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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Hey Brian, we are all looking forward to seeing some more pictures. As for doing things differently, if we all followed the exact same path then there wouldn't be any differences in these models and therefore no point in posting more than one build log for the same ship. I like the fact that you are exploring different options in the building steps.
  2. The cap rail and it's scarf joints are very nicely done. I'm looking forward to seeing that deck furniture in place.
  3. Well, I think it's about time you considered your own business making sails. Those look incredible and will really add to your America. Very nicely done! She'll be racing in no time.
  4. The progress is looking good Popeye! That sail really adds a nice touch to it. I wasn't aware that some powered boats of this type had sails. Very nice!
  5. Sjors, I like seeing the progress. Just my two cents here... If you've got other bright brass on your ship then I would leave your pintles and gudgeons as is to match. As for historical accuracy, these are only representations of the real thing and the beauty is the builder's interpretation. Besides, the real thing wouldn't have fired cottonballs.
  6. He's a poet and doesn't know it!!! I couldn't resist. LOL. Let's hope those deadeyes come in soon. I really want to see some current updates.
  7. Your Snake is looking very good. The coppering is coming along nicely as well. Have you considered using a dremel with a high speed metal cutting disk to cut the extra copper off?
  8. Brian, this is a new approach to the waterways and planksheers. It looks as though you have some clean parts. I look forward to some red paint and getting them in place.
  9. That's very clean looking Andy. The netting will look very nice when you get it installed. It's not that Sjors is so impatient, it's that your work on your Pegasus is very good and we all like seeing more pictures of progress for the "Ooh and Ahhh" factor.
  10. The standing rigging looks fantastic. It always feels like a huge accomplishment, huh?
  11. The painted mask and dragon's head look great. I like the artistic license you took with them. The flag looks very nice as well.
  12. Larry, your progress is looking good. I wouldn't sweat the wood filler too much. You may even want a smoother stern planking for the Niagara's name.
  13. The eagle on the back looks great. It's hard to tell it's a decal as you can't see the transparent film. That indicates some top-notch decal work. The masts and their accompanying bits look really good too. It sounds to me as though you plan on putting some sails on her. I'll be watching for that.
  14. Mobbsie, your planking is looking good and the gunports are really coming along. I'm looking forward to seeing more progress!
  15. The sails and yards look great Frank. You are really getting close to finishing this build now.
  16. Glad to see we're back up and current now. That's going to be a lot of work to get those bolts and plates made up and secured. It will look really nice once it's done though. Since you aren't using paint are you going to blacken that hardware? Also, that's a great picture of the Niagara. One thing pictures like this showcase is how smooth everything is to point that it almost looks like plastic instead of wood.
  17. For a repair you know you've done a good job when you can't tell anything was broken to begin with. A job well done to you sir!
  18. Thanks for the encouraging post Mobbsie! I should have some more progress to post soon.
  19. Mobbsie, take you time my friend. We're all patient enough to begin with or we wouldn't be very successful with this hobby. My building will slow waaaaaaay down when it warms up enough to go fishing.
  20. That color does look like a very dark blue until you cover the coppering with your hand and then it looks like black with florescent lighting.
  21. David, a good question from Larry... Where were the cannon balls for the Niagara kept? Were there any provisions for keeping them on deck?
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