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Posted (edited)

HOF - I will see if I can find some Harry, I think the best bet would be to contact the guy that runs the Barbatos Rex YouTube channel as he seems to have an inside run with these guys.  Will let you know if I find anything.  


Kurt, James et al.  The great pity of all this is that I only became aware of a local guy (Scale Model Supplies - SMS -  who lives just up the road from me) who makes great paint, but I just found out he also makes / has a range of airbrushes called DragonAir (probably made off-shore though) a few days after posting this.  If I had known of him earlier, I would have ordered one of his airbrushes instead. Just to clarify, I wanted something cheap, with a larger needle and had an extra-large cup option simply to lay down primers.  I did not want to spend the sums some of the 'brand names' charge for this purpose.   I will stick with my H&S for fine work though. 


The problem with some Brand names however, is that to buy them or to get spares etc down here is SUPER expensive due to the high postal rates from the US and some other countries these days - this has done no favours for US companies we typically use in this hobby, and I have had to stop purchasing from the likes of Sherline etc as the postal costs are just not sustainable (the postal charges are the same if not MUCH more than the items).  As an example:  I wanted a glass bottomed airbrush cleaning pot.  I very recently looked on Amazon and found one at a very good price (less than US$25), but only available through Amazon US - that price was inviting until they added US$83 for postage for quite a small item - GO FIGURE!  


For this very reason, while it is great to be able to support local businesses (and I fully support this intention) those kinds of fees/charges just do not make it viable to order from the larger companies.  Prices within the US may be okay, but for us international customers to buy say a Badger, you can double or triple the prices down here for such items.   That is why we look at these cheaper options occasionally.


I am not trying to start a flame war here, nor to belittle any products or such, and actually agree with the sentiments expressed - its just that in reality it is hard to put into practice when these sort of prices affect people whom may be on a budget?  This post, and the original, was simply intended to try and help out others in a similar situation - buying 'Branded' is sometimes simply not an option; it would help if these 'big brands' tried to do something about the exorbitant postal costs sometime applied.





Edited by BANYAN

If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)



    I hear you. We all live within certain budgetary restraints, and would like to support our local businesses. I'm retire and live on a modest fixed income. I try to buy local and since I am in the States, buy American. Prices for certain items are just way out of my range, so bargain hunting I go. I can't always find something American made or even in Tiawan. Sometimes you just don't have a choice as to where your item will come from, if you need it you are buying it from a source that fits your budget. I am slowly replacing some of my equipment withbetter quality items, but that is on a "It doesn't work anymore" basis.



Current Build: Fair American - Model Shipways

Awaiting Parts - Rattlesnake

On the Shelf - English Pinnace

                        18Th Century Longboat


I stand firmly against piracy!

On 1/31/2023 at 3:20 PM, JKC27 said:

My wife got me a lower end airbrush for Christmas from Amazon this past Christmas.  It's my first one, and am quite happy with it.  I took it my local hobby shop and talked to owner about it, and he thought it looked like an AK knockoff.  It's super basic, but for me it seems like a good introduction into the airbrush world.  It came with a small compressor even.  Brand is MEEDEN.  https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09MHBB1FZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


Looks like a basic, all-purpose low end product.  As my hobby shop guy told me...once I get used to this one, as it should get me started, and I want to upgrade, come see him and he will hook me up - he carries a lot of the major manufacturers and different models of each.


I've used it a couple times, once just to toy with it and get the feel for it, but I've done 2 painting sessions on a cheaper model kit I got for Christmas as well, and it is pretty cool what you can do, and so much faster, and neater than using a brush.  Not sure how this brush is for doing really fine details or lines yet, but again......I will monkey around with it and see what it can do.

