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Hello Everyone,


I am pleased to reload my build log of my Armed Virginia Sloop. I was able to find some of my early posts on the internet and some word documents that I had saved, but will have to recreate some of the later posts.


As I commented on in this first post, I want to thank those AVS builders and forum members who offered encouragement and advise on this build.  Also, a special thanks to Alistair who sent me many PM's and pictures in the last six months encouraging me to complete this build.


Originally Posted April 25, 2009


There seems to be a lot of activity on MSW with building the Armed Virginia Sloop by Model Shipways.  I thought that I might as well jump in and show my progress on my AVS.  I know that I will get a lot of support and encouragement by the forum members and this should help me complete my AVS.


One thing that I want to say up front is that I have learned so much from the AVS builders that had build logs that I studied. I especially enjoyed the build logs of people like Bahamas Diver, Pete Jaquith, Bob Riddoch, John Smith and others. Their build logs inspired me to do a better job on my AVS and I thank them for taking the time to post their builds.


This is the second ship model that I have attempted. The first was an Enterprise of 1799 by Constructo.  This kit had one and a half pages of instructions in English.  I completed the hull but felt that I needed more experience to complete her.  Around this time, I heard about Bob Hunt’s Lauck Street Shipyard practicum on the Armed Virginia Sloop.  The practicum is a course that covers every aspect of building this kit.  It has nine chapters and contains 386 pages of text, pictures and drawings and is supported by a private forum at Lauck Street Shipyard. I know that by following the practicum to build my AVS, I would expand my skills and return to finish up my Enterprise.


I read the practicum and realized that I could build the AVS.  So I ordered the kit on January 23, 2003, and eagerly started construction when it arrived.


When the kit arrived, I was impressed with how much wood was in the box.  It was so many pieces and different sizes that had to be organized.  I bought some paper tags that had string on them and sorted and labeled my wood.  This is a must for this kit as there are so many different sizes of wood.


Chapter One of the practicum had you install the bulkheads on the false keel.  The practicum goes in great detail on how to cut the rabbet and has many illustrations on the relationship of the angle of the rabbet to the false keel.  In addition, the practicum explains how to make the bow and stern filler blocks.  I followed the practicum and had no problems.


In Chapter Two, I installed the first layer of planking.  Again, the practicum has very clear and concise instructions with many drawings and pictures on how to do the planking.  After completing Chapter Two, this is what my AVS looks like.





Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Originally Posted April 30, 2009


In this post, I will be updating my build log to the point where I resumed building my AVS in January, 2009, after three and a half years of no work on her.


Chapter Three of the practicum has you doing the remaining planking.  I started out planking the inside of the bulwarks.  When planking over the gun ports, I would trim the planking to open up the gun ports.  After I completed the bulwark planking, I placed thin strips of wood in the upper and lower opening of the gun ports to fill the gap between the first layer outer planking and the inside bulwark planking.  I took care to make sure that my gun ports openings were uniform.


Then it was on to the second layer of planking.  The planking above the wales worked out fine as there was very little tapering.  For the planking below the wales, the practicum had you install the planks in scale lengths in a four butt pattern.  This was a different method than what was taught on the first layer of planking.  After completing the second layer, I sanded everything and applied several coats of MinWax Wipe On Poly, sanding with 0000 steel wool between coats.  I was real happy with the finish.  However, I changed my mind, sanded down the poly finish and painted my AVS using Model Shipways paint.  For the AVS, I really like the painted version as it is a very colorful ship.


Chapter Four has you completing the deck details.  I started building the hatches, companionway and scuttle.  These were built first as you plank the deck around the deck furnishings.  I followed the deck planking as per the practicum.  If I were doing it over again, I would have used a four butt pattern for the deck planking, where the practicum had you just using one long plank with no butts.  I also completed the quarter deck wall planking and the poop deck planking.  In this section, I also built the cannons.  I made a jig so that all of the cannons would be uniform.  The practicum called for the installation of the oar sweeps, but I elected not to install them.  This basically completed the hull of the AVS.


Chapter Five is where I got bogged down and construction came to a halt.  This chapter is where you complete all of the smaller deck details, eyebolt and cleat installation, ships wheel, swivel cannons and rigging of the cannons.  For the ships wheel, I ordered a wooden one from Model Expo.  The wheel was too thick, so I sanded down both sides and am happy with the outcome.  This is where I stopped construction.  Following are pictures of my AVS at this stage of construction.





Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Originally Posted November 12, 2009


Hello Everyone,

I have finally gotten to a point where I can show some progress on my AVS. I have completed all of the deck furniture and only have the rigging of the train block and tackle on the cannons to complete. I even found time to finish the display board.

