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Hi Kim, yes Dave, Fran, Diane and I thoroughly enjoyed our brief time together.  Thank you for your comments.  Today, we're in St. Augustine, Fl  and we met with Piet and his wife Gwen and got to view his models.  This Forum is remarkable for bringing people together with a common interest.....model ships and boats....


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com

Posted (edited)

It has been a while...so I thought I would let you know I am still at it...


The gun tackle is extremely tedious. I am about half done and they are now averaging completion of about 1 gun per day. But the speed and efficiency is improving so maybe 10 days or so before they are finished. I am not going to add the train tackle since I have no crew to man the guns anyway (and to preserve my sanity) preferring instead to leave them in inspection mode.


After the guns are finished then on to the relatively easier task of setting the anchor cable, install the pumps and capstan, attach the camboose to its base, align both with the spar deck receptacles and then seal the deck up...whew...and none will have ever arrived happier to the spar deck.

Edited by lambsbk

Thanks for this log.... your work is very creative! Lots of great tips I can use! I noticed this log stopped in March - do you have any updates, if it's done would you mind sharing with us? 

Posted (edited)

Gregg, welcome aboard. I am a little confused. This log is up to date and reflects my current status. I am in the middle of working the gun tackle for the rest of the 24 pounder cannons. I have 2 other active threads. One is describing the fiber optic lamps and the other is hooks and blocks creation. The links below will get you there. There are a couple of other threads that I have not posted to in a while and for all intent and purpose they are concluded. One is on painted model preservation of the paint and the other is about the 3 piece Revell decks. Were you referring to these?





Edited by lambsbk

Great Pics, Dave...!!!  The Cell phone pics never cease to amaze me, at how well they turn out, and how crisp a

shot that they take...!!!  All of that work surely pays off in both self satisfaction, and genuine all purpose value...!!!

Keep it up...!!!  Kim

Current Builds in Progress: 'Novelty Build'...'DreamShip'...'Wooden Shoe' of 'Wynken, Blinkin, & Nod' - U.S.S. Constitution (Revell) ; America .


Yikes...I just realized I should have quantitated the time per gun given above. The 5 hours per gun is approximate. It includes:


 The revision of the gun carriages:

1. added ringbolts for the breaching on carriage sides

2. Added eyebolts for the gun tackle and train tackle

3. detail paint to the carriages for carriage hardware

4. capsquare addition


Bulwark modifications:

1. ringbolt addition for breaching

2. eyebolt addition for gun tackle


Breaching modifications:

1. lashed the breaching for each cannon

2. attached breaching to the ringbolts

3. clove hitch the knobs


Gun tackle:

1. 2mm single and double block strop

2. formed hooks for the tackle

3. formed rope coils for the deck

4. secured a set to each gun


Lastly it includes securing the guns to the deck after cupping the wheel contact points for better grip.


OK. So there it is... about 5 hours per gun


Wow Dave, looking very good, of course knowing you, one would expect no less than perfection.  Almost feels like standing on the deck again.  We are currently in Biloxi, Mississippi, tomorrow to Lake Charles, La and then home on Monday.  Hopefully the shipyard will reopen this week.  Next season it's off to the west.  Very glad we could get together in Charleston.....it makes these logs quite special as well as making new acquaintances.  I'll be following your progress along the way.


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


I hope your trip home is a safe one John. I can't wait to see the shipyard back open. I know you are anxious to move forward with your build. Heck, in June I was just out of town for 10 days and found myself thinking, re-thinking, and anticipating getting some build work done.  Hmmm...that might not sound to some like a vacation. :)


The Block and Tackle shop is, for now, closed. The guns are complete...at last...until I get to the spar deck when it will re-open again. I am glad to move on. Surely shrouds and ratlines can not be more tedious than these guns and the re-work to make them a bit more authentic (or, at least, as I eventually get to them I hope not as tedious). If they are PLEASE nobody tell me! ;) :)


Some final shots to date are below.







I think you should be VERY proud of those guns.


Now as far as ratlines are concerned ...................



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956


Hi Dave, really looking nice.  Lots of tedium....By the way, do you recall that each cannon did have a name, which was posted above each gun?  I have a picture but it's on my other computer.  I'll post one for you later in case you don't have any....lol.


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


Oh yeah.....I remember them......believe I've heard those before....lol


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


Fantastic work.....and fine attention to detail...just kinda sad it will all be lost when you deck her..cept for guns amidships that can be viewed from above.



Current build:

Build log: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/25382-glory-of-the-seas-medium-clipper-1869-by-rwiederrich-196



Finished build:

Build log: of 1/128th Great Republic: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13740-great-republic-by-rwiederrich-four-masted-extreme-clipper-1853/#


Current build(On hold):

Build log: 1/96  Donald McKay:http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4522-donald-mckay-medium-clipper-by-rwiederrich-1855/


Completed build:  http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/gallery/album/475-196-cutty-sark-plastic/

The LORD said, "See, I have set (them) aside...with skills of all kinds, to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver, and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts."


The lighting has a good chance of keeping some of the work visible. I have repositioned the aft cabin doors as well to give a view through them and the transom windows. But, you are right, some of the detail will only be a memory when the spar deck is attached. I pretty much resigned myself to that fact when I decided to re-work this deck.  Thanks for watching Rob.

Posted (edited)

   Hi Dave...!!!...  Kim Here...  I have a suggestion here, which may or may not strike a few nerves from some followers, but I really believe that you're at a point whereas you can truly enhance your work, with an additional display...meaning Do Not add the second, or upper deck to this model, or 'Unit'...!!!

