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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Yup Ages of Sail is great. They are one of our sponsors and they have a banner ad at the front of our site. The proprietor is a member here I think.
  2. Definitely go for it. If it cannot be built by us mere mortals then at least you have learned something along the way
  3. Thanks Darrell. Seems like we are finally getting the tech worked out so it was great to see everyone again
  4. First time using the weathering powders and it seems to have come out pretty nicely. Compared my test carving piece with a single coat of wop the color isn't perfect but looks pretty good to the eye. The next pictures are just the piece resting prior to adhering to get a sense what it would look like I am going to go another round to see if I can match it even closer
  5. looks great! I definitely follow those rules as well esp #2 as seeing others build logs helps me immensely
  6. most important thing! glad the plank production went well. Wondering what type of saw you used and what kind of blade to do that?
  7. Some day maybe on a future project I might try something like that but for now the printed paper is tough enough for me. Yup I will be there
  8. JD I was at the NRG conference in St Petersburg Fl a few years ago and Gus Augestine (I think that how you spell) gave a presentation and just said it was easy just: "bloop/bloop/bloop" <while waving hand in air in a small circle> so I thought I would give it a try......... hahahahaha can't even type that with a straight face The kit had pre-printed paper friezes to cut out with a scalpel and using a regular glue stick to adhere to the model
  9. Thanks Chuck, with kit like this how ever do I go back to a regular kit again??? (oh right I don't)
  10. Thanks Jason. Any success I have is overwhelmingly due to the design of the kit
  11. Thanks Glenn. Winston & Newton Galeria acrylic brand with the color crimson. Although I have never used them my daughter who paints uses Grumbacher brand and seems to like them. I may try them on next model which may just be the Cheerful. Following you as you get started has me looking forward to the next one. I still have much to do with this one before I make that decision Recent progress
  12. Everything looks great! The symmetry of the chase ports looks wonderful. I do like all of your sanding options. The files with the flat side are really nice. There is one question I have though. When looking at the first picture it looks like the third gun port from aft appears to be slanted forward somehow. The one between bulkhead six and seven as measured from aft. I’m not sure if it’s a weird illusion from the camera which sometimes happens but it appears as the forward edge is lower than the aft edge. I know some of the spacer blocks are crooked because they dont matter and it might be they are just throwing off the eye. edit: I also am wondering about the square tuck = triangle shape thing
  13. Thanks! I like the less is more choice. Especially as I don't have either here and we are still on the stay at home order so not really want to go out for something like that
  14. @Chuck I had a quick question. In the instructions for the pinnace when adding the decorative paper frieze you suggested that we coat the paper with an artist spray fixative or 'hairspray' as a cheeper alternative but I didn't see that mentioned here. Still recommended? Or does it not make too much of a difference?
  15. Thanks Chuck, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel Windsor & Newton Galeria acrylic Crimson. It is not so bad just after the potato chip incident I have been waiting a long time between coats for it to dry so it doesn't happen again edit: no primer first. Someone mentioned using acrylic matte medium as a sort of primer or thinner for the paint but I tried on a scrap piece and was not totally happy with it so just continued on as before with just paint. Thanks Dave, luckily no cat or dryer here just the regular old dust in the basement, after seeing so many good results maybe I will expand and learn to use an airbrush.... excuse for new tools
  16. My preference is to not cover up all that great work. I remember when Mahuna was building the skipjack Katherine, beautiful framing and then fully planked. Such a spectacular model and the viewers will not get to see the inner works. Although with great documentation we see everything here on MSW (too much with macro lens sometimes lol) I really like the (for lack of better word) architecture and structure underlying the ships
  17. Nice JD. I would so be tempted to grab it all. Even if only 20% is usable in 2-3 years having more at the beginning is better (and think if you could get 80-90% good wood at the end). Certainly better than just letting it rot. And it is an excuse to buy more tools of course
  18. So I have been able to get some of the painting done. It seems to have some out fairly well. Not sure how many coats but probably 12ish I think. Moving on to the panels. Following picture is just a dry fit. these are really delicate and I am glad I have a few extras. still need to the forward panel. With what is left over I think those will be 2 of the 4 panels in the middle fo the picture as they are slightly curved in an arc and should be able to be bent "just a bit" to fit the front curvature. very glad for the few extras 'just in case'
  19. Welcome! I always love to see unique and interesting subjects that haven’t been modeled hundreds of times before good luck on your continued search
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