After I had attached the cleats, swivel cannon mounts, catheads and boom crutches to the hull, I sealed the hull with Testors Dull Coat. This will help to protect the hull. After sealing the hull, I made the stern windows using Micro Kristal Clear. It looks like a white glue and dries clear. I was satisfied with the results of this.

I am using MoRope for the rigging and Warner Woods West blocks. I am extremely satisfied with both of these products. I was going to use 3mm blocks for the cannon tackle, but I could not get them to work. They were just too small for me to work with using the Practicum instructions. I wound up using 3.5mm blocks, which were still much smaller than the kit supplied blocks.

Getting this far has been a major hurdle for me. I feel that I have been stuck in Chapter 5 of the Practicum for years. I have received a lot of support from fellow forum members on this build log and through PM's from others.

Another incentive for me to finish my AVS is that I have on order the MS Brig Syren. I want to participate in the Syren Community Build as this is the kind of support that I need. Chuck has developed a super kit and supplements it with a detailed practicum. With his support on the forum and the support of the other Syren Build members, I know that I will complete a ship model that I will be proud of.

Here are some pictures of my AVS. I will try to post some more progress pictures after I finish attaching all of the deck details and finish the cannon rigging.





Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Originally Posted January 10, 2010


Happy New Year everyone! I hope that 2010 is the best year yet.

It has been a while since I last posted an update on my AVS Build Log. I have been working trying to finish up all of my deck furnishings. The part of the build I thought would give me the most problems was rigging my cannons and making the rope coils. Having never done this, I checked into the many ways of making the rope coils. I am using MoRope and did not want to cut my rigging line, so I opted to make the coils on the deck.

This is the procedure that I went with. I started with Elmer’s White glue thinned with water (75% glue to 25% water) and added a couple of drops of dish detergent to help absorb the glue into the rigging line. I placed a piece of double sided tape next to the cannon and then cut a small square of wax paper and laid it on top of the double sided tape. This is where I would construct my rope coils. I took and stretched out the line to be coiled and give it a good coating of my glue mixture. I then coiled the line around an Xacto aluminum knife handle and keep working it on the wax paper. Eventually the rigging line would lay right, but you have to keep adding glue. When the glue dries, you will not see any evidence of the glue residue. I gave the line a heavy coat of glue where I was going to cut off the excess line. MoRope will unravel quickly if you do not have the area glued where you cut the line. Here is a picture of the rope coils drying on my deck.post-15-0-88977700-1361933034.jpg

After the rope coils dried, I carefully removed them from the wax paper. I then discarded the wax paper and tape that was on the deck. I placed an old Xacto knife blade under the MoRope where I was making the cut so that I would not damage the deck. I cut the excess line off and placed some undiluted glue on the underside of the coils and positioned them on the deck.

This was the first time that I have made rope coils. I felt I had better practice making them, as I did not want to mess up my cannon tackle rigging. I practiced making many coils using the kit supplied materials, but was not having much success. I finally practiced with the same thickness of MoRope and this worked great. After two practice coils, I was ready to go live.
The first coil on my AVS took over an hour, with the last coils taking about 20 minutes each. I am happy with the outcome. Here is a picture of all of the cannons rigged.post-15-0-45627600-1361933095.jpg

I used 0.6mm MoRope for the train tackle and rope coils and 0.8mm for the breeching rope. I think that the 0.6mm line may have been slightly too heavy of line to use as the kit supplied line came out to 0.5mm. However, MoRope only comes in either 0.4mm or 0.6mm line as they do not make 0.5mm line. I also used 3.5mm Warner Woods blocks, which I think was a good fit for the 0.6mm MoRope.

I finally feel that I can now move forward on my AVS build. I have completed all of the deck furnishings and only have to install them. I will post some pictures when I complete this step.




Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Originally Posted January 25, 2010


I have been working on my Armed Virginia Sloop and I can finally say that I have finished Chapter 5 of the practicum.

The first picture shows a side shot of my AVS. I have installed the swivel cannon posts and the channels. I pinned the channels to the hull and secured them with glue. I also elected to mount my AVS on pedestals instead of the kit supplied launching ways.post-15-0-49465000-1361933562.jpg

The next two photos show the deck details. I probably spent way too much time on them, but I was satisfied with the end results. post-15-0-84507800-1361934478.jpgpost-15-0-17067800-1361934478.jpg

Here is a photo of the ships wheel, binnacle, elm tree pumps and the companionway. I replaced the cast metal ships wheel with a wooden wheel that I purchased from Model Expo.post-15-0-83893100-1361933635.jpg

This last picture shows the hatch and a close-up of the cannon rigging.post-15-0-78082900-1361933636.jpg


The completion of Chapter 5 basically finishes the hull. All that is left to finish is the masting and rigging. I have actually started Chapter 6 of the practicum and will post some pictures of my progress soon.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Looks good. I have a started one that I'm hoping to finish someday. I'll be following your thread for ideas.


