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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Rich if you still have the scrap wood cutouts from your bulkheads, those would make a perfect template for your cradle. Just a thought. Cheers
  2. Wow! That's pretty handy having an Admiral that's willing to sew up your sails for you. Mine's never used a sewing machine before, so when it comes down to it, I'll have to learn how. Guess we're never too old. Probably end up sewing my fingers to the sails. Cheers
  3. LOL! That's what I was saying Piet. They all need to be lassoed to the deck. Cheers
  4. She's looking really great Boyd. Always had a fascination with all the beautiful detail in this one. Happy New Year! Cheers
  5. As stated in post #15, Chuck has already posted them here on this site. Cheers
  6. She's looking better all the time Piet! Good call on eliminating those cotter pins. Makes you wonder what exactly is on the minds of those who put these kits together. Cheers
  7. Some great shots of her Bill. Nice work on the flags and boats. Make sure and put a new card in your camera for lots of pics of the finished product when she's done. Cheers
  8. Thanks Rich, but help and support is what this Forum is all about, and is exactly what's missing in some practicums. Cheers
  9. Beautiful planking job Ed, especially around that difficult stern area. Nice! Cheers
  10. Yup, I know exactly what you mean about being helpful, only mine literally IS a scaredi-cat. All I have to do is start up a Dremmel, or even a vacuum sweeper, and it's off to the hills, not to be seen again until the noise quits. Cheers
  11. The stern's turning out nice. Know what you mean about destructive. I have to keep a nervous eye on my black and white calico. She's about 9 years old now, and for the most part, well-behaved. But when their eyes dilate, better hide fragile things. Cheers
  12. Used to be a Boy Scout and thought I knew my knots. Ha! Never heard of most of the ones on that site. Thanks for posting. Cheers
  13. Ah! Should've known about Michaels---got one fairly near to me. Well, CC is Canadian Club Whiskey. I try to keep a little on hand at all times for medicinal purposes, only of course. Cheers
  14. Jackstays and footropes are looking good Dale. When you start to use your serving machine, I'd be interested in how well it works for you. I'll be picking up Jim's Ropewalk in March but have been considering Alexy's Server to add to the arsenal. Cheers
  15. Outstanding job on your bow repair Tom. Looks great. Edit: You must be having fun. Cheers
  16. A few pics from the trailer. Cheers
  17. Been watching for a while Dennis and can't keep quiet anymore! The detail work in your AG is outstanding, and I think she'll turn out beautiful! Cheers
  18. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner Rich, but I have my Connie's instructions in PDF that are/were freely available on the ME website for download. I put a copy in my Dropbox account and here's the link to that file. There's a lot of good info there and where your at, start on page 40. (Note: The sling is part of the STANDING RIGGING for the LOWER yards only, and trusses and jeers are part of the RUNNING RIGGING). The rest of the yards are hung in the running rigging sections. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65746799/MS2040%20-%20Constitution-Instruction%20Manual.pdf Cheers
  19. This is typical of the lowers Rich but this is the MS version The rest aren't blown up but the pics are higher res so you can put them on your desktop and zoom in. Hope these help Cheers
  20. Great job Piet! I love all the intricate detail. Are you making your own thin plywood, or is there a place you've found that has it? Oh yeah, I'll have a double CC neat with a water on the side. Cheers
  21. LOL! I feel your pain Frank. -12 F wind chills and +9 F actual here. Sure am glad I don't have to suffer like you are out there. Cheers
  22. I might be off the mark here, and without a pic of the piece you're trying to cut, there's no way to be sure, but it sounds like you're trying to run an already cut strip through the saw to shave it a bit. It might just be too small to work with. Have you tried just cutting a new piece?
  23. I agree with Augie! Looks just fine to me. I think you're being just a little too hard on yourself and you certainly shouldn't be embarrassed by posting a build log. It's one of those "we can learn from each other's mistakes. Cheers
  24. It's amazing sometimes, just how much advance-planning is actually involved. Sort of like chess, needing to plan 3 moves ahead. As far as senior moments go, I have 'em all the time, but I choose to call 'em "temporary moments of re-clarification" to any on-lookers. Confuses the heck out of them. Cheers P.S.---That double-post problem is in my mouse. It's like me----getting old.
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