inquire on that Evergreen plastic stuff Ian mentioned.  Evergreen what?????  Needles to say they don't carry it.  But I needed some gray paint anyhow so the 5 mile trip was not lost.

This afternoon I started to shape the port exhaust shroud and tried to make a mirror image of the starboard one.  Well, I surprised myself, both came out rather well and with some extra critical viewing and checking they are very close to being an exact mirror image of each other.  I am one very happy camper  :)  :)  :)  :)  :dancetl6:

I sanded the poly'd area around the deck torpedo opening and the doors. Also looking very good but I'll give it one more coat of poly.


I also completed both docking bumper strips (wales) but have not glued and nailed them on yet.  I need to make a cradle first for the sub to lay on when on its side to protect the protruding parts.


I think my next task will be to fasten the engine exhaust shrouds.  I have been looking for some real small but long wood screws to screw them to the deck frames but nothing local.  I'll try the #4 screws I have and hope I can hit the centers of the 1/4 inch poplar frames.  I like to add the screws to help draw them into the side of the deck and help in the glue clamping.  The Admiral piped in and told me "drill pilot holes for these screws Piet."  Aint she helpfull - - -  Hmmmmm "Yes dear, thank you"  Hey, I'm not stupid  ;)  After 50 years of marriage I begin to learn  :P  :P  :)


I have a question regarding the Evergreen styrene sheets.  What kind of glue should be used to glue it to wood?  Do treat the wood first and if so, with what?  What kind of paint should be used on it?  Any prep before painting?


Okay, we'll see.  I'm also close to making the torp door hinges and and installing them.  Lots to do yet but there is progress, and that's a good thing.


Here are a few pics for yuns to look at, that way my Dutch friend in Schiedam is happy. ;)  ;)  :P



Looking down on top of the aft deck with both close-to-being-finished exhaust shrouds rubber-banded to the deck sides.



Looking aft across the deck with both engine exhaust shrouds temporarily held in place with a rubber band.



Both engine exhaust shrouds seen from higher above the stern.  They kinda look like gun turrets but in reality they do look like what I see in the photos.  The pipes are just stuck in with the port side being a dowel, I ran out of copper tubing.  They do run parallel to the ship's centerline though.



Ster-on view.



This pic was taken by the boat builder, Wilton Feyenoord in Schiedam, the Netherlands, just before the launch, Sept. 1938.  It shows the exhaust shroud with the opening for the exhaust pipe.



Another photo of the O 19 seen from the stern showing the exhaust shroud.  I used these and a few other photos I have to guide me in shaping my shrouds.




Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


up here in the north-east,  our hobby shops carry Plastruct products......the same stuff as Evergreen.   flat stock,  round and square stock.......just about anything you can think of.   I use either the Testor's green tube,  or CA to cement it to wood.   perhaps you could even try to look these products up on line.


the exhaust shrouds came out great!   super cool pictures as well!  ;)

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


Many thanks to Sjors, Andy, Boris, Popeye, Mark, Remco, John and Adriaan!


Thank you Popeye for mentioning Plastruct Product.  I'll try Hobby Lobby in Daytona Beach and see if they carry it.  Daytona is a 30 mile drive for us so we don't go there often.  I'll try their website first and see if they have it.  I can order Evergreen also online direct..


Not much work was done today.  Had to mow the backyard and then go to Bunnel to their Ace Hardware store to get some more brass or copper tubing for the exhaust pipes but they were out of the size I needed.  I bought aluminum instead, they are going to be painted black anyhow. I also picked up some very small brads I needed for the rubbing strakes.  


I did a lot of "fiddling" work, mainly tweaking, shaping here and there and making the small deck pieces over the torpedo launcher area.  I also glued and screwed the starboard exhaust shroud piece. Doesn't seem like a lot of work but all the picking at details with the #11 Exacto blade takes time.  


Hmmmmm, I have been thinking again - - - - If I would make that entire section over the deck torpedo launcher removable - - - - - - In case I have to fix something there - - - - just thinking mind you  ;)  ;)  ;)





Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


Thanks Anthony for checking in and your approval  :)

She's coming along fine, slower then I want but all that detailing stuff slows it down.  Not that I mind, she has to look good.



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)

Posted (edited)



Yes - go for the removable deck torpedo launcher panels - those launching mechanisms look great fun to make - all those pipes and twiddly bits - bliss!

  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  

Edited by ianmajor

Ian M.


Current build: HMS Unicorn  (1748) - Corel Kit


Advice from my Grandfather to me. The only people who don't make mistakes are those who stand back and watch. The trick is not to repeat the error. 


Thank you Ian and Popeye for dropping in and looking at my build.


Ian, right now it's just a thought.  It depends on "flexy" that assembly will be.  If it does not lay flat and stable on the support structure that I have no choice but the glue everything to the support structure, except for the center hatches.

All I can do is give it an honest try.

