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USS Constitution by bthoe – Model Shipways – Scale 1:76.8 – 1812 era

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Hi JJ - I wish I could take credit for this, but there are far smarter people on this site than me! :)  I'm just replicating what I've already seen here on MSW.


Midshipman 3/c (Ret.) Bob


Current Build:      Model Shipways USS Constitution

Previous Builds:  Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory

                               Model Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram

                               Model Shipways 18th Century Long Boat


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  • 7 months later...

Greetings bthoe.

I don't know how I missed your build until now, but I searched MSW for "bowsprit tenon" and that led me to your build log.  Sorry about the bloodshed...

I'm just starting out myself and have added your build to my watchlist.  I see you haven't posted since Thanksgiving last year.  Hope you're just collecting pictures to post soon.  

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

Sorry for the REALLY long break, but I needed it.  I'm getting back to the shipyard, now that the leaves are beginning to fall (helped by the dry weather conditions here).  I've been working on the gun deck knees and will include pics shortly.

Welcome Der Alte Rentner!  Sorry that you picked a slow time in the shipyard to join in!  Hopefully there'll be something for you to see soon.

My plans moving forward (at least for now) is to finish up the knees, continue planking the hull, and in between things, I'll begin fabricating the gun deck furnishings, including the ship's stove, capstan, etc.

Midshipman 3/c (Ret.) Bob


Current Build:      Model Shipways USS Constitution

Previous Builds:  Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory

                               Model Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram

                               Model Shipways 18th Century Long Boat


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8 hours ago, bthoe said:

Hi All,

Sorry for the REALLY long break, but I needed it.  I'm getting back to the shipyard, now that the leaves are beginning to fall (helped by the dry weather conditions here).  I've been working on the gun deck knees and will include pics shortly.

Welcome Der Alte Rentner!  Sorry that you picked a slow time in the shipyard to join in!  Hopefully there'll be something for you to see soon.

My plans moving forward (at least for now) is to finish up the knees, continue planking the hull, and in between things, I'll begin fabricating the gun deck furnishings, including the ship's stove, capstan, etc.

That’s ok I did the same thing just I was missing for a lot longer! I favorited you build! She’s looking great! 

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16 hours ago, bthoe said:

Hi All,

Sorry for the REALLY long break, but I needed it.  I'm getting back to the shipyard, now that the leaves are beginning to fall (helped by the dry weather conditions here).  I've been working on the gun deck knees and will include pics shortly.

Welcome Der Alte Rentner!  Sorry that you picked a slow time in the shipyard to join in! 

Having experienced several, 'gee, what do I do now'? moments myself, even this early in the build, I fully understand the need for breaks - long or short.  Researching and problem solving are consuming way more time than I anticipated.  As a consequence my posts will be fewer and further between as I wrestle with issues and decisions going forward.  


Right now, I'm debating whether or not to dismantle the transom elements because the topgallant rail will not adequately cover the overly thick transom assembly (planking/shims/frames/planking).  I suppose I could simply make a wider rail, and just move on.  But I'm obsessing over this little detail. The topgallant rail has quite the arc in it, yet the transom itself is fairly flat.  I'm looking for photos of these details before I take saw and chisel to the stern.  


But I digress.  Welcome back.  

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Thanks folks.  I can really relate to both of you.  Reminds me of back in the 80s when I was finishing my basement, and I'd go down there and just sit and stare at things wondering, "now what the heck am I going to do about that...".  It eventually worked itself out, but it really derails you for a time.  Anyway, I'm back on track for now, and it feels good to be back.

Midshipman 3/c (Ret.) Bob


Current Build:      Model Shipways USS Constitution

Previous Builds:  Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory

                               Model Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram

                               Model Shipways 18th Century Long Boat


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Ok, here we go.  In this almost-year away, I've been busy MOSTLY away from the shipyard.  However, I did work a little bit and here is what I was working on:


I wasn't interested in creating a build log - it was more for a build along-side the full ship.  I'm interested in displaying this alongside the full ship to show what things look like below decks.  I only plan on finishing the main mast up to the fighting top and leaving the yardarm off. 


I was also interested in how things were done on the gun deck on this model.  Something I got from it was the knees:


I traced these and cut them out with a razor saw.  Once the basic shape was done, I used a rotary tool with a sander on it to clean them up - here is the results:


I used the google maps view of the gun deck to check out the knee placement, and came up with the following table.  The bottom and tops are the plank numbers measured from the waterway:


Just the other night I drilled the holes around the gun ports, and began manufacturing eyes:


That's it for now.  I'll be mounting the eyes around the ports next, then putting in the knees.



Midshipman 3/c (Ret.) Bob


Current Build:      Model Shipways USS Constitution

Previous Builds:  Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory

                               Model Shipways Norwegian Sailing Pram

                               Model Shipways 18th Century Long Boat


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