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Duchess of Kingston 1778 by desalgu - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Royal Yacht

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Looking very good David. I had to fit in a 1 mm thick plank residue under the bowsprit, to correct the angle. Otherwise, the galion would not have fitted. For some reason, your mizzen mast seems to be parallel to the main mast, with only minimal rake, are you sure, the mizzen mast is pushed into the hole in the lower deck?


Cheers Rob  

Current builds:   "Big Tank" Crocker OHV motorcycle by DocRob - Model Factory Hiro - 1/9 
                             McLaren Mp4/6 - Ayrton Senna - Fujimi - 1/20 - paused
                             Duchess of Kingston - paused 

Finished builds: F4U-1A Corsair - Tamiya 1/32

                             USS Arizona 1/350 Eduard
                             Caudron C.561 French Racing Plane 1/48
                             Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - 1/32 - Fly

                             Renault RE20 Turbo - Tamiya - 1/12
                             P-38J Wicked Woman - Tamiya - 1/48
                             AEG G.IV Creature of the Night - WNW - 1/32

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Rob,  Thanks for comment on mizzen mast rake!  The mast wasn't in the bottom hole, and it turns out it won't fit in the bottom hole without too much rake.  I've had something not quite right in the stern section, so it wouldn't surprise me if the bottom hole is a little off.  I've had other things that didn't fit quite right on the stern and had to "adjust" to fit.  


Never did figure out where I messed up, but suspect it had something to do with the plywood bulwarks.  I had trouble with those because I didn't understand the curvature.  I think it threw everything else off slightly, one of those early errors that propagates all the way thru the build.  I'm pretty good at doing things like that!



David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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I had the same feeling with my mizzen mast David. I thought, it had too much rake fitted into the bottom hole. I saw pictures of other builds, which have in common, that the mizzen mast just clears the binnacle housing and that's how mine looks. I pondered, how to correct it neatly, as it is definitely more rake than in the plans. Than I measured the distance between the first platform of the mainmast to the first platform of the mizzen and found it one centimeter too large compared to the plan. I decided temporarily to leave it as is, if the shrouds don't look silly with their angle. I haven't glued in my masts until now, as I will prepare them in the next steps with blocks and whatever.
n my log, there are some suggestions by members here, how to correct the angle if you are interested.


Cheers Rob

Current builds:   "Big Tank" Crocker OHV motorcycle by DocRob - Model Factory Hiro - 1/9 
                             McLaren Mp4/6 - Ayrton Senna - Fujimi - 1/20 - paused
                             Duchess of Kingston - paused 

Finished builds: F4U-1A Corsair - Tamiya 1/32

                             USS Arizona 1/350 Eduard
                             Caudron C.561 French Racing Plane 1/48
                             Nachtigall on Speed Arado 234 B-2N by DocRob - 1/32 - Fly

                             Renault RE20 Turbo - Tamiya - 1/12
                             P-38J Wicked Woman - Tamiya - 1/48
                             AEG G.IV Creature of the Night - WNW - 1/32

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rob, I forgot to check MSW and adjusted the masts without looking at what others did.  Two of my masts were off a fair amount.  The main mast was  a little too vertical, but was off quite a bit laterally (sideways).  The mizzen mast had about twice as much rake as plans showed.  The foremast, for whatever reason, fit just like it was supposed to.


I made simple angle patterns for the main mast and mizzen mast so I could match the rake to the plans reasonably well.  I also aligned the hull laterally with a small plastic level and used a t-square to align the masts vertically looking from the front (or back).  I just eyeballed everything to get it aligned with the rake angles and the t-square.


I adjusted the masts by removing wood from one side for a length of about 1/2 inch at the bottom of the mast.  This is the part that fits into the lower holes, and it doesn't show.  I didn't make any changes to the upper holes in the main deck.  Then I glued on extra wood on the other side of the mast from where I removed wood, so the mast would fit in the hole fairly good.  I didn't want it loose fitting.  This took a fair amount of filing and fiddling to get the rake to match.  And of course I forgot to take a photo before I glued in the masts!