   By All Means...(I would) Please consider building a Second Ship, ( or 'Piggy Back' ) that would include the upper deck (sans all of the'extras' on the lower deck) to be displayed along side of this Ship, in order for the viewer to actually see not only your Fine Work!!!, but they'll actually have a chance to view and see just how complicated and 'Busy' that deck was, and how serious the United States was at that time to constructing the ultimate frigate of its' time...

   You have completed some very serious hours in this piece, and it would be almost shameful to have it hidden from the Model Ship World by covering it, per the instructions of Revell...by covering it...

   This also 'proves' (if you will ) how serious a modeler you are, in ('showing off' !!! and) showing everyone the true skills you have offered for anyone to see...!!!

Please consider this...!!!???

Your work is beyond commendable...!!!   Kim  !!

Edited by KimatHm

Current Builds in Progress: 'Novelty Build'...'DreamShip'...'Wooden Shoe' of 'Wynken, Blinkin, & Nod' - U.S.S. Constitution (Revell) ; America .

Posted (edited)

Hello Again, Dave...

   One other Suggestion to consider...!!!  Complete the Ship you're working on, only Replacing the Upper Deck with...Clear Styrene...which would allow the 'See Through' variation, allowing a full view of the existing lower deck, as it is...This really would be a very simple solution, and not very difficult to achieve...

   Additionally. you could do it in One Piece as opposed to the 3 pieces provided by Revell...worth a thought...!!!???  Be Proud of your work, My Friend...!!!

   It is possible to order, and / or obtain sheets of clear, OR slightly tinted, (such as a 'light tan') styrene for this purpose, which I'm sure you would be excellent at crafting, to provide the view of the lower deck, in all its' Glory ...!!!

 Blessings again...!!!


Edited by KimatHm

Current Builds in Progress: 'Novelty Build'...'DreamShip'...'Wooden Shoe' of 'Wynken, Blinkin, & Nod' - U.S.S. Constitution (Revell) ; America .


I appreciate everyone's concern and complements about the gun deck. Truth is I already knew some detail would be lost to the spar deck. But I am OK with that. I've learned a lot doing the gun deck. But just to lay speculation to rest I dry fit the spar deck tonight and fired up the lanterns. As expected the bitts and camboose are not that visible with the other deck furniture but there was a lot of detail preserved as well due to the large main hatch as well as the other hatches (which will remain open - my crew will have to be extra careful on the spar deck), the repositioning of the aft cabin doors to full open, and the bridal ports being unobstructed. In fact, the view was really cool. The lantern light produced shadow that ENHANCED the detail in many ways. It is looking like I visualized and I can't be unhappy about that at all. 


The work continues toward the stern. I started working on the chain pumps today. It was nice to be back into the research as well as re-dimensioning for this fitting. Next up are the elm pumps and then the capstan.


I have not found any evidence of gun deck stanchions except the removable ones now on the vessel (although the Berth and Orlop decks have them.) This is curious but also fortunate as I am getting itchy to move up in this build. Thanks everyone again for your kind suggestions and thanks for your continued interest.


Glad to hear that you will be able to see some of your fantastic work.  The lights are a great idea.


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


I am currently working on the chain pumps. I have not decided how many. Some references seem to indicate 6 were installed while others limit to 4. If anyone knows with better certainty I would appreciate their feedback.


Also...of what were they made? Some folks have painted them black as if of iron but my search shows them to be wooden structures with metal chain and plates internally.


Thoughts anyone. Thanks.


The pics below show my dilemma. The pumps are in relative position. The 6 pump pic seems crowded to me and leaves little room for the elm pumps. The 4 pump pic seems more correct to the descriptions. These are not finished yet. The outlet has to be made and glued. The down pipe should be square as well but the idea is evident from the photos.


6 chain pumps



4 chain pumps


Posted (edited)

I have not had much time to work the build this week. Daughter no. 1 is about to be married this weekend and there has been very little time for ... fun. But I did sneak in a few items on the chain pumps. I used the 6" rule for their dimensions. Using the reference photo below the pipe inner diameter is reported to be 6" (an elm log hollowed I believe). This made the up and down pipe about 12". These were used to apprx. the rest of the pump size. Mine may be a little large but the plastic crew member is about waist high to the pump handle and that can't be too far off.




The finished parts:


Edited by lambsbk

I think the phrase "you know it's there" comes to mind for the lower gun deck. At least you can see it through the gun ports. I once spent months loading a B-17 with a ton of etched detail never to be seen again once it was closed up. Thank goodness I took some pictures


This is a wonderful log - I built this kit in the 80's - before the internet and this great forum - but not to this level of super detail. Straight out of the box as they say


I think I'll keep watching this one


Current Build

HMS Indefatigable 

Erycina - Vanguard Models

Finished: HM Bomb Vessel Granado - Caldercraft, HMS Pegasus - Victory models, Nisha - Vanguard Models


I made several mistakes today:


First I was in a hurry. Second: I did not measure twice. Third: I did not dry fit...arrgghhh...


Now - I have to undo and redo the pumps. I was concerned that they were too close to the main mast so I moved the handle center outward. That moved the pumps outward. Too far outward... Now they are in the way of the gun actions and they are not to scale of the drawing. My fears of their proximity to the main mast was unfounded. Since I had already drilled the 1/16" receptacle holes for the pumps I glued them anyway. I am not happy with them though. So AFTER THE WEDDING I will remove them, repair the deck, and reinstall in their correct positions. Live and learn. 






I was able to get back to the pumps the last few days. I am afraid the deck took a little beating up in the process. In addition the pumps are a little too close at the mid-deck level - but they are not so far off the mark. As a result of moving them they are now away from the gun actions. Again, I sized the pumps based on the 6" diameter in the inner tubes. I think I am close on the scaling. Although the crew will not be utilized I placed a member near the pumps for perspective. I am much happier with this revision overall.




With crewman...


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