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hi.....starting to build tiny now...much less expense, mess, stink, and stress :).....not a build log, just a cross section of the different galleys i've started....will occasionally take a few shots as i go along.....may make a display case with all of them included...will probably throw in a viking too........not going to be to fussy...mainly a display of the different concepts.....gonna have to make a LOT of oars :)....cheers.......

ancient stuff.jpg


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Looking good, Yancovitch. I'm fascinated by galleys as well. I find them intensely interesting.


Before you start making your oars, I thought I'd mention a small point; though we don't have complete information on them, different periods and regions seem to have had different oar types and shapes. For example,  Ancient Greek ones are often shown on pottery, such as at https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1NHXL_enAU770AU770&biw=1600&bih=758&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=7X5KXNfTD4SGoASiz5DgAw&q=ships+in+ancient+greek+pottery&oq=ships+in+ancient+greek+pottery&gs_l=img.3...18345.20265..20600...0.0..0.216.1533.0j5j4......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i8i7i30.ezBdCT3ec8E#imgrc=Ipq6qQ1dtRMhfM: 


Egyptian ones can be seen at https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1NHXL_enAU770AU770&biw=1600&bih=758&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=wH9KXPP-HNXr-QaPpJuQDw&q=ships+in+egyptian&oq=ships+in+egyptian&gs_l=img.3...48668.52248..58708...1.0..0.271.1574.0j7j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i5i30j0i24.NY93QXYebF0 . Unfortunately these sites include modern "interpretations"; naturally it's best to stick to original representations from the time. Egyptian ships are also represented by contemporary models, which can be useful.


I haven't been able to find any of Viking oars, and as far as I know no Viking oars have been found, though several steering oars have.


I researched Byzantine oars for my dromon model. You can see the results on my build log.


Best wishes,




Edited by Louie da fly

Egyptian Oars and Vessel:

Jenkins, Nancy, The Boat Beneath The pyramid (King Cheops' Royal Ship), 1980, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, ISBN 0-03-057061-1

The reconstruction of a dismantled complete vessel which was found in a large covered stone pit at the base of the great Pyramid in 1954.

Length 43.4 metres, beam 5.9 metres, depth (aft of midships) 1.78 metres, draught 1.48 metres.


Posted (edited)

hmmmm...i didn't expect a response here so quickly....i'll have to check all that out....thanks so much for the info....very hard to find it seems .....gads, i'm impressed with  your work steven.....way way beyond me!!.......mine will just be rough representations to be placed together in a case........mucho!....vic

Edited by yancovitch

There is also a nice colourful book by










and one with a lot of oars




It is a lovely book with a lot of line drawings of smaller ships and photographs of Egyptian wall art depicting the ships.



Current builds  Bristol Pilot Cutter 1:8;      Skipjack 19 foot Launch 1:8;       Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 1:8

Other projects  Pilot Cutter 1:500 ;   Maria, 1:2  Now just a memory    

Future model Gill Smith Catboat Pauline 1:8

Finished projects  A Bassett Lowke steamship Albertic 1:100  


Anything you can imagine is possible, when you put your mind to it.


Um . . . what mediocre workmanship? They look very good to me. In my experience, ship modellers worry far more than necessary about tiny failings in their own work which nobody else can see. If you're really concerned about some error, just regard it as a learning experience rather than as a fault - something you'll handle better next time.


But just keep on with these galleys - I think they look great, and something to be proud of.




rightclick on them and select delete or doubleclick and press the "Delete" key


NIce work on the galleys


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...


23 hours ago, yancovitch said:



looks like it's gonna be difficult to know how to secure the rigging....what kind of bits etc....will just have to fake it


Yes, contemporary representations often don't bother to show the blocks etc, and sometimes don't even show the ropes. One source that might be helpful is at http://nautarch.tamu.edu/academic/alum.htm - you may find archaeological artefacts that will help. TAMU covers ships from the entirety of time and often has papers on this kind of thing.



Posted (edited)

oh....only 15-18 inches......probably should have all been the same scale, but i figured that would be guess work, so i didn't bother.....they hopefully will all be in the same case, like a study of styles.......and there's still a viking to come....and who knows...i might go for a trireme too haha...vic

Edited by yancovitch
Posted (edited)




A nice size. About the only reliable dimension I know of for the length of galleys is that the length of the ship is determined by the interscalium (distance between the rowing benches). The optimum is about a yard, give or take - longer and the ship becomes too heavy; shorter and the oarsmen get in each other's way. So a twenty-oared galley would have ten interscalia = about 30 feet - plus the length of the prow and the stern.  


If you want to make a trireme, you might be interested in this video - 





Edited by Louie da fly
  • 2 weeks later...

made some stands, and the greek penteconter hull mostly complete....ha...noticed i did the stitching incorrectly on the egyptian hull...should have been horizontal instead of vertical...c'est la vie....

  will finish the hulls of the roman and viking before doing the finishing on all the ships....and then i'll think about the trireme.....

   how about this fellow Lodewijk Crijns from holland who sent me some info....quite impressive ....scroll down to find ship photos.....





That's amazing Yancovitch! I've got 50 oarsmen to make for my dromon and I was intending to cast them, but with almost no experience at all I was not looking forward to it. This site is a tremendous resource! Many thanks.



  • 3 weeks later...

very  kind steven......got the messy dirty gluey stinky stuff done....all the finishing should be relaxing work......that is until i start the trireme after finishing these.......will use plans from the trireme trust if i can figure them out.......so that's still up in the air.......


one thing i may add....i'm using basswood which i have left over from other kits, but i don't like having to stain wood or  use minwax polyshades....it is so hard to get an even color....i even tried pre stain......so i just have to accept the way  they came out i can't afford to buy nice hardwoods........all together i think they'll end up lookiong ok.......

On 1/31/2019 at 8:24 AM, yancovitch said:

and yes bob.....a kit is available from china.....


Actually it's from Japan. You can get it from zootoyz


"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...


  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

ok.....getting closer....decided to add a greek trireme.....wasn't partial to the dusek's kit, so i gave the drawings from the trireme trust a try.....got some help from a friend who had just purchased a 3d printer, and he printed out the stations for me, and i made the keel out of oak...he will also print the 170 oars for me, which will obviously save me mucho time....

     the dusek kit says it is 1/72 scale....but mine, the same length must be a smaller scale....will have to figure that out one day:)...have to figure out what color to paint the eyes....white is too stark.....most of the oars are done and next step to attack the sails and rigging...oh, and will darken the roman tower more greyish..hmmm...imitation marble or stone?...c'est tout for now.....vic


Edited by yancovitch

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