Here's a couple of photos of the end result. 


I've also made a little progress on the yards.  Here's their current status:


David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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  • 2 months later...

Obviously, I've been taking a break from ship building, so thought I'd let you all know what I've been up to.  We had a late spring, and then it turned instant summer in July.  With the good (but hot) weather, I started playing a lot of golf.  I got into it and played more golf this summer and fall than I've done in several years.


I'd also noticed my father hadn't been keeping his yard very good last year, and this year really let things go.  They've always had a nice back yard, but after my mother passed away, he hasn't had the motivation to work on it.  So I started a project to dig out couple of small flower beds that were completely overgrown.  On the non-golf days, I worked in his yard.  After golf or yard work, I was too tired to work on models in the evening.  


Then I started another project to scan his old slides, so I've been doing that in the evening.  It's slow process, but pretty mindless.  After weather cooled off in the fall, he started helping in his back yard, and we made significant progress.  Still lots to do, but he's gotten interested again which is good.  I've scanned 1000+ slides, and I'm about halfway done.


Next week I'm starting the procedure to have cataracts removed.  Doctor will do one eye next week, and the other 2 weeks later.  The lens they are putting in are not full correction, so hopefully I'll still have some closeup vision without my glasses, but it's a bit unknown.  I'm very near sighted, but if I remove my glasses and get real close, I can see ok for detailed work.  Removing cataracts should be an improvement for overall vision, and it may or may not be an improvement for detail work.  I'll still need glasses afterward, but they won't be near as strong as what I have now. 


If all goes well, it will be at least a month before I can try to resume ship building.  Everyone's going to have their models finished before I can get going again!


David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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Good to hear from you David, and best wishes for your cataract procedure. And thanks for giving me a chance to catch up with you - my Duchess build had also been on hold for some time over the Summer!



Cheers, Derek


Current build:   Duchess of Kingston

On hold:              HMS Winchelsea


Previous builds:  HMS SpeedyEnglish Pinnace, Royal Yacht Caroline (gallery),

                            Victory Cross-section (gallery), US Clipper Albatros, Red Dragon (years ago!)


On the stocks:    18th Century Longboat

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  • 2 months later...

By now Derek you are way ahead of me, and I'll be using your log as a reference.  I've already scanned a little of it, and as usual, your model looks fantastic.


I'm trying to get going again on the Duchess.  With a long layoff, I'm way out of practice, and I'm learning to work now that I'm not so near sighted after cataract procedure.  Without my glasses instead of focusing at a few inches, it's about at about a foot.  It's still a case where I'm constantly putting glasses on and taking them off, but I was always doing that.  It's not all that different, and I'll get used to it.


I left off ready to start rigging with the bowsprit gammoning.  It took a few tries to get it halfway decent, and it will have to do.

image.thumb.jpeg.1f1bfd2691083e1256bc231190f8e0a5.jpegThen I started attaching some blocks to the main yard.  Attaching blocks to all the yards and doing the foot ropes is going to be a slow process.  I think I'll work on some of the other bowsprit rigging at the same time so it doesn't get too repetitious.  

image.jpeg.b7e76fc3c690c0ab762fc7e7a9a6d025.jpegNot a lot to show this time, but wanted to let everyone know I'm back.




David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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Good to see you back, and hear that your cataract operation went well. Your gammoning looks fine. 

Cheers, Derek


Current build:   Duchess of Kingston

On hold:              HMS Winchelsea


Previous builds:  HMS SpeedyEnglish Pinnace, Royal Yacht Caroline (gallery),

                            Victory Cross-section (gallery), US Clipper Albatros, Red Dragon (years ago!)


