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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Might as well take the plunge then Marc. As far as I know there are no extra attachments for the Workstation. But after thinking about it for a minute, think I will just get the Dremmel one and get a small drill press and throw an X-Y attachment on it. Cheers and have a Happy New Year
  2. She turned out real nice Bill. Definitely not an easy build, but you did a fine job. You SHOULD be proud. Cheers and have a Happy New Year
  3. Oh great! Just had to show me something else I just can't live without now huh? Something else to add to the list now. Better go out and find more beads and baubles for the Admiral. Cheers
  4. Dale: I'm no expert, in fact far from it, but I think this is a problem most guys face with shrouds, and some of them solved the twisting problem by "hardening" the shrouds first, which is just hanging them with weights on the bottom over night to stretch the line. Also, some are mixing a 50-50 mix of PVA and water and painting the lanyards with it after the length and shape is set how you like. Like I said, I'm no expert but maybe those ideas will work for you. Cheers and have a Happy New Year
  5. Like Roman said. Sooner or later, you'll find a use for the extras, so get what you can swing now. I ordered everything except the miter-extension and the tilt-table, but those things are definitely on the list of future purchases. In fact, I've already come up with a use for the tilt-table. Gonna test it for cutting the bevel in the Connie's waterways. Cheers and Happy New Year to everybody!
  6. Oh yeah! Forgot about that post. Must've been a senior moment. Yup! Good choices for color contrast. She's going to be a beautiful lady. Cheers
  7. Nice work on the framing so far Clark! Doing it this way, it appears you'll be able to fit the sub-deck and plank the whole gun-deck off the ship. Sweet! You're blazing trails here! Cheers
  8. Not exactly Rich, but my current Admiral's been watching me study rigging plans and asks me about a half-dozen times or so what this line is and does and what that line is and so-on. After a half-dozen I turn and ask her if this is a test or something, then she usually lets me be for a while. Cheers
  9. That swiss pear makes for some nice planking Mark. Will you be using the pear for all of it? Hope you and yours have a safe and Happy New Year! Cheers
  10. The furnishings are coming out great Augie! I especially like how the tree-nailed deck butts into the coamings. Nice! Cheers and a Safe and Happy New Year to You too
  11. I like the rivet enhancement as well Tom, and would like to find out if you used the point of a pin or toothpick, or a hypo-needle set-up for the glue application, to get each drop so even-looking? Cheers
  12. Hi Nenad: What I found with those plastic masts and spars was needed a very carefully balancing act when it came to tensioning the rigging lines because of the fragile nature of the plastic. I spent well over a year and more than just a few repairs to spars and bowsprit before success. And even then, having to paint watered-down PVA on the lines to shrink them in places. Only took 4 months to assemble her, and all the rest of the time was rigging. Wood will be much easier to rig since there is a little less flexibility. All I could find as far as pictures of her under sail with the stunsl's was a painting, but I got one of her as she sits now with sails furled also. Cheers
  13. Been quietly watching from the side-lines Nenad, if you don't mind. The Cutty Sark was my first sailing ship model, and even though it was just the Revell plastic kit, at 3 feet long, she was a thing of beauty when done, complete with sails. Yours is going to be even more beautiful being built of wood. I'm enjoying watching her progress, so keep up the great work. Cheers and Merry Christmas
  14. I got my Ridgid 4 Gal. with a micro-fine dust filter, and lifetime warranty for the same price Mark and I think it does a great job with dust extraction for almost all my power tools. I think it's pretty cost effective. Had to add another $50 or so for most of the extra attachments though. Cheers
  15. She's taking shape quite nicely Tom. I hope you and yours have a great holiday too! Cheers
  16. Ah! Thanks much for that info. If left to my own devices, I would have soaked it over-night. Probably wouldn't be a sail left by then. Cheers
  17. I don't want to stomp on Steve's post or anything, but just a quick question if I may. How long is long enough, but not too long, to soak your sails in something as acidic as tea? Cheers and Happy Holidays Too All
  18. Hope you and yours have a great Holiday also Ed! Cheers
  19. You're off and running Fletch. I'll be pulling up a stool as well if you don't mind. Happy Holidays to you and yours Fletch!
  20. Ahoy there Captain! That's some good looking seamstress work. I hope you and yours have a Happy Holiday. Merry Christmas
  21. Wow Piet! She's looking great attached to the slings and tackle. I know your Dad would be proud, and is looking down with a smile from ear to ear. Fair Winds
  22. That's some beautiful planking work Chuck. I hope the planking on my "Connie" turns out as well. But then again, if it does, I won't want to paint her as she should be. Cheers and I hope you and yours have a Happy Holiday
  23. I like your home-made strip-cutter Bob. Nice bit of ingenuity! Cheers
  24. The oars and locks turned out great Piet! It's just about ready to get shipped into the 019's hull. Cheers
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