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Posted (edited)

The rigging is finally complete but for tidying up and mounting some rope coils. There is one omission: the rigging of the ensign halliard.  There is no indication on the plan to show where the lower block should be rigged and the positioning is not obvious. Recourse to Petersson (aka the bible) drew a blank and the internet ditto. So this Vanguard shall remain flagless unless someone has a suggestion.


I am now hoping to restrict any future knot-tying to shoe lace,s and thinking about what, if anything, I will do next - suggestions are again welcome.


Here is what it all looks like now. The lights are to be installed:(, gunport lids put on and the rudder mounted.  Once all of that is done over the next 2 or 3 weeks, I then have figure out what to do with the damn thing.












The photo following is a product of my losing battle with Windows10/Nikon. I rotated the picture in the Nikon software to portrait and here is the result.:angry:


Ah ha!  The Nikon software apparently doesn't talk to the windows10 software. Rotating the photo in Widows10 did the trick.  



Edited by RMC

Hi Bob


Thank you very much. I will follow the manual then, and paint the inside of the gallery a light grey as on victory and the 'floor' dark grey to black.

You just saved me a lot of unnecessary, fiddly work.





"... then have figure out what to do with the damn thing."


Hi Bob


In real live usually the admiralty decides where the ships have to go...


Ensign halyard: Usually a single block (suggest 3mm) is mounted at the end on the main gaff. A flag line (0.1mm natural thread) passes through the block with both ends running. Both ends are belayed at the same cleat on the inner bulwark (or a similar belaying point) just about abeam of the block.

That means that you belay the line on the cleat, the opposite end leads up through the block and back down to be belayed at the same cleat. The ensign is fixed to one of the ends.

Similar cleats should be provided on both sides, port and starboard, to enable the ensign to be set on either side of the gaff sail.

This description follows the manual of Caldercrafts 'Pickle'. I find CC's manuals usually very well researched and accurate.


Below you find a picture of my Pickles Ensign and its halyard.






Posted (edited)

Hi Peter

Thanks for taking the trouble to help.


After having a look at the crowded deck and being unwilling to drill into the top of the decorative facia, I think my Vanguard will have to go without an ensign.  The plan shows a block on the main gaff (which I have installed), the line going down to a block somewhere on the deck.  The arrangement you describe sounds far more sensible, but if you can find an accessible belaying point on the inner bulkhead (see below), please let me know.  However I could run the line down and belay to the eyelet shown in the following photo, and may give that a test run to see how it looks, but I am rather lukewarm on the idea.


Aside from all of this, the rigging is finished!:D


Incidentally, if anyone  has suggestions for another ship to build, please let me know.












Edited by RMC

Hi Bob - very impressive indeed.  On the ensign question, I'd be tempted to attach a couple of cleats to the inside of the stern fascia as Peter suggests to use as belaying points - of course I'm not how feasible that is with everything in place.  The other consideration is that given you've shown her without sails and not underway, the ensign would not have been flown from a halliard, rather on a removeable staff mounted in hoops in the center of the stern fascia - you should see plenty of pics of this on HSM Victory to illustrate by googling.


"Which it will be ready when it is ready!"
In the shipyard:

HMS Jason (c.1794: Artois Class 38 gun frigate)

Queen Anne Royal Barge (c.1700)


HMS Snake (c.1797: Cruizer Class, ship rigged sloop)

Posted (edited)

Hi Bob


As far as I can make out, the second pins from the front on both aftermost pin rails are free for the flag line.

Or: Sometimes, when I run out of belaying points I use the same point to belay two different lines. I'm not sure about the real ships, but if you consider all those additional lines necessary for the sails (including buntlines, reef lines etc.) I guess they run sometimes out of belaying points too.


If you don't like the flag coming with the kit, you could hand paint one on thin cotton and even choose the squadron you want to attach your Vanguard to. At the battle of the Nile Nelson was a rear admiral of the blue and she probably showed a blue ensign (as did the Titanic btw. either because  Cpt Smith was a honorary CMD in the RNR or she was a Royal Naval Reserved Merchant Cruiser).




Edited by flyer

Thanks Jason for taking the trouble to reply.  Unfortunately access to the inside of the stern fascia isn't possible. I did look at Victory on the net and checked out the staff-mounted ensign, but putting the hoops on at this stage is just isn't on.


Peter: I hadn't thought of the pin rails. I'll see how it works out.  I am going away for a few days.  When I return I will post a photo of the flags Chris Watton sent me when I bought the kit.








have you tried cornwall model boats? they sell becc flags.

keep up the great work,




Current Build - Caldercraft Victory


Completed - Artesiana Latina Swift, Harvey, MGS Prince de Neufchatel, Imai USS Susquehanna, Mamoli Constitution, Rattlesnake per Hunt Practium, Caldercraft Snake, Diana, Kammerlander Duke William 


Waiting to be Launched -  Bluejacket Constitution



Proud member of The New Jersey Ship Model Society

Posted (edited)

Here are the flags supplied by Chris Watton with the kit. I have cut out the mercantile flag to see how it looks.  I presume the white ensign is the correct flag to use.


Mort; I have looked at the Model Boats' flags and they are, I think, superior to these.  If I end up putting a flag on the model, I'll go with them. There are two considerations regarding my flag dilemma: first, the real difficulty in mounting it; and second, that the flags I have seen on many models make them look rather toy-like.


This is an experiment to see if I can get the flag to hang naturally - this could certainly be better.





On another topic: looking at another project -  Amati's Victory Model bomb vessel 'Granado' appeals.  Has anyone some feedback/comments on this?