On the stocks:    18th Century Longboat

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Derek @DelF, I looked at your build log, and you're done!  It looks amazing, a superb job!!  Your rigging is something to behold.  I have no idea how you manage to do it so quickly.  I go at a snails pace, and that's with me simplifying knots.  After doing the bobstays, I realized I should have doubled up the ropes.  But I'm going to leave it as is, and treat is as a learning experience.  I have a couple of references on rigging, but have been lazy about using them.  They can be discouraging because I'm so poor with doing knots with such small threads and in tight places.  Shrouds are next and I'm about to give it a go.  I'm thinking I'll try something like what you did on Speedy.  That would be a major upgrade to what I did on Siren.   Can't thank you enough for your excellent build logs!   Did your trip to Alaska go ok?


And speaking of bobstays, here's couple of photos:





David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started on the shrouds and then I decided to glue the ship's boat to the deck.  It looked like the shrouds might interfere with my fingers when working with the ship's boat.  I'm still struggling with both my closeup vision and my skill level.  I've tried readers and a magnifier, and couldn't use either for any length of time without starting to get headache, so I'm still trying to figure out if there's something I can do to get a slight improvement.  I don't need much.  Here's how the ship's boat looks on the deck.  The camera shows all my difficulties seizing ropes.




David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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And here's a couple of photos of my efforts seizing shrouds.  I've been struggling with this, trying to add more detail than I did on previous model.  I've been somewhat successful in that, but then I overlooked some of the basics.  With the long layoff, I've gotten a bit sloppy about things.  This is after a couple of redo's and is probably the best I can do right now.  I haven't tightened or tied off the lashings yet.  I still have one more shroud pair on the port side left to do.





David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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  • 11 months later...

I'm guessing a lot of people following my build log have given up on me.  I just took a long break from working on the Duchess.


It's been a year struggling with not seeing quite as well up close after cataract procedure (the good part is I see a lot better at distance).  A bigger problem was trouble with bright lights, or for a while with much of any light.  I kept removing bulbs from overhead shop lights in the hobby room, but never could stay in there long.  With time, though, things have gotten better, and I have no trouble working there now.  Still don't seen as good closeup as I used to, so it's more difficult to work on model ships, but it can be done.  I also had a couple of other minor health issues last year, so I didn't get much done on a lot of other things besides models.


So I'm back on the Duchess after a long layoff.  I can tell I'm out of practice.  I'm a bit frustrated that I'm not doing the same kind of work that I was doing, but then I've never been very good with rigging and knots.  My fingers and thumbs seem larger than I remember.  To make any progress I decided to use simple knots simulating others.  Otherwise, I doubt I'd ever finish, and I'd like to finish the Duchess.  It will look fine as long as you don't look too close, about like my other models, LOL!


Rigging is always difficult to photograph, and mine won't look too good up close.   I'm just getting started.  I have the lower shrouds done and am finishing up the futtock shrouds.  I'm following the order of the manual, but was very tempted to do the stays first, then the shrouds.  I prefer working from inside out, and from low to high.  


I've also attached blocks and footropes to the yards, and I'll attach a photo. 



David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some progress photos of rigging efforts.  I'm working on the topmast shrouds and ran low on rigging thread.  Ordered some Amati thread, but it looks a size too small.  Seems I recall someone else saying the same in another build log.  Got some more ordered hoping it matches the size in the kit.  


I also started work on the main stays.  On the main shroud deadeyes I had trouble with them twisting or rotating a little and not staying lined up.  Not sure what caused this other than I could not get the deadeyes oriented perfectly.   I fought this for a while, and then decided to add a small strip of wood just above the upper deadeyes like I've seen on other ships to keep them aligned.


And here's an overview of where I'm at rigging.  Really just getting started.  I use clothespins or small alligator clips to keep threads out of the way or apply a little tension to them.  I'm waiting to tighten lashings until I get all the shroud lines done.



David Salguero

Wichita, Kansas


Current Build:  Royal Yacht, Duchess of Kingston - Vanguard Models

Completed:  US Syren - Model Shipways

On Deck:  HM Cheerful - Syren Ship Models

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