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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. She's looking really amazing Dennis. I like the clean and crisp look to all the little details. Makes it really stand out! Cheers
  2. They turned out great Piet! I'm glad Plan B worked out. Always believed in redundancy. Having more than one plan is always good. Cheers
  3. Having dealt with the public in my lines of work, all my life, there are certain things you just don't do to customers, or anybody for that matter. Being close-minded and down-right rude is something that deserves repercussions. You're pretty much echoing what I've already heard, and as a result, I won't even consider paying him for a practicum. I think I would have posted his rude words from that e-mail in the forum and let all his other customers see what kind of person he is. Fair Winds
  4. Love those oars Matt! Can't imagine what could possibly be left to do on them. Cheers
  5. If you can find out which species that wood is Piet, I'd be interested because after prepping and staining, even oak, one of the hardest woods will take oil stain. For sure an anomaly. Cheers
  6. Dust removal is very important. Especially here in my place as I'll be doing all my milling and modeling in my apartment. I have a very efficient shop vac with a 5 horse motor and adapters for almost all of my power tools, and this thing would suck a golf-ball through a garden-hose. When I run my Bosch 5 in random orbit, the dust left behind is virtually zero. I get way more dust in the place from hand-sanding alone. Also noise isn't an issue because the walls are sound-proofed and all the floors are 1 foot thick concrete. Cheers
  7. Looks like the plan is coming together quite nicely. I've never asked before but do you prefer Clark or Fletch? I was wondering how much of the Spar deck were you planning to expose? Cheers
  8. Yes it does because it must have been right after the H-398 came out when I picked mine up. I knew it was '75 or there-abouts.
  9. Good-looking grapnel there Captain! Has a much better look than the kit-supplied one. Cheers
  10. Hey no harm, no foul, Boyd. I've been called a lot worse. As far as needing it, it's just a preference to replace all of the basswood on the Connie, and in this case, will be a lot of milling. Cheers
  11. Hi Piet. There's some pretty tiny parts there. Almost need a microscope. That problem you have with the stain penetrating,---have you tried wiping the parts down with mineral spirits and staining with oil-based stain? Oil-base always seems to work better for me. Cheers
  12. The one major thing I found in the plans that he didn't find or address was, at least on my plans' bulkhead patterns, is a number of the bulkheads are asymmetrical and a simple set of dividers would find it. So if you use the plans as a guide for fairing, you need to adjust for that. He mentions nothing about it. But yes, over the last year, I've come to the conclusion that THIS forum is the right place for knowledge and help. A lot of great guys here, and friendly. Cheers
  13. Wow Jay I sure am glad to see things are well with you and you're back at your build. Yeah---I heard a little bit about things with that forum going south, and think it's too bad because, for absolute beginners, it might have been a good thing. Well, I'll be watching for more progress on her and again, good to see you. Cheers
  14. Oh I don't know about luck as it was a couple months of saving my pennies so I could make it happen. "All good things----" right? I fully plan to be developing efficient hand-tool operations for most of my model-making other than milling planks and a little joinery cutting. Gotta have something to do when the power goes out. Cheers
  15. Just got the notification from Donna that mine's on the truck and scheduled for delivery sometime Wednesday. Cheers
  16. Hi Matt: Been browsing and happened upon your Bounty here. Very nice! You have a great sense of detail. Love the oars and especially the compass. Nice job! I'll be following this one as well with interest if you don't mind my popping in once-in-a-while. Cheers
  17. If you're a patient person and have a few days to play around with it, what the heck, go for it. But speaking for myself, I'm with Brian on this and don't or won't use kit-supplied rope. On a lighter note, if you have a teenager around that you'd like to keep out of your hair for a while, there's a perfect project for them. Cheers
  18. That's a little odd since it was '75 or so when I did it, and it had all the sails including the stunsl's. Might have been an older version though. Didn't pay any attention to the year the kit was made. I found a pic of what the box mine came in looked like. Cheers
  19. A v-style clamping jig centered and mounted over the drill hole in your drill-press table, with the dowel fed up from underneath to the right height? Guaranteed repeatable results every time. Provided you have a drill press of course. Cheers
  20. Cool. There's a universal tool with many uses Rich. Cheers
  21. It's a pleasure to see this old kit going together once again Tom. It's been just about 40 years since I've built this one myself. The one main problem I found with that kit was 1st, the sloppy, wobbly, plastic sails, and 2nd, those pesky, very fragile, preformed plastic belaying pins. They will tend to break on you. But I know you've come up with a contingency plan for this so carry on. Cheers
  22. Very nice there Captain. Those are some mighty fine looking buckets! :) Cheers
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