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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Vivian....the doors turned out great. Nice going indeed. Like the long shot looking at deck level. Your rails appear nice and true. Dave
  2. Nigel....what truly amazing results you have achieved with the decking. Wow! I have got to give the tissue caulking technique a try. Thanks for sharing. Dave
  3. John....Your work is beautiful indeed. Really makes me want to jump into a POF project as soon as I complete my current two builds. Thanks for sharing. Dave
  4. Hi Greg: Glad I found your Pennsylvania guild log. I must say, for a first shot at building scratch, you sure picked a real doozie. Your work is just excellent and I congratulate you for such beautiful quality. Dave
  5. Chuck, most people who travel I-95 back and forth to Florida tell me they remember Lumberton because it is the first southbound town in NC after passing all the SOB signs.....(for those scratching their heads, SOB stands for "South of The Boarder".... A real eye catching tourist trap sitting on I-95 right on the SC boarder)
  6. Hi Wayne: Enjoyed your build log....very nice clean work, Thanks for sharing.
  7. Hi Drake: 5/32" scale converts to 1:76 (actually closer to 1:77th rounded off).
  8. Sam, Thoroughly enjoy going through your Enterprise build log. As I browse through projects picking up tips, finding a log like this one is like finding a treasure chest. Your hull is absolutely beautiful.....love the color contrast. Dave
  9. Hi Clare: Great to see another one of my old friends from the old group. Just getting back to my shop after taking a much needed two year break. Great looking gunboat. I love the contrasting colors. Nice job! Dave
  10. Hi Chuck: Browsing build logs picking up valuable tips and enjoying the many beautiful builds such as your gunboat. Love the realism you manage to achieve with your rope work.... Truly artistic! You sir, are a very fine craftsman. Thanks for sharing your work. Dave
  11. Nice looking work Frank. Look ing really good mate. Dave
  12. Or, spending thirty minutes shaping a tiny part, holding with tweezers.....it pops out and goes flying off across your table somewhere. Now you're moving stuff all around, down on your knees, sweeping the floor...got to find that part! One piece , after searching all over, finally gave up...my wife found it two days later in the cuff of my trousers.
  13. Hi Michael: Glad I came across your magnificent La Couronne build. She is beautiful. Great work! This ship has special meaning to me personally as it was my first model ship....scratch built from a set of plans downloaded from the internet. I'm afraid my work was quite crude at the time compared to your fine work. Nonetheless, I am now on my 10th project after taking a two year break. Thanks for sharing your work. Dave
  14. Hi Firdajan: Browsing build logs tonight....ran across your magnificent La Couronne build. WOW! You are a very talented artist sir. Your photography is equally impressive. I am completely blown away. The La Couronne has a very special place in my heart because it was my first attempted scratch build. Enjoyed it, but did a very poor job....so I increased the scale and built her again. Although much better the second time, still nowhere near the quality of your work. Now on my 10th project after taking a two year break....enjoying getting back to my shop. The link below my signature will take you to my two La Couronne builds. Thanks for sharing your work. Dave
  15. Hi Ricardo: Glad I came across your beautiful build. Very nice work indeed. Very impressed, also, with your super clean dream shop. Dave
  16. Got so many scrap boxes with so many various materials and different parts I had to label them from the outside to avoid having to go into every one of them every time I went searching for something.
  17. Hi Augie: Just tuning in to your beautiful build of my favorite ship in the world. Makes me want to build her again. Wonderful work indeed. I am looking forward to following your progress from this point.
  18. Thanks all. The two year layoff was good. Now it's good to be back in the shop. Cheers all.
  19. Think of it as a "Mulligan". Two La Couronne's ; two Pirate ships; two Vic's ....see a pattern here.
  20. Sounds a little nuts - huh Russ? I'm not THAT crazy my friend. Visit my blog site and compare the two La Couronne's. I'm leaning toward building a second Mayflower.....even while proceeding with the current build.
  21. Good question Russ. Considered smaller dead eyes for the fore top mast .... Still leaves the fact that this ship's dead eyes should be heart shaped, which cannot be found at this scale. The top for the main mast is larger, and the scale is much better there. I just see this as just the beginning of things to come. Being honest, I'm just not real happy with too many of the details I achieved throughout this build.....mostly comes from taking two years off and loosing much of the "feel". It seems to be slowly coming back somewhat. Finally, I should have re-scaled the plan sheets to at least 1/60th from the beginning. So I'm seriously considering a total re-start.
  22. This is exactly what I was afraid of. The 5/32 scale (1:77) simply will not allow me the detail I feel like I should be looking at. Just finished installing the shrouds to the fore mast top..... used 3.5mm dead eyes and the scale doesn't work to my eye. Been wrestling with this from the beginning....now, as much as I hate it, I know what I must do.
  23. Now working on top mast shrouds using 3.5mm dead eyes.... Thought I might share this handy seizing jig for anyone interested. Took me about 15 minutes to create this simple jig, using two wire stubs to secure the tiny deadeye on one upright and the second upright with a map pin used as belaying point to secure the two ends of the shroud nice and taunt whilst being perfectly seized.
  24. Hi Rusty: Lookin' good champ. Very jealous here. Hope the plans will be ready by the time I finish the Mayflower. Dave
  25. Hi Pete....So glad I stumbled across this amazing build. Beautiful craftsmanship my friend. I learn so much from this kind of work by a pure artist. Thanks for sharing. Dave
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