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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. She's looking great Patrick! Fine piece of design work. Pretty nice Christmas present. I do about the same thing when I work, by plugging in a few Clapton or CSN&Y CD's. Cheers and Happy Holidays to you and yours!
  2. I might have been right about it being a strip cutter Rich. The knife blade mounts in the machine and the sliding guide on the bottom guides the blade while you cut your strip. It's adjustable for different sizes of strips. Handy little tool. Cheers
  3. Probably wrong about this but it kind of looks like some kind of strip cutter. Cheers
  4. Only the fore and main mast need those. No need to worry about the mizzen Rich. Have a Happy Holiday! Cheers
  5. LOL! Saves wear and tear on those cutting teeth though eh? I like your home-made feather-boards. Did Jim tool up the miter track adapter for you? Hope everybody has a Happy Holiday Cheers
  6. LOL! Saves wear and tear on those cutting teeth though eh? I like your home-made feather-boards. Did Jim tool up the miter track adapter for you? Hope everybody has a Happy Holiday Cheers
  7. Yeah, you're probably right. As long as the actual bulkheads are all pretty much symmetrical, I don't for-see any major problems, and as for fairing, the plans are really just a guide anyway, with the final fairing being done on the keel. Hope everybody has a Happy Holiday Cheers
  8. I tend to agree with Russ. It's very likely we may be just over-thinking this and should just run with what we've got. Just check the BHD's for symmetry and fair them using the plans as a rough guide. It still doesn't help the would-be scratch-builder but, speaking for myself, I won't be doing that anytime soon anyway. Cheers
  9. GM02: When did you get your kit? I ask because right now, I'm starting to think this is some kind of flaw with their printer since the worst of the patterns in my kit are all on the right side of the sheet. BHD's B, H, and M are off by almost 1/8", all on the right side of the bulkhead where it appears to be hand-drawn. The confusing thing about all that is the plans themselves were drawn by Ben Lankford back in '97, and unless someone corrected just some of them, and left others, they should all be identical. That's assuming that the originals were kept and run through their printer for each kit. I don't believe Mr. Lankford's around anymore to do any corrections, at least there haven't been any new model ships plans done by him. Cheers
  10. From the words of a master. Page 4 of this thread. Cheers
  11. Much appreciated Piet! But I think it's a good indication for everybody as to the level of intricate detail involved. Especially for newcomers. Cheers
  12. I hope you don't mind my pulling up a stool here now so late in the game. Went through your Naiad build with amazement and the YA's no different. Beautiful craftsmanship and a pleasure to watch. Cheers and Merry Christmas to you and yours
  13. She's looking fine Rich. And I have no doubt that the "simply amazing" aspects of this build will seriously out-weigh any minor mistakes there may be. Hope you and yours have a Happy Holiday
  14. Looks like the makings of a mighty fine ship Mark. Can't wait to see it sheathed in planking. Cheers and Merry Christmas to you and yours
  15. Happy Birthday there Captain. I hope ye have plenty of grog on hand for the inevitable festivities. Cheers
  16. They look good to me Patrick, and it seems like you have a good handle on it. I wish I could offer advice, constructive criticism, or anything else, but I'm afraid you're blazing new trails with this design because, so far, I haven't found any build that's attempted this yet. I am definitely interested in the era you are building though since there are no really definitive paintings or drawings. I think you're doing a well thought out and bang up job Patrick, and like we used to say out on the job sites when things looked a bit shaky---------No Juevos---No Blue-Chips! Cheers
  17. Just got Model Expo's new catalog in the mail today and already found where February's "allowance", the Admiral so kindly let's me have, is going to go. Here's the skinny: Free shipping on orders $150 or more. 10% off $75 20% off $150 30% off $300 Think I'll pick up Chuck's Syren and a couple other goodies. Have a Happy Happy, and a Merry Merry
  18. This is going to be interesting, now that you've mentioned batch dates. Mine was ordered in March and was also back-ordered at the time, so it undoubtedly was a fresh batch. The worst of mine was the 3 on the right side of the plans, B, H, & M, but there were others that were off just a little. So when I get to it, I think I'll make card-templates of the BHD's themselves, fold them in half to find the CL, then trim the differences before fairing. Cheers
  19. Amazing work Piet! It's hard to appreciate the actual scale of this little dingy in a photo by itself, without maybe a penny or dime next to it for perspective. Cheers
  20. I think you hit the nail right on the head Fletch. Assuming the BHD's are correct, what I was going to do was to just use the fairing edge to mark the lines, then take them down close, and finish fairing on the false-keel the old fashion way, using planking strips. Cheers
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