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Everything posted by usedtosail

  1. Dave, you will be surprised how fast those ratlines go when you get into a groove. I did all lower masts at the same time because I found that it was harder for me to come back to them rather then just do them all at the same time. Either way works though, so see what works best for you.
  2. Thanks so much Dave. I stopped using the instructions long ago, and I was also spoiled by Chuck's. The rigging is a bit complicated and a few anchor points are not clear on the plans, but after I stared at them for a long time I was able to figure out where they should go. Good luck and I am still around to ask questions. I moved the crate with my Constitution to the storage unit yesterday. I am not sure how well it survived the move, but I won't know until Sept. when I can move it to our new location. Hopefully any damage will be minor and fixable.
  3. Jim, the hull looks great. I look forward to following your progress, especially to see the differences between the Blue Jacket and MS models.
  4. Thanks Dave. It is really a semi-retirement, as I may be doing some part time work for my current employer after the summer. We shall see. I think the next model will be the Dumas Cris Craft. I have been wanting to build it for some time, and there is no rigging to deal with.
  5. Hi all. Just an update on the state of the move of my completed four models - one went to my daughter's condo, one to my son's apartment, and two to our NH home. My daughter's (Sultana) fit into the back seat of the truck no problem in the case, so that move went well. My son's (Beagle) was a different story. The case was too big to fit into the back seat, so I took the top off and took the model out. I placed the model on the front seat with some padding around it and it made it to his apartment with no problem. Luckily it was only about 10 miles away. The other two (Santisima Trinidad Cross Section and Dapper Tom) both fit in the back seat at the same time, so I only had to make one trip. We have a signed Purchase and Sale on our house, so we should close at the beginning of July. Only this week and next of work until I retire.
  6. Beautiful prop, Frank. When you rotate the index block in the vice to drill the second and third slots, how did you set the same depth to the saw blade as the first cut? I am very new to machining, as you can probably tell.
  7. Thanks Popeye. Don't worry, your time will come, probably sooner than you think. It certainly did for me. We accepted an offer on the house last night, so the move is on for mid June. Now to pack the rest of the house...
  8. I feel a need to update this log, just to keep connected with you all. As previously shown, the Constitution is all crated up and the crate sits in the garage, waiting to be moved when we move the furniture. The workshop has been packed up and all of the tools and supplies moved to a storage unit in NH. All that is left are the workbenches, which will also be moved with the furniture. I am still making rope coils and lengths of rope for the braces and davits, but I am about to run out things to do soon. We still have to pack up the rest of the house but not until we have a final moving date. We had open houses this weekend and the realtor says to expect a few offers tomorrow, so we may know something soon. I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed. Four weeks of work left before I retire, so things are winding down there too. Have a great Memorial Day weekend to all of you who celebrate it. I will be getting the full size boat ready for the lake. In the mean time, i will be living vicariously through all your build logs until I can get back to modeling.
  9. Nice job on the planking and rudder. I have this kit in my stash for the future so will be following along. My daughter is not married yet, so I hope that trend doesn't continue, unless she happens to get married before I start.
  10. Doug, with the workbench I have I usually end up with lengths of around 4 feet, which starts with strands of about 4 1/2 feet. I have an extension that I can clamp to the workbench to make 5 foot lengths, but I have rarely needed that length. There is a bit of waste with the 4 foot lengths, but I have used the excess for rope coils or block strops, so very little is thrown away.
  11. Those hammock stanchions and nets look great. Tedious, yes, but they add so much.
  12. Thanks Popeye but I don't think that will be happening. I do plan to keep the crate, which I can disassemble into panels, in case I need to move another model in the future. The crate won't be moved for a few weeks yet, but we are having an open house next weekend and I didn't want to leave the model out in the open during it. I am in the process of packing up all the sharp tools for similar reasons. I am looking forward to joining you in the Granite State.
  13. Welcome back Pete. I can't wait to see your new projects.
  14. It is a pressure fit and the keel shape keeps it from rotating. I will be careful not to tilt the crate when carrying it. I would have liked to hold the hull down more firmly, but didn't want to damage it with straps or attachments through the bottom.
  15. I built a crate for the Constitution model so I could move it and store it until the new workshop is ready. I used 1x4s and 3/8" OBS sheets. I built it in six panels that are screwed together with long sheet rock screws, so that I can take it totally apart later and store it for future uses. I first attached the two side and back to the bottom. I then screwed the working cradle down to the bottom after carefully placing it so the model would be centered. I also put some extra screws to make sure it would not be able to turn on the lazy susan. I then carefully placed the model into the cradle. It fit nicely with plenty of room around it. I then screwed the front and the top on and it is now ready to move. We are moving to our condo on Newfound Lake in New Hampshire. Our house in North Reading, MA goes on the market next week. My last day of full time employment will be June 15, and we expect to be all moved by the end of June. Part of the condo we rent out on a weekly basis in the summer, and we already had it rented for this summer, so I won't be setting up my new workshop until September, after our last rental. We won't be renting anymore after this summer, so I have a really nice room overlooking the lake to set up the workshop. I was sure I was going to use a back bedroom, but my great wife suggested I use the room with a view. I am taking the summer off, then will be able to work part time for the company I am semi-retiring from, so not full time retirement yet. There won't be much activity on this log for a while, although I am still making rope coils and rope for the braces, lower sheets and tacks, and the davit rigging. I have started packing up my current workshop but will save the rope walk and rope coil jig until last.
  16. Thanks Ken. I actually do enjoy the rigging a lot, but it does get challenging threading new lines through previous ones. I love the way yours came out and I am trying to emulate your precision as best I can.
  17. Thanks Popeye. She is tall - the crate I am making for her is 44" high by 60" wide. Once she is in the build will be on hold until later in the Fall, although I am still making rope coils and rope for the braces and lower sheets and tacks. I'll have pictures of the crate for those who are interested.
  18. Were you cutting birthday cake at the time? Happy belated shared birthday.
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