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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Yup. Those rules apply to any power tool. If you don't understand what damage it can cause if you're not careful, and sometimes even if you are, you shouldn't mess with it. Luckily, I grew up in the trades, and have knowledge of most power tools, and the safety precautions needed to keep my pinkies. Cheers
  2. I have yet to cut my bulkheads loose so I can check them myself, but Fletch has checked BHD M, and found it to be fine. From that, I'm hoping the rest are fine as well. What caused the double-take was the lack of symmetry on the plans themselves, but like Russ said, they were probably hand-drawn, and only one-half of each were entered into CAD, then flipped for the other side. Cheers
  3. All I have there is the "Edit the About Me" box. Must be a postings minimum thing. Cheers
  4. Not seeing anyplace to change member title in my profile. Must be blind. Cheers
  5. The plans themselves are what we've been referring to, and are what's asymmetrical. The bulkheads are ok. What Russ was saying was, the plans, probably were hand drawn, but only one half of each were used in CAD, then flipped over for the other side. It's actually good news because that means the fix will be much easier. Cheers
  6. Hi Patrick, As like Tim, I'll be watching with interest for your solution. Cheers
  7. The problem isn't with the overall size, rather with symmetry of those bulkheads. When checked with dividers, from the given center-line, they were off from one side to the other. Cheers
  8. Well-----that's a bit of good news! That's the reason I was holding off on calling them, because the worst of the problems I found were on the right side of the sheet and could very well have been a printing glitch. Keep in mind though, since we found these problems in the first sheet, problems with the others might exist as far as scale and tracing parts to be made to fit. Cheers
  9. Beautiful craftsmanship Chuck! Hope you and yours have a great Holiday Season! Cheers
  10. By "table" band saws, are you referring to the ones that are not hand-held? If so, the type or size would depend on what exactly you want to do with it. For my purposes, a 10" is big enough since any re-saw work that I do is going to be smaller-scale for making billets I'll need for modeling and small jobs around the apartment. Cheers
  11. I haven't contacted them either, but at the same time, I haven't cut any of the BHD's loose either, to strike them against the plans. I am curious to see if Model Shipways WOULD be willing to correct the problem and send the corrected sheet 1 and the corresponding BHD's. Really doubt it though. Cheers
  12. Clark: During my preliminary check of the bulkhead plans, I found BHD's B, H, and M were the worst of the lot and need to have strips added and material removed. The others can be just sanded to match symmetrically. And, like you, I haven't cut them loose yet to check them against the plans, but other builds have confirmed that they're off as well. I think we'll be able to just make templates of each one, and fold them in half, matching bulkhead extensions, then just make the adjustments in the center-keel slot, and the outsides of the lower BHD's. Either way, it's going to be an unnecessary amount of extra work, when just a little better quality control could fix it. Cheers
  13. Just got done looking at the planking plans again myself and I've got some dimensions. The entire transom and counter are 3/64" thick, along with both sides of the hull above the whales. The whales themselves are 3/32" thick, and the remainder of the lower hull is 1/16" thick. Most of it would be paper thin if it was sanded down. Were you lucky enough to stock up on some of Jeff's wood? I wanted to, but right now, picking up Jim's saw and other tools are a priority. Plan to mill my own planking and take a stab at making my own rope. Should have the saw in January, and in March, the rope-walk. Cheers
  14. Been thinking about that, and it seems like it would be a daunting task at the very least. There's 3 different sizes of planking, (more on the actual ship) on our ship, so in keeping with scale, all 3 would need to be milled down to accept what-ever thickness of the second layer. I guess it's doable, but it does seem like a whole lot of extra work. But hey----where there's a will,------there's a way. Cheers
  15. Lookin' mighty fine there Augie! Hope you and yours have a great holiday season also. Cheers
  16. If you make a clone Piet, then you could have one outside and inside! Cheers
  17. Rich have you checked out Chuck's site, Syren, for those? They're not that expensive and very well made. Cheers
  18. Hi Patrick: I've been watching from the wings so-to-speak and am also glad you started back at it. I'll be starting my MS Connie in a few months, and like your approach so far. Hope you don't mind my "peaking in" once-in-a-while. Cheers
  19. Oh to have the room and my shop again! Cheers
  20. I'm sorry! I thought you would know who Chuck was. Our very own Chuck Passaro. I was referring to Syren Ship Model Company. He has a lot of great supplies like blocks, rigging line, cannon and carriages, ect. If you haven't checked it out, you should. Some good stuff. Cheers
  21. Not real sure, without looking the the rigging plans themselves, what to tell you about those pendants. On Constitution, they're made in pairs and draped over the mast top by themselves and not part of the shrouds, and also get installed first before the shrouds. Don't know about Niagara though. On the line: it has to be a judgement call on your part. If you want to maintain scale, you could either make the line yourself or slide over to Chuck's site and buy the line at the correct sizes you need. He makes some beautiful looking rope that hangs and lays real nice. Personally, for my Connie, I'll be replacing all of MS's "thread" with some decent looking rope. Cheers
  22. That's the great thing about this hobby Rich. We can just turn it off for a while, so we can take a break to re-load with motivation and inspiration. No-one's standing over us with a whip (except maybe the Admiral once-in-a-while ) ,but that's usually over house-hold chores. Cheers
  23. I'll get to do that same "Happy Dance" in the first week of January. A belated Christmas present to myself. Cheers
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