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James H

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Everything posted by James H

  1. I think MDF has run its course here folks, plus this is still a build log
  2. I'm the same with main stuff. I sit on a bench in front of the house and just sand away!
  3. Suffice to say that many wood dusts are classed as carcinogens, and with ply, you can add the bonding resin to that, which isn't water soluble. Anyway......we don't have a great track record on MSW for debating MDF, so let's close that subject.
  4. Will do. I did almost miss this post so if anyone wants me to sort this for them, please PM me.
  5. Whether I'm sanding wood or MDF, I wear a mask. Both aren't good for you in the slightest. I've never experienced any problems in strength when it comes to sanding. Of course, if a piece looks more fragile, then just be cautious. The stuff used is high grade as I'm sure @chris watton will attest to. You certainly don't need to coat it in anything to strengthen it, hence no reason to mention it. Paranoid? 😆 Possibly!
  6. Disgraceful! Was the Playstation 5 not enough? 😆 ...of which there are only FOUR kits left of this initial run. Get 'em while you can 😜 If you want an idea about the kit, check out the instruction manual: https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/hms-sphinx-1775/
  7. Really looking forward to seeing you tackle the intricacies of this one.
  8. There's no limit on logs of same subject I'd very much like to follow your progress as I did with your fisher. Sure many others would too.
  9. No, but it's all very elementary ship modelling. Just sand and fair those parts until they flow correctly. You will also finalise any sanding when the hull itself is ready to be finally faired.
  10. Under normal hobby circumstances, 9 - 12 months for a ship is nothing. Just take your time. Remember, I have to rush for a reason
  11. Sorry about that. I am a plonker. It's been changed for the next print run. I was building so intensively over that period that my recollections were clouded with some of the fisher stuff I'd just finished. You can use my photos as a guide though as you're always best taking off too little than too much. It's only a rough bevel.
  12. You're gonna need it! @chris watton told me the printer says that a complete set of plans and manual alone will be 1.7kg 😱
  13. Ok, the HMS Sphinx Manual is now available for download. About 950 photos. This has been intense! https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/hms-sphinx-1775/
  14. In a week, and the 35 available Sphinx for pre-order are now down to EIGHT LEFT!!! 😁 Incredible!
  15. I've been in touch with Amati's boss man, and I can tell you that after Italy's August hols, that Victory part production should be starting again.
  16. I presume you are UK (your email addy), so if the Modeler's Central is the Aussie one, that could be a reason? I presume shipping costs and distribution will affect overall price at various global retailers. Plus if you are UK, CMB is the obvious choice to purchase from.
  17. That looks ok to me! Don't beat yourself up. When sanded, you'll have a nice surface to add the second layer.
  18. Welcome back to the hobby, and of course to MSW 😁
  19. Glad that worked for you. Had loads of probs in past with stuff remaining tacky for a while but thankfully a little white spirit always relieves the pain 😁
  20. Not at all. It's aimed at a total beginner, as is the Fifie Welcome to MSW!
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