Later 42rocker

Current Build -- Finishing a 1:1 House that I've been building for a while

Current Build -- Triton Cross Section


Hi Ryland,

great to see this back up on the logs. Your work is so crisp and clean and does perfect justice to this great model. Your's is a benchmark! I look forward to seeing your progress (although I know from MSW V1 that you are further ahead...).




P.S. I just figured I can save from here my AVS photos so although I lost everything else due to my computer failure, I can still get back my photos. Phew.




Current Build - 

On Hold - HMS Fly by aliluke - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64

Previous Build  - Armed Virginia Sloop by Model Shipways

Previous Build - Dutch Whaler by Sergal (hull only, no log)



Its great to see some of the AVS logs reappering.



Thanks for continuing your build log, I am slowly B) approaching the rigging stage, so it will be good to see you build progress through that stage.

I was lamentibng the loss of all the logs, since this will be my first rigging experience.



Current Build: Authentic Hannah Kit Bash

Pending Continuation: Sea of Galilee Boat


Completed Build:  MS AVS

On Shelf: AL Independence, Blue Jacket Alfred




Thanks for the kind remarks.  The AVS builds into a fine model as evidenced by all of the great builds that I have seen over the years. And Alistair, I am so glad that your AVS pictures were posted on MSW before your computer crashed.  They will be a great reference for both present and future AVS builders.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat




It's great to see your build back on MSW....   

You still have to finish this kit before you can start the Civil War Picket Boat.  Sorry, rules are rules and in your case not meant to be broken!  


This, is still my favorite of all your Admiralty model kits.   :dancetl6: 





Current Build:






Future Build:

  • BlueJacket - USS Kidd (Fletcher Class Destroyer) Solid Hull
  • BlueJacket - U.S.S. SAMUEL B. ROBERTS, DE413 | Butler-Class Destroyer Escort
  • BlueJacket - 310' Destroyer "The famous "four-piper" of both World Wars"
  • Model Shipways - Pride of Baltimore II (Topsail Schooner) 
  • Model Shipways - Willie L. Bennett (Chesapeake Bay Skipjack)
  • Constructo - Pilar (Ernest Hemingway's Fishing Yacht)  
  • Sergal - Race Horse (Bomb Ketch)
  • Classic Warships - USS Salem CA-139 (Heavy Cruiser) Resin Kit
  • Pen Duick Schooner - Half Hull (Scratch Build)
  • CSA Submarine Hunley (Resin Kit)
  • Classic Warships - USS Washington BB-56 (Battleship) Resin Kit
  • Blue Ridge Models - USS Alaska CB-1 (Resin Kit)


Completed Builds:



Hampton Roads Ship Model Society




Thanks Tim.  I need to get back to this build but my problem is I spend way too much time in front of my computer. 



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat




For every hour spent on your model you earn 1/2 hour on the computer!    :cheers: 







Current Build:






Future Build:

  • BlueJacket - USS Kidd (Fletcher Class Destroyer) Solid Hull
  • BlueJacket - U.S.S. SAMUEL B. ROBERTS, DE413 | Butler-Class Destroyer Escort
  • BlueJacket - 310' Destroyer "The famous "four-piper" of both World Wars"
  • Model Shipways - Pride of Baltimore II (Topsail Schooner) 
  • Model Shipways - Willie L. Bennett (Chesapeake Bay Skipjack)
  • Constructo - Pilar (Ernest Hemingway's Fishing Yacht)  
  • Sergal - Race Horse (Bomb Ketch)
  • Classic Warships - USS Salem CA-139 (Heavy Cruiser) Resin Kit
  • Pen Duick Schooner - Half Hull (Scratch Build)
  • CSA Submarine Hunley (Resin Kit)
  • Classic Warships - USS Washington BB-56 (Battleship) Resin Kit
  • Blue Ridge Models - USS Alaska CB-1 (Resin Kit)


Completed Builds:



Hampton Roads Ship Model Society




Ryland - Your AVS looks great.  I love the pictures and am impressed every time you bring the model to the club meetings, and am really looking forward to seeing progress.  I like Tim's idea - workshop before computer!





