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Charles W Morgan by rookie - Artesania Latina - 1:50

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Made some progress recently

i decided to attach the boat davits, etc so I can set up the chains in correct spots

i have been perusing photos of Morgan since Latina drawings are really not well researched as far as I can tell


going to put as much detail on hull before copper since I am worried about damaging copper while adding all the attachments to outer hull

I also added chain to bow sprit and some other blocks at bow





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  • 3 months later...

Little bit of progress the last while


bottom section of skylight done

i am thinking of not using ‘glass’ just leave it open 

At this scale may be better to leave it open

I also started on port main an mizzen chains

used wire bent around deadeye and then soldered

then a nail in hull and epoxy


On future builds I am going to determine the locations in hull where chains and other attachments to hull are fixed and put blocking behind planks for extra support


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  • 1 month later...

Thought I would do a quick update on the Morgan


i finished the main and mizzen chains/deadeyes as you can see from photos.

I used galvanized wire so I painted them with Tremclad galvanized primer first then the black color 

after epoxying the wires onto chain plates I added a trim piece on the plate, already painted with white stripe on upper plates

I have found paint pens at the art store did a great job of the white stripe and the black on the trim pieces

wish I had done that earlier 





1899EF18-6CDF-426B-B3F4-69EBA3AF7ED5.thumb.jpeg.af6c5188e6ebdf99fab568f309a0f20f.jpeg I am leaning toward not having the shelter/deck over the tryworks since it covers up all detail on deck.
I did find a historic photo of the tryworks in operation without the shelter so there is precedent 🤔


while I decide I am going back to finish the skylight and tryworks details, such as the metal brackets on both sides


still have not started the windlass, likely should do that also


i had a crazy thought about turning this into a diorama with a whale carcass and resin for the ocean but I think that would be too complex … not ruled out yet…

I suspect I am channeling my younger self making dioramas with tanks etc , none of which have survived 



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  • 1 month later...

It's great to see the progress on this.

I never got started on my Charles W Morgan, I really don't have the space needed to devote full time to a model in progress.

Probably should pass my kit onto someone who will finish it.

Kits awaiting build: Charles W. Morgan [Artesania Latina], Skuldelev Viking [Billings], Lyde [Euromodel]

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Thanks geoffs


Nice to get a response to my posts!

I am also glad there is progress; I also have Swift partially finished and Bounty still in the box.\

Someone gave me a Bluenose II because they have never looked at it; hopefully I can get to it someday  :) 


My workshop is a bench squeezed in between my bikes, tools I rarely use and my son's tools (electrician)

I am constantly "rearranging" stuff and building shelves ; also tossing out things    

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  • 9 months later...

Minor update

finished forechains:  I may add the extra link at the base of chain

shown here IMG_0124.jpeg.75186c8d46612da46b6778df67066281.jpeg



I imagine this is extra strength on forechains to accommodate the bowsprit jib sails extra pull 










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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I had a bit of a disaster when I decided to add belaying pins 

it seems I messed up the pintails so the belay pins hit the other rail when inserted into the holes


rather than tear off the pin rails I enlarged the holes which,of course, lead to breaking the rails


anyway I hacked it back together and hopefully won’t be too noticeable once I have shrouds, rigging loops, boats etc block8ng the view






I also bought belay pins and they were too fat so I sanded them all down using my pin sander 

just clamp in chuck and sand away







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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been experimenting with 3D printer for the boats

I found a Beetle Whaleboat file on a 3D site and have printed a few


at this scale the detail is rough though that may indicate my ‘rookie’ level ability with 3D printing

 My brother said to get resin printer which looks like good advice at the moment


heres a couple samples from todays printing effort one with empty hull and one with seats etc


also one showing scale beside Morgan

i may print slightly larger, the empty shell could be the upside down spare or I may print all empties and fill in details with wood 








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  • 4 weeks later...

While I mull over what to do about 3D print of boats, I decided to stop stalling and get the windlass done.

the parts in AL kit for this are real bad.  I attach a photo




i am modifying some of those parts and building it based on actual photos and my best guess

Her3 is photo of some of the parts I completed so far.  The drum at each end I whittled down from kit and shaped based on real ship.

i also used my 3D printer for the ratchet gear in the centre of the windlass


I am considering doing the main parts of the body with the metal pieces it wind the chain, still learning how to draw with Tinkercad et al so will see how it goes










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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update to my Tinkering with Tinkercad and 3D printing

here’s a photo showing many trial prints and wood pieces along with the ‘skewer’ that has the current 3D parts

i believe I still have some changes as I expected these parts to be a bit wide : suspect I messed up measurements somewhere


I include photo from CWM herselfIMG_0196.jpeg.566af82301608870d7bd68746f584d53.jpeg








Edited by rookie
Wrong picture
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  • 1 month later...

IMG_0898.thumb.jpeg.ab54a850efd1ad3cdf185234b647daf5.jpegIMG_0899.thumb.jpeg.525b1474fdd6775b64e9dbbc9f5e0b2d.jpegIMG_0900.thumb.jpeg.be20dfc02ff147632b937175d5d8cd04.jpegWell, after many attempts at 3D print I managed to make progress on the windlass and the foremast mast band

i realized during this how far out if scale the belaying pins are on my model

These would be baseball bats if not belaying ropes on my Morgan


i may sand them smaller but then the pin rails would have giant holes 


ah well…


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  • 5 months later...

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