Yes, that launcher is quite an intricate contraption and so is the aiming "computer." Here is a picture of the O 19 launcher assembly at the boat yard.  And then to think that I have to make a model of it.  I already have the tubes though, in brass.



This shows the real McCoy before it was installed on the O 19.  It is shown from the front to the rear.



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


This morning I could spend some quality time in the shipyard.  I made and fitted the two side deck pieces and the center piece from which I'll make the hatches.  The 1 mm plywood is flexible and won't retain their flat shape.  If I want to make this whole assembly removable then I'll have to add some small wood strips on the bottom.  It's also possible that when they are cemented to the brass rails they may be stiff enough but who knows.  That's the first place to start cementing the side deck pieces to the brass rails anyhow.  There are a few other possibilities to secure the assembly in the center but we'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Right now my interest is in how the hinged side doors work.  I made the hinges and cemented them to the doors and the bottom of the deck sides.  Have not tried it yet - - - - - keep our fingers crossed.


I also glued and screwed the exhaust shields to the deck structure.  Looks quite nice, only had to add a little wood filler in a 1 mm gap in the starboard one at the rear, only about 10 mm long.  The port side glued up real nice.  I also cut the two exhaust pipes from aluminum tubing.


As the glue was curing on various parts I fitted the port side docking bumper.  It is now also ready to be glued and nailed to the hull.  More progress!


Okay, here are a few pics of what was done today.



All deck panels are now made and fitted.  The center one will be cut up for the hatches. I think that the seems will disappear from view when the deck strips are installed.  In reality they don't look as pronounced as on the photos.  Everything is still loose. 



This is a sideway view of the deck rework.



This shows the paper hinges I cemented to the inside of the doors and to the deck frame pieces.  I put masking tape on the outside to keep the doors as tightly closed as possible. 



The glued and screwed exhaust shrouds, looking aft. You can still see some of the evidence of wood filler at the aft end. This will also disappear with the final deck paint and decking strips. The top of the shrouds add some deck space to the aft hull.  It is really needed there because the deck narrows and the stern torpedo loading hatch is in that area and the loading gantry.  The crew needs some maneuvering space.



Exhaust shrouds looking forward.



Another shot of the exhaust shrouds looking forward on centerline with the pipes.



This is the docking bumper being fitted to the port side of the hull.  I will also be using 1 mm brads in addition to glue as a means of clamping and additional holding power.  If any of the sub experts may be wondering if this sub has bilge keels, the answer is no.  The flat bottoms at the mine compartment and the broad keel there didn't seem a need for it.



Looking from the bow.



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


second that!!!  ;)

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


Hi Piet,

Just catching up. We're in Orlando now. Seeing Mickey next week. Looks like you've been busy. I do know this...I am really glad I've seen this in real life. It really puts things in perspective and I have a tremendous advantage over the rest of the forum because of this. Things are shaping up nicely. Glad the exhaust shrouds worked out that way, they look really nice. Of course, you know that you HAVE to build the torpedo launcher. There is so much detail there that it will really make it a "giant" focal point to the model. With that much detail it should be right up your alley! Have you thought about a "restance soldering tool"? They're a little pricey through Micro Mark, but worth it when soldering intricate parts. thanks for the info about the Belgian Ales...I'll get a list once I get back to Houston...yummmm!


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com



Looking super sharp.   The research and care you are putting into this is showing with every picture.   As for the deck launcher...maybe as a side project to be displayed off ship in a mockup of the deck area?  Might make life easier than trying to put it on the sub and have to deal with opening and closing doors.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         




@ John (Jim Lad), yes indeed, it'll be a very interesting project to say the least.  I think that I'll wait till the boat is nearly finished because it is a series of separate models as Remco so aptly states.  It's really not needed till later on in the build.


Thanks for your kind comment!



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


Thank you Mark, John txxn5, Ian, Remco, Popeye, Aship- - -, and Sjors, for your "like" votes, really appreciate it.


I took today off as a day of rest and just now logged on to this marvelous forum, what a bunch of friends.  Thanks all for visiting my shipyard.


@ John (Jim Lad), thank you and yes, when I squint along the bow I can almost picture her slicing through the waves.  Did I mention that I'm planning to make a painting of her like that? Hope I live long enough with all my planned projects  :)


@ Popeye, thank you for dropping in and your encouraging words!


@ John texxn5, hello my friend, watch out for Micky though, oh sorry, he is a mouse, not a rat  ;)   Yeah, I keep plugging at it but it's all the little details that take the time.  It's been indeed a pleasure to have to and Diane visit and see my dad's sub taking shape. The torp launcher will be build, have no fear but it'll be one of the last projects I'll tackle.  No, I have not contemplated buying a resistance welder, Too rich for my blood.  I'll have to do with silver solder and soft solder, both are no problem for me.

Be careful traveling!