Well, sure enough, it appears that my barely used Amazon special has broken.  I cleaned it up good each time with airbrush cleaner, and made sure to take care of it.  I went to use it the other day, and when I attempted to spray my parts I was painting it kept wanting to back up out of the tiny hole in the tap of the cap for the paint reservoir (I guess you can call it), or try to push the cap off and paint sprayed everywhere but out the tip of the nozzle.  After cleaning up my mess and taking the airbrush apart, it looks like the threads on the small part that tip of the needle goes into where the paint comes out are stripped, and the nip of the needle would push this out essentially blocking the nozzle.  This is my best guess as far as diagnosing the problem goes.  I can screw the tip back in, but it just pulls out, so I think it is done.


Goes to show you.....if the price looks too good to be true, it almost certainly is.  Some things it's worth spending the little bit extra on.


Good thing it's my 50th birthday coming up! ;)

On 2/20/2023 at 12:20 PM, BANYAN said:

HOF - I will see if I can find some Harry, I think the best bet would be to contact the guy that runs the Barbatos Rex YouTube channel as he seems to have an inside run with these guys.  Will let you know if I find anything.  


Kurt, James et al.  The great pity of all this is that I only became aware of a local guy (Scale Model Supplies - SMS -  who lives just up the road from me) who makes great paint, but I just found out he also makes / has a range of airbrushes called DragonAir (probably made off-shore though) a few days after posting this.  If I had known of him earlier, I would have ordered one of his airbrushes instead. Just to clarify, I wanted something cheap, with a larger needle and had an extra-large cup option simply to lay down primers.  I did not want to spend the sums some of the 'brand names' charge for this purpose.   I will stick with my H&S for fine work though. 


The problem with some Brand names however, is that to buy them or to get spares etc down here is SUPER expensive due to the high postal rates from the US and some other countries these days - this has done no favours for US companies we typically use in this hobby, and I have had to stop purchasing from the likes of Sherline etc as the postal costs are just not sustainable (the postal charges are the same if not MUCH more than the items).  As an example:  I wanted a glass bottomed airbrush cleaning pot.  I very recently looked on Amazon and found one at a very good price (less than US$25), but only available through Amazon US - that price was inviting until they added US$83 for postage for quite a small item - GO FIGURE!  


For this very reason, while it is great to be able to support local businesses (and I fully support this intention) those kinds of fees/charges just do not make it viable to order from the larger companies.  Prices within the US may be okay, but for us international customers to buy say a Badger, you can double or triple the prices down here for such items.   That is why we look at these cheaper options occasionally.


I am not trying to start a flame war here, nor to belittle any products or such, and actually agree with the sentiments expressed - its just that in reality it is hard to put into practice when these sort of prices affect people whom may be on a budget?  This post, and the original, was simply intended to try and help out others in a similar situation - buying 'Branded' is sometimes simply not an option; it would help if these 'big brands' tried to do something about the exorbitant postal costs sometime applied.






On 2/20/2023 at 1:27 PM, Oldsalt1950 said:


    I hear you. We all live within certain budgetary restraints, and would like to support our local businesses. I'm retire and live on a modest fixed income. I try to buy local and since I am in the States, buy American. Prices for certain items are just way out of my range, so bargain hunting I go. I can't always find something American made or even in Tiawan. Sometimes you just don't have a choice as to where your item will come from, if you need it you are buying it from a source that fits your budget. I am slowly replacing some of my equipment withbetter quality items, but that is on a "It doesn't work anymore" basis.




7 hours ago, JKC27 said:

Well, sure enough, it appears that my barely used Amazon special has broken.  I cleaned it up good each time with airbrush cleaner, and made sure to take care of it.  I went to use it the other day, and when I attempted to spray my parts I was painting it kept wanting to back up out of the tiny hole in the tap of the cap for the paint reservoir (I guess you can call it), or try to push the cap off and paint sprayed everywhere but out the tip of the nozzle.  After cleaning up my mess and taking the airbrush apart, it looks like the threads on the small part that tip of the needle goes into where the paint comes out are stripped, and the nip of the needle would push this out essentially blocking the nozzle.  This is my best guess as far as diagnosing the problem goes.  I can screw the tip back in, but it just pulls out, so I think it is done.


Goes to show you.....if the price looks too good to be true, it almost certainly is.  Some things it's worth spending the little bit extra on.


