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Everything posted by geoff

  1. I once cut the back of my left hand nearly severing the tendon in my left forefinger whilst carving a point on a piece of dowel. A friend was using a craft knife when it fell off the work bench, he went to grab it & pushed it deeply into his thigh, just missing a "vital organ"! Moral always cut away from yourself if possible!
  2. hi Jim, If I turn my head slightly right I can see my Orrery built by my son & self about 5years ago(I think).I only realised it had been re released the other day when I saw an ad on the telly.It looks really impressive when finished. Enjoy putting yours together!
  3. really nice looking model. A friend of mine built one a few years ago & put a steam engine & R/C gear in her, just a thought!?
  4. never had a problem with them. They list 100's of flags lettering,decals etc. in their catalogue, well worth a look.
  5. Mike I think they came from BECC. They do a catalog stuffed full with decals, flags, lettering all sizes & colours, well worth a look!. All the best, Geoff. A very satisfied customer!
  6. try www.becc.co.uk or sales@modelflags.com they list lots of lettering& flags etc. All the best. Geoff
  7. some captions are wrong as well such as in the New Period Ship Handbook the Bounty is called the Endeavour I think, but overall very good.
  8. something strange is happening! Every time someone posts an answer here it comes to my email address as a personal message?!
  9. yes I agree. After all, our Endeavour models do not have radar, GPS. engines etc..Do they!?
  10. thanks a lot Hornet. It seems even more confusing now! The AOTS has the ratlines going across the shrouds one way & the Endeavour replica another! I'm erring in favour of the replica & the AOTS has it wrong but who really knows!?
  11. Hi Pat, as far as I can tell the topgallant shrouds were served along their full length. But with all things like this there can be 4 or 5 answers to every question! In the end I think we have to go with looks right to us! All the best, Geoff
  12. As well as fly tying scissors I also use nail clippers. No danger of cutting the wrong bit with those, have I ever done that? Well, er???That's "Shrouded" in mystery!
  13. Fantastic job Greg. Congratulations!. All the best, Geoff
  14. thanks Tom 3 minutes to reply to my request?, must try harder!
  15. Just about to start rigging the ratlines on My Endeavour. However, according to the Caldercraft plans the ratlines go across all 6 shrouds on the fore & main masts. But according to the AOTS on page 96 they( the ratlines) are "Only every 6th goes to the aftermost shroud". Ideas anyone?
  16. I always use a scraper ( Stanley knife blade)for deck planking etc., as it leaves much better finish & a lot less mess!
  17. Your secret's safe with me (at a price)! Hope the flags turn out OK I have found them to be excellent! All the best, Geoff
  18. Don't let the sight of all that rigging put you off. Concentrate on one small area at a time rather than look at the whole thing & think where on earth do I start!. It makes more sense that way! Can I also recommend the Keith Julier book, "The New Model Shipbuilders Handbook" It has a chapter on building the Endeavour. All the best, Geoff
  19. Greg, I noticed you were asking about flags earlier? Try "BECC" model flags they list 100's in their brochure. Go to www. becc.co.uk, or model flags.com. They ship worldwide. Hope this helps.
  20. Hope your mum settles in OK. Al the best, Geoff
  21. what a dilemma . I love both, our cat is 18 & I won't let him anywhere near my models! He is more interested in food & sleep these days!
  22. Iv'e always used a small amount of PVA wood glue in the mast hole, this gives about 10 minutes or so to make sure the mast is perfectly aligned, then leave it overnight to set properly, never had a problem doing it this way but then that's just me!
  23. I use matt varnish on bare wood and matt paint on coloured areas. I can recommend the Admiralty range of paints & varnishes from Caldercraft/ JoTiKa Avoid using varnish over paint as it can leave a "Milky" bloom on the surface, I learned the hard way & had to re paint most of my model recently! Also I would avoid a satin or gloss finish as it tends to look toy like in my opinion. All the best & welcome to this great site "Sygreen", Geoff
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