@ Mark, thank you for your kind words.  I am very fortunate to have a few contacts who have provided me with many photos of the actual build of the boat.  A few even with my father on them.  Re, the launcher, well, that's a thought but I like to have the launcher as a model in place on the sub.  The idea is to have her as my father knew her for the three years he was involved with her and sailed on her.  If a few other modelers can build the launcher and one of them even make it work, then I should be able to do the same.

The plan is to leave the doors open but if asked I can also close the doors.  With the center hatches removable I can take the launcher out and display it separately at times.  I hope you understand my aim.


Cheers, to all  :cheers:  oh what the hay let's have another one  :cheers: 


Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)




I understand perfectly what you are working towards.   I just see that launcher as being a work of art itself. 

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         




Thank you Mark, Adriaan and Banyan for your visit and comments.


Adriaan and Mark, Well, yes, I guess that launcher will be a challenge and will be build on the bench where I can sit, finally.  During this whole build I have been standing.  I did put some carpet remnants down, which helped on the "mature" legs  ;)  [[the word old is not a happy word to be used in front of "old" people  :D  :D  :D ]]

I'll strive to make it look like a work of art, won't want to disappoint my dad now, won't I ? :)


Well, today I can report some good news and unfortunately also some bad news.  First of all, the paper hinges work as advertised, real good.   The bad news? I ran into a snag when fitting my brass tube I planned to use for the torpedo tubes.  They would not fit through the opening with the doors open and laying down flat on the hull.  :(  :(

I am missing just 1 mm of room.  The doors have a 1mm plywood strip behind them acting as stops and they rest on the bottom stringer and pieces of wood the hinges are glued to.


Now, I have several options open to me.


1. Remove the lower side plates and then removing about 2 mm of the stringers, then replacing the lower side plates with new ones to fit the present doors. That way the doors will fold down at least 1 mm more allowing my brass tubes through the slot.  


2. Cut a split in the tubes, squeeze them a little smaller to the desired diameter of about 11 mm and then soldering them together.  They need reinforcing rings anyway.  The seem will be on the bottom.  This way I don't have to do anything to the doors or the hull and is still close to scale.  The brass tubes I have are actually 1/2 mm too large for scale.  Going down 1/2 mm is acceptable to me.


3.  Buy a stirene tube of the correct size.  I checked already and found a tube of 11.25 mm but I can remove some material from the outside diameter.  It seems to have a 1 mm wall thickness.


4. This just came to me, I can remove the lower stop strip and add stops to the forward and rear ends of the doors.  I can then glue a small stiffner strip a little higher op on the lower side of the door that won't interfere with the bottom stringer.


Obviously I'll try the last one first, which may just work.  Keep fingers crossed.


Poor Nenad has to redo a lot more then I so I'm not that bad off.  But he'll have a much better model because of this "little" setback.  It never occurred to me that the lower doorstop would cause this hiatus.  But such is the nature of our hobby.  I think I'll order some black styrene sheet of 0.76 mm for deck planking and some tubing for the torpedo tubes, just in case - - - -  I'll also check and see what sizes of tubing I need for the loading gantries, I need three different diameters that can slide into each other.  They are kinda small in diameter though otherwise I have to order brass tubing.


Here is a picture that shows what I'm talking about.  I have annotated the problem areas.



The door opening is 12 mm.  With the door open and laying down the outer skin of the door is what sticks above the opening, which is now 11 mm.   You'll also see the three paper hinges of the starboard door that are glued to the lower deck frame stringer and the remnants of the three deck bulkheads I had to remove for this afterthought workable torpedo launcher.  Honestly, it was not my initial plan.  If that was the case I would not have this dilemma. 



Piet, The Flying Dutchman.


"Your greatest asset is not the quantity of your friends , rather the quality of your friends."  (old Chinese proverb)


Current Builds: Hr. Ms. Java 1925-1942

                       VOC Ship Surabaya


Planned Builds: Young America Diorama - scale 1:3000


Future Builds: KPM ship "MS Musi."  Zuiderzee Botter - scale 1:25. VOC Jacht in a 6" lamp,  Buginese fishing Prauw.  Hr. Ms. Java - Royal Navy Netherlands Cruiser.


Completed Builds:   Hr. Ms. O16 Submarine

                             Hr. Ms. O19 - Submarine Royal Navy Netherlands

                             Ship Yard Diorama with Topsail schooner -

                             Friendship Sloop Gwenfra

                           Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack    

                             Golden Hind - Cutte Sark (both not in this forum)


Piet - i get my evergrren plastic from ebay, if you contact them by email prior to order they will do a good p&p deal


Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat

Posted (edited)

She's a real beauty!

It's a shame your tubes won't fit, but I'm sure you will come up with a solution for that.

There are quite a lot of pics of the launcher, so how detailed are you goning to do them?

Some basic tubing, or down to the last nuts and bolts?

(for those interested: http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&database=ChoiceMardig&needimages=true&searchterm=O19%20lanceerbuizen&allfields=&title=&keyword=&creator=&collection=&shipname=&invno=&museum=&startrow=1




Edited by amateur

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