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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. She's looking good back up on her "haunches" Dennis. I kind of feel like that kid who always asks "Are we there yet?" Almost can't wait for the rest of the fittings to go on. Cheers
  2. I like the walnut table-top Bill. Nice job! Those boards bonded together with the biscuits should provide a good strong joint that will have to be sawed to get apart. The wet glue swells the biscuits and makes a really tight joint. Used them all the time for table-tops. Cheers
  3. First, a disclaimer Rich! I can tell you the general way, but there's a "right" way to do it and until I find the post, or someone else who knows more than me tells you the "correct" way, don't commit by gluing. The way I read goes kind of like this: First, bend the line in half and make a U shape and hook it around the bottom of the pin, then cross over and loop it around the top of the pin, then repeat one more time, like a figure-8, and tie it off with a half-hitch on top. Then coil the remainder of the line and hang it over the pin. Like I said, this is NOT entirely correct, but I'll try to find where I saw the info, and get back to you. It might have been a You-Tube video I saw, but I can't remember. ----Senior moment! Edit: I found the info. The video says 3 wraps, but for modeling, I think 2 would be enough. Note the fall starts on the right and loops to the left. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awiFzE5SXzU Cheers
  4. LOL! By the way, the axes and mallet turned out great. Got room in your tool-box? Cheers
  5. Looks great Matt! I think I figured your secret out. It's the Squirrel's Magic Dust!! Cheers
  6. The billowing effect looks good Rich! What did you apply to the sail to make it hold it's shape? Was it watered down PVA or Hair Spray? I've thought of using different sized balloons to use as a form, but I don't know. Maybe I'll just have to experiment. It's the one thing about putting sails on mine, when I get to it, that's been giving me second thoughts about having sails at all. Cheers
  7. I think it means to tie it off just below the single and leave a small coil right there. Don't know for sure though.
  8. I can see where it would be easy to forget a sequence of planned tasks, but the main thing is, you caught it. And by the looks of it, you haven't lost your touch Dave! Cheers
  9. Gonna look awesome with the masts in place Frank! Cheers
  10. Nice, clean, crisp work there Augie! I can see the forethought you're putting into this. Nice job! Cheers
  11. Nice job on the grapnel there Captain! Good to see you back on the job. I know it's warm there,-----we're expecting 8 to 12 inches of that white fluffy stuff today. Cheers
  12. Piet you couldn't have come up with a better name than Warrior. I think it's a very fitting name. Nice touch on the details. The bow decoration, anchors, and lettering really set her off. I like the bottle with the cocktail glasses. Must be noon somewhere huh? We can wait for the lobster on the half-shell. Cheers and congrats on a fantastic job!
  13. That's almost identical to a design I came up with for mine when I get to it. Only on mine the front will be the door I can raise and lock in the up position, and the lower part of the stand will be on wheels with a cabinet that can be used for storage. Dreaming?--- It's always good to have a plan in advance that you can change or adapt to suit your needs before you start, so you're not diving into a project blind and have to correct mistakes. Cheers
  14. She's about ready for action Piet! Let's see-------Lobster on the Half-Shell and a Cocktail chaser! Beautiful!!! Cheers
  15. Some really nice rigging work Danny! She's starting to get a little crowded up there now. Cheers
  16. I'm going to stick with the Holly Patrick, but in the end, you have only to please yourself.
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