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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. A second day of studying Karl's craftsmanship....I remain speechless....there simply are no words that would serve justice to what my eyes are telling me. This work could only be properly described by a great poet. Thank you Karl For Karl...... Ein zweiter Tag des Studiums Karl's Handwerkskunst .... Ich bin immer noch sprachlos ... es gibt einfach keine Worte, w\'fcrde dazu dienen, was meine Augen mir sagen. Diese Arbeit kann man nur richtig beschrieben durch ein gro\'dfer Dichter.\ Vielen Dank Karl
  2. OK, This is just insane! Somebody help me out here. Please send me a PM if you know of a more skilled craftsman than Karl, because I would really like to see it for myself. The cannon is simply mind blowing. Dave
  3. Karl, I am just now discovering your amazing build for the first time. All I can say is, each time I think maybe I have seen it all....each time I think I have seen the absolute ultimate in perfection....when I say to myself "It just don't get better than this".....I then discover an artist so amazing I can hardly believe what I am seeing. I can't begin to describe how crazy good your work is....no words for it. Thank you for sharing your extreme talent with us mere mortals. Dave
  4. Hi Toni: Just now finding this amazing build. Returning to my shop after a two year break, it just seems like the craft has been taken to a whole new level by artists such as yourself....or I was simply too busy with my own builds to browse around and see the great work of others. Either way, I am really enjoying it now, as never before. Your joinery skills are superb. I love your work. Dave
  5. Michiel, as much as I enjoy doing a little carving, I do not think I would take this one on.....even at 1:50 scale. Anxious to see how you pull this off sir. From what I see, you certainly have the talent to do a great job. My hat is off to you sir. Dave
  6. Very nice start Rich....I do envy you living right there in Portsmouth where you can visit her. I go to sleep each night looking at her docked in her glass case beside my bed. Dave
  7. Hi Pete: Not only is your workmanship extremely excellent, and your model is super nice, I'm thinking "What a fun little boat to own!" I think you should consider scaling her up to 1/1 and go for it.
  8. Hi pasi, Just joining this build for the first time.....glad I found your log in my browsing MSW postings. Very neat clean workmanship. I look forward to all future postings of your Rattlesnake. Dave
  9. Hi Piet, Just discovering this amazing project for the first time. First impression...."This has got to be a kit, posted in the wrong build log category." Absolutely amazing detail. Thanks for the pleasure of seeing your work. Dave
  10. Marsalv, I just came from visiting your RC build and I am so glad I will be able to watch the Pandora develop from the beginning. Beautiful start. Dave
  11. Hi Marsalv: Glad I found your incredible work. You will become my latest in extremely fine MASTERS of the art that I shall be following and learning from. Having now built several ships from scratch, I am inspired by many builders, such as yourself to strive every day to improve my own work. Thanks for being an example to all of us. Dave
  12. Tom....know the feeling.....running out of space here as well. Mrs. SawdustDave running short on patience and the bargaining process can get very expensive.
  13. Hi Alex, I am so happy to discover your magnificent build and be able to add another true "MASTER CRAFTSMAN" to my growing list of incredible artists I can learn from and be inspired by. Looking forward to all future updates on this amazing project. Add me to your list of fans. I can hardly wait for Chuck to introduce his Winnie to the market so I can tackle that beauty. Will strive to get my work to somewhere near your quality by that time. Dave
  14. Nice start Floyd....that is a really beautiful model and I'm sure you will enjoy the build. Dave
  15. Thinking about it, I'm not sure it was proper for me to post pics on Augie's log. So sorry if I was out of line. The discussion on bricks prompted me to offer a pretty simple solution that worked pretty well for me. Sometimes, we can get so wrapped up in our use of wood we tend to overlook other materials laying all around us. I guess I've used poster board and construction paper in more ways than I can count. I'm sure Augie's brick platform will be a knockout like everything else he does.
  16. Don't know if this will help Augie, but I got pretty good results with construction paper.
  17. Thanks RB.....my kids and grand kids seem to get a kick out of Papa's little ships....especially the three boys. They each have staked their "claim" on their favorite. I am wisely leaving it up to my son and daughter as to who gets what after I eventually sail off into the sunset.... Not getting into that little debate....hahahaha
  18. Thanks guys....close call huh! Set MAyflower#2 aside today and returned to MF#1..... Tied the first clove hitches in over two years. Like riding a bicycle,,,,you don't forget how.
  19. Holy SH..T!!! Left the door to my shop open this morning while doing yard work. Came in to cool off and found a visitor....adult mocking bird flying around trying to find a way out. So he perched on the light fixture above my poker table and proceeds to express what he thinks of my ship building. Look how close he came to hitting the ship.... even worse, the poker table fabric! OMG! And what the heck has he been eating!?
  20. My first posting of my Mayflower #2.... 1/60th scale. Decking progress, as seen here, is moving along fairly well. Tree-nailing for two days now. The only thing more repetitive would be tying clove hitches....right? The stern view....I wanted to get a little flavor of working at the larger scale. As for my continued progress on the smaller scale Mayflower #1.... will take a shot at tying in some ratlines to the top shrouds tonight. Should be interesting since I haven't tied a clove-hitch in over two years. Looking at some of my old builds, I kinda like the white line on black shrouds. To me, the contrast really pops.
  21. Gerald, she just gets awesomer and awesomer. Me thinks you may be having way too much fun. Nice.
  22. WOW! Not much more to say. First, I must echo your comment about deck structures being great fun. This looks like a real fun build. Super clean work mate! About as pretty a job of hull planking as it gets. Dave
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