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HMS Victory by Patrick Haw - Caldercraft - Scale 1/72

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Uh oh, just noticed there's a cannon ball missing from the rack at the front of the middle companionway!  Somebody rolling cannon balls on the deck in the second watch?  Not a good sign!



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Hi Glenn,


Thanks for looking at My log. I've been at it for a year so you're on track. Enjoy your build. It's a hobby, not a race! I grew up in Hull, so going to Scarborough was a regular summer event.



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Hi Patrick

Where are you based? I've been in Scarborough over 22 years now and think I may stay. I live out of town in a small village so can escape the holiday hordes in the summer months. Also I'm not to far away from Dave over in Hartlepool or the Hartlepool maritime museum which I have never been to but plan to correct in the next few weeks.

Glenn (UK)

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That looks great Patrick !


The coils are first class !

And please find that cannonball before something is happened !!!!!

When you are in battle, you will see that you need that cannonball  :D  :D



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Uh oh, just noticed there's a cannon ball missing from the rack at the front of the middle companionway!  Somebody rolling cannon balls on the deck in the second watch?  Not a good sign!


Beware Patrick - a mutiny may be brewing!

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Hi Glenn,


I moved to the United States about 40 years ago and now live in Maryland. I get back over to the UK fairly often though and have been up in Yorkshire re-visiting old haunts a few times. My grandparents lived in Marske so I'm very familiar with the Yorkshire coast...Bridlington, Scarborough, Whitby, Robin Hood's Bay. Hope you enjoy the Hartlepool Maritime Museum and maybe get a visit in with David.



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Thanks David, Sjors, Grant, and Eric for the posts and compliments.  All cannon balls present and accounted for and I have finally finished the upper gun deck and have built the skid beams, upper deck fore brace bitt, and fore brace bitt pins, sanded and dry-fitted the quarter deck and am ready to start installing it.  Should have the quarter deck in place by tomorrow so feeling like I've made a great leap forward after living with the upper gun deck for months!  I'll put up some photos when the quarter deck is in place.



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Hey Patrick.. looking really great. Nice fix on the whales. Haven't been keeping an eye on anyone's log while I was pushing through the copper tiles. It seemed that all I could muster was copper tiles... not reading... LOL... too much magnified work! I'm going to have to decide on cannons soon too. Haven't decided. I want to keep the upper gun deck open and visible looking through the stern and bow so will see how I pull it off. It's going to require some thinking and planning. Thanks for being ahead of me! Will be able to push ahead now following your build.


Rob in Calgary

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Thanks Glenn & Rob.  Here we go with installing the quarter deck.  On problem I ran into was the positioning of the camber beams.  According to the plans, they're all supposed to sit aft of their respective bulkheads, but the positioning the upper gun deck inner bulwarks to line the gun ports up with the outer bulwark gun port opening means that the slots for the camber beams don't all sit aft of the bulkheads, some sit in front of them.  So some of my camber beams are aft of the bulkhead, some forward.  I really don't think it makes any difference and nobody is going to see the camber beams anyway.  So onward and upward.


Installing the quarter deck isn't as complicated and intimidating as the manual makes it seem.  The key is in preparation..sanding the quarter deck sheet so it fits just right, making sure the skid beam assembly fits easily into the waist cut out, making up the bitts, etc.  In the pictures the deck is glued in place from  bulkheads 13 to 17. The bitts are in place but just held by a clamp and will be glued to the upper gun deck later.  I raided the Admiral's clothes pin supply and am waiting for the skid beam assembly to glue up, then will complete the installation of the quarter deck. Feels like I'm having fun now!







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The quarter deck is in place and we move onto a new phase of the build!  It went in pretty smoothly, although a few tense moments and is glued and pinned to dry overnights.  There is a gap on one side of the skid beam surround but the surround will be sanded down and after the deck is planked there will be wood strips placed on either side of the skid beam assemply, so the gap won't show. 


It's been a good day.  Quarterdeck is in and Chelsea beat Manchester United.  I think I'll splice the mainbrace and (for my American friends here) will watch the San Francisco 49ers beat the Seattle Seahawks and head to the Super Bowl!








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Looking good Patrick. Must be a good feeling to move into this new phase of the build.

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A quick update and a couple of photos.  Skid beam support pillars are now in place and I've made up the quarterdeck screen and dry fitted it for marking on the bulwarks.  Put a couple of coats of walnut stain on the screen, followed by clear satin polyurethane.  I decided to make the window frames black rather than the yellow ochre suggested. Pictures of the real ship indicate these window frames were black or dark brown. I haven't glazed these windows yet as the screen will be set aside for a while and I'll glaze them before final installation.   Just need to take off the stubs of bulkhead 14 and sand down to deck level and I'm ready to start planking the deck.








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Still plugging away at planking the quarterdeck.  Not as easy or straightforward as I thought, but coming along ok.  For a change of pace I decided to start glazing the quarterdeck screen windows.  I'd read about this "liquid glass" called Micro Glaze from MicroMark, so ordered some and it arrived today.  It's a white liquid.  You put some on a toothpick and run it around the edges of the window frame then use the toothpick to draw it across the frame opening, surface tension holds it in place and it dries clear.  I think it's pretty good and the effect is of old glass which seems appropriate and it's actually quite transparent.







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Patrick - Looking really nice. I see plastic clothes pins. I must go find some! Best part of this deck is that it covers up most of the upper deck. One can be a bit out on the upper deck and practice for the areas that can't be covered on quarter deck! I am going to try some of that Micro Glaze too. Looks interesting. Thanks for being ahead of me on the build. Here is a four gun salute for your efforts.  

:pirate41:  :pirate41:  :pirate41:  :pirate41:


Rob in Calgary

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Hi Patrick,


Looking good. That Microglaze is what I used on my stern and quarter galleries rebuild. I have been more than happy with the results too.

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Rob, you're right, there's plenty of room for making mistakes and learning on parts of the upper gun deck that will be covered by the quarter deck, and trust me, I've made plenty of mistakes!  I've been looking in on your build and you're doing great with your ladders and gratings on the upper gun deck.



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Come to think of it, it was probably your build log that gave me the idea for the Micro Glaze.  I glazed my quarter galleries with the plastic sheet that came with the kit, but think I will cut that out and glaze each window frame with Mico Glaze prior to installation.



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  • 1 month later...

I haven't posted anything for a month but I haven't been completely idle.  A nasty bout with pneumonia slowed me down a little, still not fully over it but back in the shipyard.  Quarter deck planking is completed as are the inner bulwarks and the continuation of the second planking up to the cap rails.  Still some pait tidying up to do but I'm pleased with the results.







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The quarter deck screen, dry-fitted, with the MicroMark Micro Glaze for the windows.  I'm liking that stuff!





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Sorry to hear you've been ill Patrick but glad that you are now on the road to recovery - just be careful about inhaling sawdust for a while! Your ship is looking great - the microglaze on the windows really does add something a little extra I think.

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Thanks Glenn, Grant, and Sjors. 


Glenn, I hope you placed a big order from MicroMark just to make the shipping costs worthwhile.  I know that even here in the US the cost of shipping the Micro Glaze was about the same price as the bottle itself!  In this age of Amazon and free shipping MicroMark's shipping prices are ridiculously high!


Hope to get the belfry and the forecastle breast beam assembly done today.  More pics when I do.



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