Good thing it's my 50th birthday coming up! ;)

Hi Pat, Jim & JKC,

Good to see considered opinions on the "Good, Cheap and Quick" stuff

Yup, I get the shipping cost thing, I looked at a $11.00 bottle of Brass Blackening solution from Amason but shipping was three times that!!


I agree very much with support local, only problem, I do not see many "Specialist" companies here that make things like Airbrushes or much else for that matter for the serious hobbyist, NZ is just too small perhaps.

So, I feel that I have not much option other than look further afield for just about everything apart from paints and things of a basic ilk.


There are companies here that support IWATA as I have found but the prices for spares are "Out to lunch."

(NZD$50.00 for a nozzle to "Maybe" fix my IWATA is $50.00 I'd rather spend on something that works.)


Anyway, I am looking forward to receiving the "Valur for money Airbrush" I can then get back to doing some, (Hopefully), quality work.... 🙂


Cheers and Regards,




Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


I use an iwata hp-cs (eclipse). I have nothing but good things to say about it. The main brush has a 0.3mm nozel, but you can order a replacement nozzle and and needle in the 0.7mm size which I find works better if I am using primer or want to cover a much broader area.


If you want a budget option that won’t break immediately you could look into the iwata neo. It is not the same quality as the eclipse, but it does the job (i have a friend who uses one, mostly for priming and varnishing). You can pick it up for under $100 (Canada).


Lots of good information here. As others have said, often what you purchase comes down to what your personal budget can handle. My budget can usually handle decent, middle of the road items. My tool;s used to incorporate Snap-on and the like. Now, I don't make part of my living turning wrenches- I'm retired tho luckily not on a super tight income. My tools, if needed for a special project are now from Harbor Freight, AMAZON or Home Depot. Do I prefer US or other 1st world made? Of course, but Economics 101 (Wage - Price Spiral) has driven the costs well out many of our needs range.


As to an air brush, if you only need it occasionally, maybe one of the $30 AMAZON knock offs will work just fine. If it only lasts 3-4 uses and a new one is on the horizon, then maybe another one will work. Then, you get to using it regularly, those dimes and quarters under the sofa cushions add up for that Badger,US made  Paashe or Japanese Iwata


Great topic.  A cheap airbrush can be a good intro to airbrushing and it makes sense to get a cheap one to learn on because if you end up breaking it you arn't out a lot.  Even a cheap airbrush can be improved with a few simple mods.  Polishing the needle makes a big difference.  Can't find it now but there was a website with lots of info on airbrushing, reviews of different models including some cheap ones and tips on using and improving performance.  Best bet is to read up on how things work before taking the plunge. 

My advice and comments are always worth what you paid for them.


I suspect that most of us who own or want to own airbrushes are just looking for a tool that will lay down a nice even coat of paint.  If I am correct why buy a double action airbrush?  I have a Badger 350 single action airbrush.  It is reliable and easy to keep clean. It sprays both enamel and acrylic paints.  Amazon currently sells a Badger 350 with air hose, paint jar, etc. shipped to a US destination for about $40.00.



On 2/12/2023 at 10:53 PM, BANYAN said:

I just received one with the intention to see how it performs also. 



Sorry but i have only just seen this.


I bought a compressor with 2 airbrush pack and to be fair the airbrushes looked well made. It cost about £90 for the whole package. The airbrushes lasted about 18 months of very limited use  - probably 10 to 15 times for each brush. I didn't really regret getting them because it was my first experience of air brushing. When it came to replacement I bought an Iwata Neo which cost £60 and it has lasted somewhat better. it is now about 5 years old and still going strong - but again not heavily used. I note the Neo is now about £100. Hope this helps.



Current Build:-

Cangarda (Steam Yacht) - Scale 1:24


Previous Builds:-


Schooner Germania (Nova) - Scale 1:36


Schooner Altair by KeithAug - Scale 1:32 - 1931


J Class Endeavour by KeithAug - Amati - Scale 1:35 - 1989 after restoration.



