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This will be my second build, after dipping my toes in the water with the Swampscott Dory.  I chose this kit because of my historical interest in the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, and I wanted to build a ship more challenging than the dory but also not beyond my still nascent skill set.  Clear and comprehensive instructions were also important to me, as well as excellent customer service.  Kolderstok checked all these boxes, so I chose one of their simpler kits.


I ordered directly from Hans in Dordrecht to take advantage of the customizations he offers on his website - a ship-specific paint set, upgraded blocks, and an oak stand.  I was very impressed when the kit arrived by the careful packaging and the outstanding quality of all materials.  I only found two other build logs on MSW of Kolderstok kits, and they both had similar comments.  I believe this is a top-notch company.

In between finishing my dory and waiting for the Statenjacht to arrive, I studied planking techniques with the fantastic resources here on MSW.  As with the dory, I plan to take a slow, methodical, and patient approach to this model - the fun is in the journey!  I started about a week ago and I’ve got the bulkheads in place as well as the balsa filler at the bow.  I’m taking a lot of time with fairing as this step is so crucial.  I’m using a couple of the planks that I bent with my nifty new plank bender to test fit along the bulkheads.  So here I go - build #2!







Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

Posted (edited)

Hello Melissa,


Thank you for this nice introduction.  I will follow your build, but shall not give constant comments on what you have done so far.  However - if you face any problems, difficulties or have other questions - please feel free to ask - by pm, or via your build log.





Edited by *Hans*



Owner of Kolderstok Models - 17th century Dutch ships.


Please visit www.kolderstok.com for an overview of the model kits available   


Looks like a neat project. I'm not familiar with this source, so what a great chance to learn about their kits!


Hans - Thank you!  I'm very much enjoying this project so far :), and truly appreciate the quality of both the materials and the instructions.  Will be in touch if I have any questions.


Hubac and Cathead - Thank you for the encouragement!



Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I’ve spent the past couple of weeks working on cabin interior details, including planking the cabin decks and walls, installing benches, the fireplace, and the little staircase from the upper deck.  I’m using a clear satin spar urethane to finish most surfaces, except for the staircase on which I used a Minwax golden oak stain.  The Statenjacht was used mostly for inland waterway transport in the Dutch Republic of VIP passengers, hence the luxury red padding on the benches and the fancy fireplace.  This has been very relaxing and enjoyable, and I’m happy with how it’s going at this early stage 😊🇳🇱




Edited by Melissa T.

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

  • 3 weeks later...

Easter/Passover update.  The Statenjacht is my first real effort at planking, and let it be said that hull planking is not for the faint of heart.  I’m definitely learning as I go.  For the first plank I succumbed to the siren call of CA glue (Holds instantly! No clamps needed!) and quickly regretted it.  It’s just too messy and “holds instantly” means in practice that I wasn’t able to make minor adjustments, which for me at least are always necessary.  In the end, I settled on using the CA glue only at the bow where sharp curves are required of the planks and there is no possible way to clamp them.  For the rest of it, I’m using Titebond and the homemade clamps I learned about here on MSW (which are absolutely brilliant, BTW).  I first soak the walnut planks for several hours, then taper or cut them as needed, bend with my electric plank bender, and then begin the gluing.  In this way, I’m proceeding at my blistering pace of one plank per day.  Slow, but it works for me.  Quite a bit of sanding, and filling in cracks and crevices will be needed once the planking is finished.  Good skill building experience and actually quite enjoyable.  I’ve also installed the false decks and begun planking them.  







Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Hi Mark - I’m new to the hobby, but also interested in 17th Century Dutch history, including their ships.  The Kolderstok kits are high quality, and the customer service is excellent. 😊🇳🇱

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

On 4/19/2022 at 7:17 PM, Melissa T. said:

Hi Mark - I’m new to the hobby, but also interested in 17th Century Dutch history, including their ships.  The Kolderstok kits are high quality, and the customer service is excellent. 😊🇳🇱


Awesome! I'm adding the Speel Jacht to my list of next models to build and definitely plan to add this Statenjacht afterwards as well. That cabin is just so cool!


Is @*Hans* a representative from Kolderstok? 


Yes, Hans is the owner of Kolderstok, in Dordrecht. 

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Lower hull planking complete. Have a lot of work yet to do sanding, smoothing, and filling in cracks and crevices, but very happy to have achieved this initial milestone.  Off to New London, CT tomorrow for the Northeast Ship Model Conference (looking forward to that!), and then back to my Statenjacht next week.




Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

  • 2 weeks later...

The Northeast Ship Model Conference last weekend was very inspiring - kudos to the organizers with the Philadelphia Ship Model Society!


