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Posts posted by cobra1951

  1. HI EJ

    I could stain it but i have found in the past that the wood does not glue as good as non stained wood. I have replaced wood in the past and almost doubled the price of the kit i was building, and not having a good supplier near me you end up replacing the replacement wood because you cannot tell what you are getting  :huh:

  2. G'day Bob, your off to a good start, never built an Occre kit before, so I will follow yours with interest,


      best regards John.


    Thanks John :) . Seem to be good kits, materials are good and so are the instructions. The only little gripe i have is that they use Lime wood instead of Walnut and tell you to paint it to look like Walnut, but as the Occre kits are fairly cheap compared to some others then it's to be expected that they are saving money to keep the cost down ;)

  3. The keel and bulkheads on this kit are only 4mm thick and after fitting the deck, the joints were a little bit flimsy, so i fitted some strengthening pieces to the joints



    Lower deck planked and cross beams for the next deck fitted

    There was no reason to plank this deck at all as none of it will be seen later, so i used some thinner planking and saved the kit supplied planking in case i need it later in the build



  4. adjustments were made and allowed to dry.........the two pieces of the cabin needed to be bent,  in the meantime.   I normally do this simply by getting the parts wet {water},  and bending them by hand.   in the instructions,  they say to use alcohol.......so that's what I did.   it worked,  but I still like my way better.



    I agree alcohol is for drinking not bending everyone knows that :P

    Just popped in for a quick look and a fine job you are doing :)

  5. Thanks for all the comments and likes, greatly appreciated :)

    All Bulkheads glued into place



    All seems to line up length ways too



    Used the straight edge on half the lower deck and marked it out for planking



    Lined up the other half of the deck against it by sticking them down together with double sided tape and then transfered the markings across




    Carefully removed the two halves from the double sided tape then laid a strip of planks along one edge then fitted and glued both halves to the keel and bulkheads

    When it's all dried, deck planking will begin

    Planks have been cut to 100mm in length and will be laid in a 5 butt system in a 13524 pattern


  6. Good to see Bob,

    Hope the kit comes with plenty of goodies for your build.

    Will be watching out for the updates, I like seeing what others do with the Endeavour builds.


    Dave R


    Thanks Dave :)

    Not too many goodies, in fact one little niggle about the kit is most of it is Lime wood and they tell you to paint it the colour of different woods :huh:


    I will take a nose through your log later to see how the kits differ :)

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