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Posts posted by ChrisLBren

  1. Thanks Brian - big fan of your work and all of your posts here helping out.  


    A friend of mine who is an architect blew up the plans of LGV to 1/36 to give me an idea of size - right around a 43 inch hull which is doable.  My passion is French Naval Architecture after reading Boudriot's 74 Gun Ship series.  As much as I love the idea of building L'Orient - she will be over 63 inches at 1/48 which just doesn't work for my space considerations.  I could shrink the plans to 1/64 and she is doable - but I don't want to build full frame anything smaller than 1/48 so she would have to be POB.  


    So ( I could change my mind yet again) - but I want to build full frame so my next project will be LGV at 1/36.  At this scale you have so much room for detailing and sculptures are easier to realize.   She has an interesting history in connection with Western Australia and has elegant lines.  The 74 awaits in the wings if I ever finish this one !


    As far as approach - it will either be exclusively pear wood (Belgian School) or i will use boxwood for sculptures as I do have some good English boxwood stashed.  No dying pear to resemble ebony, no simulated caulking, but all fastenings and joinery will be executed.  As far as finish - i want to explore some options - pure tung oil worked really well on Confederacy - but does involve buffing - which could be a nightmare on a full frame build with all of its nooks and crannies.  I may need to look into wax as a possible alternative.  Some of the French Modelers use old fashioned shellac which was used on the original museum models - very tricky in its application.  


    More photos on Confederacy later this week,


  2. Hi Group,


    I wanted to share this build log.  This model is gorgeous - built completely "Belgian Style" in all pear.  Leaning towards this approach for my next build - note no simulated caulking but joinery and fastenings are well articulated all in 1/36 scale.  



  3. Hi Ulises,


    As a start for you check out some of the Monographs for the various ships of the Ancre




    Here is the French equivalent of MSW - which should be helpful




    One of my favorite modelers that builds off these monographs - the renowned Bernard Frolich




    French ship design was more insular than the British - they did not take lines off captured ships.  Its all a matter or personal taste - for me French Naval Architecture has become a passion of mine.


    The Royal Louis resembles my Commerce de Marseille Monograph somewhat - also a 120 gunner - you may want to google Delacroix's website to look at that Monograph as well.

  4. Thanks Mark - actually putting away the plans isn't too hard - I can't begin construction until we move to a new house for my next project.  Ben -  hate to say it - your progress is looking great on Pegasus - you may not ever get back to Confederacy now that you are working with better wood and have been bitten by the scratch building bug.  I've got a Wappen Von Hamburg hull along with a Bob Hunt Fair American hull unfinished sitting in my workshop - I doubt ill ever get back to them - its all a learning process. Nils - appreciate you checking in on my log !

  5. I agree with Nigel - why not just build her POB since Hahns plans do not depict accurate framing and you intend to fully plank anyway.  Frolich has a couple magnificent examples of POB builds in his book that look better than quite a few full frame builds to say the least.  

  6. In the 74 Gun Ship Series there are only 6 Station Frames drafted.  You would need to draft the others - which again if you should be able to do with all of the information provided.  You may want to reach out to Gaetan B - he has build the French 74 three times in three different scales.   Hope this helps,


  7. Hi Michael,

    I built the Wappen (at least the complete hull) back in 2001.  The kit I purchased had the metal carriages - so i scratched them.  The one tip i can give you is make sure to check the elevation of the gun ports in the former near the bow before cutting them out (the semi circular piece - don't remember if it was wood or pre fab wood).  These are not correct on the instructions.  On the plans they are correct.  I had to make adjustments after the fact - not sure if they ever corrected this.


    Good luck and have fun with your build,


  8. I bought the 74 Plans from Bourdriot first from a seller on this site.  In order to decipher them - I bought the first three volumes of the 74 Gun ship from various sources including ebay for Volume 1.  The plans do correspond with the fold outs in the books themselves as you've already mentioned.  


    It is an idealized representation of a 74 - not an actual ship.  I am using these volumes as a guide to build Le Gros Ventre and the Commerce de Marseille as L'Orient - since both of these monographs have full hull timbering drafted for you.  You will need to do a little drafting in order to build the 74 full frame.  It wouldn't be an issue if you wish to build her plank on bulkhead.  


    Hope this helps,


  9. Hi Iran,

    I agree with starting over here - depending on how bad the twist was.  My rear bulkhead former was slightly warped (less than 1/16th of an inch in the rear corner when placed on a piece of glass face down) At the time I couldn't get any perfect plywood as it was winter in Chicago and after so many botched attempts (I was new to the scroll saw at the time) - I settled for using it.   I too thought extra formers would fix it - it never did and i spent the rest of the build compensating for it.  Its not too noticeable on my hull - only from certain angles.  If you look dead on my stern and its fixed perfectly perpendicular in the build board, then look at the beak head bulkhead - it lists slightly to the port and vice versa looking at the stern from the bow. 


    You can find my log under the scratch build sections if you haven't already seen it.



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