Edited by RMC

Hi Bob


But, that flag looks quite good. You could soak it with watered glue before folding to make the crinkles last.


A few years ago I built Caldercrafts Granado which, I believe, is almost identical to the Amati kit. Perhaps CC provides the better manuals and certainly the better guns.

The kit lets you build a great model with a lot of interesting details. There is also a book available in the Anatomy of the Ship series. Altogether Granado would be a very rewarding project and with the experience you have, you would be able to build a gem.






Thanks for the advice Peter.  I have looked at the Caldercraft Granado - it definitely looks better than the Amati version.


All the best



Posted (edited)

I'm finally finishing the the gun ports. Here are a couple of little jigs that may help others in the same .. (er)... boat. They both work well.


This jig helps centre the gun barrels and provides a guide for their consistent height.



This provides a guide for the gun port lids to be at a consistent angle.







Edited by RMC

Thanks Bill.


The starboard gun ports are now complete - now working on the port.  I'm hoping the rope supports to the gun port lids on this side will be a little better as I've learned a few things in the process.  Here's how things look.


I see the following photo doesn't show up well. I'll photograph the other side when I finish and hope it comes out a little more clearly than this.














 Wow!, who would ever of thought of making a jig that makes the gun barrels in the centre of the gun ports.

I will be putting that in my book of notes, not to be forgotten. great work.



Saving for: HMS Vanguard...Victory models.

finished: Bluenose11...Billing Boats... (sorry no log.


Hi Peter

I have now decided on the Caldercraft Granado.  Thanks for the advice.  All I have to do now is find somewhere to buy it as I cannot find an Australian distributor.  Cornwall Model Boats seems the most likely, and I have come across Premier Model Ships on the web which seems to offer it quite cheaply. Has anyone dealt with them?


All the best




Hi Bob

Have you looked at miniaturesteammodels.com? They’re an Australian distributor for Caldercraft models. I’ve bought two ships off them (Diana and Badger). Good price at the time and quick delivery.




All of the guns/gunport lids are now finished. This is how it all looks, including it seems, a crewperson.  Hope all the photos don't overdo it.


I have now ordered a Granado.  It will be interesting to see how the quality compares with Vanguard.
















Posted (edited)

Hi Bob, 

Have you hoisted the Ensign?

Is it nearly finished?


Looks good.

Regards, Martin

Edited by MartinB

Hi Martin

Thanks for the note.

Yes.  It is nearly finished, but I think the ensign will have to be consigned to the locker. I can't see any way of raising it now, though I'll continue to think about it ..... Unfortunately I have nowhere to put it .  The thing is more than 1.2m long and nearly as high so I guess it will remain forever as a work-in-progress.


Hi Bob,


I have to say what a superb job you have made of your Vanguard . . . and I'm looking forward to your Granado build. 


Although I haven't commented on your log before now, I've been lurking around your 30 pages of progress over the last few months and have been referring to lots of your excellent pictures more than a few times. I'm at the rigging stage of my build and I've found your build log invaluable to me.


. . . and there's something else that I've read in your log that I've found helpful - - - I think that on a few occasions you've commented on your close-up photographs - well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds them (that's MY close-ups I'm talking about) very discouraging. What I see in my own build 'with my eyes'  isn't what I see when I look at these brutal close-ups!




I cut it twice . . . . . and it's still too short!



HMS Leopard 1790; scratch build 1:80 PoB

Cross Section - HMS Leopard 1790 - 1:44         



Posted (edited)

Thanks Bluto (Popeye the sailor?).  I'm glad my log has been of help.  I have often found when looking at someone's log or on the internet, that whatever I want to see is just out of shot.  I therefor tend to go a bit overboard with the photos hoping that as much as possible - good and not so good -  is shown.

Edited by RMC

First class build, it's been a joy to follow your log and I'll be looking out for your next one.





Current Build - HMS Victory, Caldercraft - scale  1:64,  started September 2021

Cutty Sark, Constructo - scale 1:115, finished August 2021

HMS Bounty, Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build, finished April 2019

Posted (edited)

Hi Bob,


I for one am happy that you went overboard with the photo's. I confess that I too have been referring to your log on a regular basis. I am building the HMS Elephant option of this kit. (Rigging and masts not yet started)

You, Glenn, Fake John Bull, and Arthur, have been invaluable.




One day I hope to post something that you all can use.




Edited by MartinB

Thanks for the kind notes Martin, Nigel and Jim - much appreciated.


There are still a few things to do on Vanguard. The anchors are a work-in-progress. I found what I understand to be the correct knot for the anchor cable and in most of the photos of anchors I have come across seem to have the anchor ring (?) served in a manner shown on the photo below. So I decided to give it a try with the following results.





I have since touched up the copper wire showing here - though the close-up exaggerates all  its faults.   I have now done the remaining two which have turned out a little more neatly than the first.










Thanks Bob for the thought.

The cleats on the boom are to tie off the sail, so I think I will leave them alone.  

I have been experimenting  to see if a cleat above the side gallery will work without fouling other rigging and it looks OK. It's a pity I didn't think of the flag earlier.  I  will put on the cleats and try the white ensign I have, but if I can't get it to hang realistically I'll try Mort's suggestion of the becc flag.  Evidently at the Nile, Nelson was a Rear Admiral of the blue  (thanks Peter), so I'll see if anyone sells those.


Nice work on the anchor as it looks perfect.  I haven't made mine yet but I'd like to try and emulate your work, if that's ok with you?




Current Build - HMS Victory, Caldercraft - scale  1:64,  started September 2021

Cutty Sark, Constructo - scale 1:115, finished August 2021

HMS Bounty, Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build, finished April 2019

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