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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. I just have to echo everyone else's comments. Great work on your 'sleeve-catchers'! She's going to be tall too!
  2. Fantastic looking planking! Your hull looks great! I'm impressed with your first time efforts.
  3. Hi Popeye! It's been a few weeks since I last checked in on some of your builds. America looks as if she is almost ready to sail. You are doing a terrific job on the sails and rigging.
  4. Well, now that I'm all caught up Augie, your Syren is looking awesome! I'd like to see an overall picture when you next post some progress pic's.
  5. JP, after a long and arduous journey, aka planking, you have a great looking hull on your hands. The time and care you put into doing that has really paid off well.
  6. Hey Larry, I look forward to seeing some of these ceiling planks on your Niagara. I have to agree with you on the value of saving scraps from older projects as well. There have been many times where I was able to prevent trips to the store by rummaging through old model boxes.
  7. Brian, your framing looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing some planks go on now.
  8. Rich, the painted hull looks fantastic! It all looks very clean to me. I'm looking forward to seeing you get some 'stuff' on her!
  9. That looks great Larry. The red and green help set off the color of the planking nicely. I don't have any perfect ideas about sealer though. I've used satin clear coat in the past and have had good results.
  10. David, it's all looking very nice! I think it's a novel approach to do this only the rigging holding things down. I'm staying tuned in to see how it all works out.
  11. Ken, I made the ring by making a hoop with the brass wire and soldering it closed. I then hammered it flat and blackened it. I don't recall seeing the other metal strips but can tell you for sure that I'm not worried about adding them at this point.
  12. Nice work Sjors! You'll be rigging in no time. You know what that means? RATLINES!!!!!
  13. Nice pictures of progress Larry. Sjors doesn't realize that's why the Lake Erie ships were so tough, LOL. In all seriousness, the gunports and sweep ports look great!
  14. Brian, your house looks very nice. A dedicated work shop will be a luxury! As far as your speed of building, you have to take as much time as you want. It's a hobby and not a race.
  15. Larry, you could always try sanding to final shape, then sealing the basswood part and then sanding again. That should eliminate the fuzzy's and give you the sharp edges we all strive for. I discovered this trick myself (and it may have been widely known by everyone else) when I was working on some pieces for my ship's boats.
  16. Larry, I'm happy to see some progress on your Niagara. When I put the gunport trim in, I was using the extra wood I had leftover from my AL Bluenose 2. It was the second planking material and was super thin. If you've already ordered some material than it sounds like you have a plan. If not, then try some veneer material. Sadly, I'm a little short on what's left of what I used or I'd send you some.
  17. Robert, it's been a very busy March and April for me. It's also been nice to sit away from my Niagara and grow fond of her again rather than feel like she's a chore. I should be starting up on her again as soon as time allows.
  18. Joseph, I like the idea of the 'building slip" for your Niagara. Brian has some great ideas as to building up your keep. In addition to all of this, I would recommend making your jig adjustable to be used for future builds as well.
  19. JP, I'm excited to see you so close the the finish line with your planking. You have applied so much care to the planking that your efforts are going to look extraordinary when the Rattlesnake is finished.
  20. Robert, those photos are fantastic. Your progress is inspiring to say the least.
  21. Hey Sjors, it's good to see some progress. Your work is most impressive!
  22. Rich, the caronnades look great in their proper spots. I can't wait to see your rigging on them. I've got my fingers crossed for you as well.
  23. Augie, I definitely was having trouble with getting the nylon ropes to sag naturally. In the end I used a 50/50 mixture of Elmer's and water and have gotten decent results. When I tried using thin CA the line in shape but if it ever needed moved it would be impossible to do. I haven't tried the beeswax but all of my rigging is nylon so I'm not sure it would help much. The footropes look great though. It doesn't appear you have any problems with them sagging properly.
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