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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. I think it looks excellent Piet! I have no doubt it'll pass the Admiral's inspection with flying colors! Cheers
  2. That's what I love about the Dollar Tree. Everything there is always just a dollar per item, not like those other dollar stores where most of what you find is $2 to $10.
  3. For about $10 apiece, you can get pipe-clamps that will clamp the boards together again. You'll need 3. Then, go get some steel pipe to fit the clamps, threaded or not, it won't matter, and have them cut the pipe to the length you need, 30 inches I'd guess. Considering the cost of buying a new butcher-block top, pretty cheap. Cheers
  4. Some really nice shrouds Danny. Indeed, you are the Master. I know you must have already thought of this, but wouldn't an air-conditioner fix the humidity levels? Beeswax could seal it out but probably would adversely affect how they look and hang. Cheers
  5. If there's a Dollar Tree in your area, those 3.25 and 3.5 mag glasses are only a dollar. Been going there for years. Cheers
  6. Your tool-box and chisels look awesome Matt. Where did you find, and where do you keep, the little elf's that are building these wonderful tiny things for you? And more importantly, what do you feed them to keep them happy? Cheers
  7. Ahhh! Disclaimers are very important in our line of work. Especially when we have an Admiral overseeing our projects.
  8. Night on the town Rich! Just 'til you think they're dry enough! Cheers
  9. Hi Matt: You sure did. The MS Constitution as soon as I finish turning this apartment in a workshop of sorts. It's taking a little longer than I wanted, but in order to get everything stowed in a hurry when there's an upcoming building inspection, I needed to build my shop accordingly. Including a cabinet that looks like a cabinet, but breaks down to a rolling tool-stand for my band saw, drill press, and router table. Already have a design, just need to pick up the materials next month. Sometime in August or September I'm guessing for my build. Thanks for asking. Cheers
  10. Just spent the last few hours here admiring the fine work you're doing Rusty. The planking turned out beautiful along with the stern. Very nice! I hope you don't mind my following along this late in the game. Cheers
  11. Just beautiful work Ed! Interesting to see the use of sculpting epoxy. I've heard of sculpting putty,but not epoxy. Didn't even know that stuff existed. Nice! Cheers
  12. The yards look great Rich! I'm sure you'll do fine when you start your rigging. Lots of guides right here on this site. The main thing is, after you do a step, if you're not happy with it, do it over until you are. Because if you're not happy with it, that's when it stops being fun. Cheers
  13. Those booms are looking great Dennis. After the staining and varnishing, were you thinking of adding a little bird poop in places for effect?Kind of like Steve's sails? A realistic touch? Cheers
  14. Just got done going over this amazing build Mario. Nice touch with all the little tools and toolbox. Made my own eyes hurt just watching that. I can only imagine how yours felt. Really--REALLY nice job. Kudos to you man! Cheers
  15. Love these suggestions Jay. Please keep them coming. For sure you're right about those blocks especially. Those are definitely poorly manufactured. Chuck has some really nice ones on his site. Cheers
  16. I like the cradle Tom. Was thinking about a similar design myself for mine when I get to that point. Being on it's own permanent base will make it easier to remove from the case, should the need arise. Makes good sense also, to have a nice smooth finish for the hull plating to adhere to. Cheers
  17. Yup! I can only echo what everyone else has said Ed! (Poet? Nah! ) After going through your Victory build, then the Naiad, all I can say is these builds of yours never cease to impress and raise the bar. Absolutely beautiful! Cheers
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