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Nautical Adventures





That's the sort of approach I am also looking at Keith.  If I restrict its use to simply laying down primer then even if I only get 10 uses out of it, then that is probably 10 models as I use my high-end one (H&S) for the finer and smaller parts.  The big 'seller' for me was the interchangeable larger volume paint cups which is what I needed.  


Roger, I agree, there is not much fine detail work I do with an airbrush.  If I was an artist or doing heavy weathering of a plastic model then there is no other way but to go for a better quality brush.


Harry, I think you are in an even more restrictive situation than me.  I put some water through the other day it it worked fine with the two larger needles.  I'll be putting some [aint down soon using the large cup, and that will be the real test.  I wouldn't want to drop the thing though, it is very light weight.


cheers, and many thanks for all of the comments and feedback.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)

38 minutes ago, BANYAN said:

That's the sort of approach I am also looking at Keith.  If I restrict its use to simply laying down primer then even if I only get 10 uses out of it, then that is probably 10 models as I use my high-end one (H&S) for the finer and smaller parts.  The big 'seller' for me was the interchangeable larger volume paint cups which is what I needed.  


Roger, I agree, there is not much fine detail work I do with an airbrush.  If I was an artist or doing heavy weathering of a plastic model then there is no other way but to go for a better quality brush.


Harry, I think you are in an even more restrictive situation than me.  I put some water through the other day it it worked fine with the two larger needles.  I'll be putting some [aint down soon using the large cup, and that will be the real test.  I wouldn't want to drop the thing though, it is very light weight.


cheers, and many thanks for all of the comments and feedback.





Thanks Pat,

I am very careful with my Airbrushes, I have learned quite a bit about the devices and do thorough "Maintenance" after every use.


I'm hoping that it will last the "Distance" and should do with care and respect. I have used "Gravity Feed" with one of my older airbrushes and find it preferable to the "Siphon" machines.


I think next week, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to have a play. 🙂


Cheers and Regards,



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


I hope it arrives soon Harry; hopefully all in good working order -- no trouble with mine as it was well packaged.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)

1 hour ago, BANYAN said:

I hope it arrives soon Harry; hopefully all in good working order -- no trouble with mine as it was well packaged.





Hi Pat,

The Item arrived yesterday a week before the scheduled delivery date. 🙂

It looks really good, well packaged and well engineered. but I am yet to use this.






Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/30/2023 at 8:05 PM, kurtvd19 said:

I am attaching a link to Badger's website.  Click on it and then download their ULTIMATE AIRBRUSH 101.  It is a great guide to almost everything one needs to get started in airbrushing.  On Page 5 of 13 the part about how to pick an airbrush starts.  This tells you the brush or brushes they recommend for doing particular jobs.  There is no one best airbrush for every job, but there is one best brush for a specific job.  The trick is deciding what's most important for your particular job.  And there are great brushes from all of the name brands.

Badger Website CLICK HERE  

This is great information, Kurt! Thanks for sharing!  I'm a new shipbuilder, currently working on my 4th ship, the Bluenose, and have considered learning how to do airbrushing for this model rather than the ol' paint brush method in the past.  The Badger website also has a link to a YouTube video with Ken Scholtfeldt explaining all about airbrushing parts and what to look for with various applications.  It's long but pretty interesting! Introduction to Airbrushing with Ken Schlotfeldt - YouTube




Current Projects:                                                             Completed Projects:                                                                 Waiting for Shipyard Clearance:

 Santa Maria Caravelle 1:48 - Ships of Pavel Nikitin     Norwegian Sailing Pram 1:12 - Model Shipways                    USS Constitution 1:76 - Model Shipways

                                                                                              Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 - Model Shipways        Yacht America Schooner 1851 1:64 - Model Shipways 

                                                                                              H.M. Schooner Ballahoo 1:64 - Caldercraft                             RMS Titanic 1:300 - OcCre (May now never get to it)

                                                                                              Bluenose 1921 1:64 - Model Shipways

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