Current builds:

Wingnut Wings 1/32 Halberstadt Cl.II

Model Shipways 1/48 Longboat


Soon to start:

Fully framed 1/48 Echo


Completed ships and boats:

Kitbashed Model Shipways 1/24 Grand Banks Dory

1/16 East Coast Oyster Sharpie

1/48 Echo Cross Section

1/48 Scratchbuilt Hannah from Hahn plans

1/64 Kitbashed Rattlesnake from Bob Hunt practicum

1/64 Brig Supply


Completed non-ships:

Kotare 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Ia

Wingnut Wings 1/32 AMC DH9




           Great build,I hope my adventure into wooden ship building turns into the beauty that yours is. I also want to  thank you for posting pics from the IPMS show in Richmond.


       Thanks, Marty G.


Dave and Marty, thanks for your comments.  I have done some additional work that I need to update this log.


Marty, I am glad you liked the pictures of the IPMS show in Richmond.  There must have been over 500 models on display and everyone did a fantastic job on building their models.  I only included ship models on the post I made but the armor, airplane, figures and other types of models were a real joy to look at.  Modeling has come a long way over the years.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Ryland,


It's now the 12th of March, where are the latest photos? Don't keep all of us waiting!






Current Build:






Future Build:

  • BlueJacket - USS Kidd (Fletcher Class Destroyer) Solid Hull
  • BlueJacket - U.S.S. SAMUEL B. ROBERTS, DE413 | Butler-Class Destroyer Escort
  • BlueJacket - 310' Destroyer "The famous "four-piper" of both World Wars"
  • Model Shipways - Pride of Baltimore II (Topsail Schooner) 
  • Model Shipways - Willie L. Bennett (Chesapeake Bay Skipjack)
  • Constructo - Pilar (Ernest Hemingway's Fishing Yacht)  
  • Sergal - Race Horse (Bomb Ketch)
  • Classic Warships - USS Salem CA-139 (Heavy Cruiser) Resin Kit
  • Pen Duick Schooner - Half Hull (Scratch Build)
  • CSA Submarine Hunley (Resin Kit)
  • Classic Warships - USS Washington BB-56 (Battleship) Resin Kit
  • Blue Ridge Models - USS Alaska CB-1 (Resin Kit)


Completed Builds:



Hampton Roads Ship Model Society




But I can sneak in a few minutes on the computer at work, can't do that with the building of models at work. LOL.


Later 42rocker

Current Build -- Finishing a 1:1 House that I've been building for a while

Current Build -- Triton Cross Section


Thanks everyone for the comments and the interest in my AVS.  I have a few more items to do and then I will update my log.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat

  • 6 months later...

Very nice build.  I am currently in Virgina Beach until tomorrow.  Was stationed at NOB in Norfolk, USS JF Kennedy.  Hven't been back here since 1972.  I'll be watching your build.  Thanks....


Current Current Builds:

US Brig Niagara on my website


New Bedford Whaleboat - page on my Morgan Website:  http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/whaleboat-build-log-by-john-fleming.html

C.W. Morgan - Model Shipways 1:64 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1785-cw-morgan-by-texxn5-johnf-ms-164-kit/

USS Constitution - Revell 1:96 http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1796-uss-constitution-by-texxn5-johnf-revell-196-kit/


website US Brig Niagara Model http://www.niagaramodel.com

website Charles W Morgan Model http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com

website PROXXON DISCOUNT TOOL STORE http://proxxontoolsdiscount.com


Thanks John.  I hope you enjoyed your visit to Virginia Beach.  My wife and I took a visit today to Surry, then crossed the James river by ferry to Jamestown and eventually made it to Williamsburg for lunch and some shopping.  I need to get back in the workshop as my AVS is begging me to finish it.



Member - Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

            - Ship Model Society of New Jersey

               - Nautical Research Guild



Current Build - Armed Virginia Sloop, 18th Century Longboat

Completed Build - Medway Longboat


Hi Ryland

I still look forward to your updates! Listen to your AVS!







Current Build - 

On Hold - HMS Fly by aliluke - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64

Previous Build  - Armed Virginia Sloop by Model Shipways

Previous Build - Dutch Whaler by Sergal (hull only, no log)



racouch444 here

Beautiful job.  I especially like your cannon rigging, very neat, nice taut lines, and every one alike.  I like your idea of using diluted white glue to make your coils.  I`ve been using super glue with terrible results ( on my Syren ).  Who do you buy Morope from ???  Did`nt you get cast metal cannons with this kit, or did you choose not to use them ???  Your cannons look great, very real, how did you make them ??  Many times I don't like  the kit supplied parts, and I make my own, but I find helms or ( steering wheels ) as one mfgr calls them, a bitch because of the scale size.  Your whole build is a work of art , and you really can be proud of it.  I look forward to your posts on the rigging. 

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