After returning from New London, I spent the week sanding and polishing the hull of my Statenjacht, and then marking and painting the waterline.  I started sanding with 220 grit, then worked down to 320, 420, and finally 600.  Put two coats of satin spar urethane to bring out the walnut finish.  I thought marking the waterline would be a quick and easy step - wow, not so much!  After several trials and mostly errors, I ended up using a thin, flexible plank to draw the lines in accord with what is shown on the plans.  I masked using a 3M fine line tape, which I found in a NAPA auto parts store (Michaels had nothing like it).  Glad I used it as it resulted in a really sharp line with virtually no bleed-over.  Even gladder that step is behind me.  Next is to build up the upper hull.  Page 16 of a 62 page instruction manual - I might finish by Christmas!





Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Hi Melissa,


I'm enjoying watching your Statenjacht build. So much so, that I've been eyeing the Kolderstok kits that are on the shelf in Ages of Sail's warehouse for the past couple weeks. I'm trying NOT to spend any more money, or to add another kit to the stack in my closet. But, your work looks so good, it's making it difficult.




 Melissa, the hull turned out beautiful. Well done. 

Current Builds:  1870's Sternwheeler, Lula

                             Wood Hull Screw Frigate USS Tennessee

                             Decorative Carrack Warship Restoration, the Amelia


Completed: 1880s Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver                       

                       Early Swift 1805 Model Restoration



Posted (edited)

Thank you Clare and Keith for your kind comments! This has been a real learning process, though I will say that the resources on MSW and the NRG website have been invaluable.  I could not be doing this on my own.  Again, I appreciate your generous comments!


Edited by Melissa T.

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

  • 2 weeks later...

Melissa, I concur with your endorsement of Kolderstok kits. As you know Hans customer service is second to none. I recently finished the Speeljacht and currently working on the Statenjacht. I had purchased their Willem Barentsz however, when I saw the Statenjacht I fell in love with the lines, the decorations and of course the lower deck furnishings. Not quite as far along as yours but working slowly.


Slow is the way to go, IMO! Good luck with your build!

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild



If you have not visited the modelbouwforum I encourage you to do so. The following link will take you to Pietsan's superb build log of the Statenjacht.

The site is in Dutch however, windows does translate to English. You will find many Dutch ships built by Piet on this site.





Thanks - that is one amazing build log! My Statenjacht will not look like that…..😬

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


I’ll be off on a brief trip out to Oregon through next week, so I thought I’d post a quick update before I leave.  I’ve finished the upper hull and the keel - it’s been fun to see these scraps of wood gradually take on the contours of a ship!  When I get back, I’ll finish the deck planking and the inside of the upper hull.  The latter will be painted bright red. One of the things I love about this kit, and a reason I chose it, is for all the bright colors.






Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Thank you, Hans!

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

6 hours ago, Melissa T. said:

I’ll be off on a brief trip out to Oregon through next week, so I thought I’d post a quick update before I leave.  I’ve finished the upper hull and the keel - it’s been fun to see these scraps of wood gradually take on the contours of a ship!  When I get back, I’ll finish the deck planking and the inside of the upper hull.  The latter will be painted bright red. One of the things I love about this kit, and a reason I chose it, is for all the bright colors.






She is looking like a lovely little ship!


On 5/16/2022 at 6:12 AM, rtibbs2018 said:


If you have not visited the modelbouwforum I encourage you to do so. The following link will take you to Pietsan's superb build log of the Statenjacht.

The site is in Dutch however, windows does translate to English. You will find many Dutch ships built by Piet on this site.




Thanks for that link! I purchased a Speel-Jaght and definitely have the Statenjacht as a highly desired follow-up. That thread and forum look to be a great resource. 

11 minutes ago, mark.bukovich said:

She is looking like a lovely little ship!


Thanks for that link! I purchased a Speel-Jaght and definitely have the Statenjacht as a highly desired follow-up. That thread and forum look to be a great resource. 

You’ll find a build log for the Speeljacht there also

  • 3 weeks later...

Several trips away from home in May as well as the arrival of warmer weather have slowed my already slow progress on the Statenjacht, but I have been able to finish the upper hull and deck planking.  This essentially completes the hull after three months work.  I’m enjoying the project very much, and I’m definitely learning a lot in the process. I see the mistakes I’ve made, though I try to think of them as “lessons learned”!  Looking forward to working on deck furniture and fittings, which is next.





Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Your build is coming along very nicely. Never worry about the pace of your build, this is not a race but something to enjoy and learn from.

Current Build: Fair American - Model Shipways

Awaiting Parts - Rattlesnake

On the Shelf - English Pinnace

                        18Th Century Longboat


I stand firmly against piracy!


Thank you! And I agree with you 100%!

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Thank you! I truly appreciate both the wisdom and kind words of encouragement on this site!

Melissa T.


Current Build: Half Moon - Corel


Completed: 85’ Air-Sea Rescue Boat - Scratch Build, Gunboat Philadelphia - Model Shipways, Statenjacht - Kolderstok, Swampscott Dory - BlueJacket ShipCrafters

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

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