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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Brian, there is a theory that CA eventually wears away and isn't permanent. I've never had trouble with it though and have used it for years on many other things than ship models. Some prefer the wood glue, aka PVA, because it is easier to undo any work with a little bit of water or alcohol. Personally I use both. When there is something that can dry without clamping and I don't need to handle soon afterwards I will use wood glue. It is also good at coating things as it is much cheaper; for instance, the inside of my Niagara hull was coated with wood glue to add strength for sanding. I paint over CA glue joints when it looks bad and it's hard to see afterwards.
  2. Sjors, pictures really go nice with the morning coffee, especially when one is at work! I appreciate the picture and it looks as though you will be rigging soon.
  3. Sjors, hopefully locating the hole for the mizzen mast will go well. Good luck with this and keep posting so we can follow along closely. A little too early for me to be drinking beer but I have some coffee.
  4. Hey Brian, that's some good work with the waterways and planksheers. The finish looks very nice as well being as smooth as it is. Painting and sanding in multiple coats really does the trick. I'd have to agree with Ken as far as putting some supporting wood underneath the gratings and companion-ways. It makes deck planking much easier as the plank ends have something to rest on.
  5. Popeye, that is some fantastic work on the windows. I hadn't thought of using something like molded styrene for trim.
  6. Off to the races again Mobbsie? You took a task that would normally give most of us 3-4 months of work and made short work of it. The planking looks excellent and your gunports are very clean and even. I like the progress you are making on her.
  7. Hey Popeye, that's looking pretty cool. The corrugated sheet is really cool and will really add an authentic feel. I'd like to see some pictures of this piece in place on the lobster boat.
  8. Hey Augie, your progress looks promising. You and I are working on the same parts for our build. Looking good!
  9. The new deadeyes from cherry are looking great. This is yet another idea I may be stealing down the road.
  10. Sjors, I'm happy to see you making progress and posting pictures. The gratings look very nice and the overall pictures helps to give us a sense of her size. I'll be checking in on Le Mirage for a bit it seems.
  11. The chain plates look excellent. She will be truly a tall ship too. I'm looking forward to seeing some more progress.
  12. Hey Brian, we are all looking forward to seeing some more pictures. As for doing things differently, if we all followed the exact same path then there wouldn't be any differences in these models and therefore no point in posting more than one build log for the same ship. I like the fact that you are exploring different options in the building steps.
  13. The cap rail and it's scarf joints are very nicely done. I'm looking forward to seeing that deck furniture in place.
  14. Well, I think it's about time you considered your own business making sails. Those look incredible and will really add to your America. Very nicely done! She'll be racing in no time.
  15. The progress is looking good Popeye! That sail really adds a nice touch to it. I wasn't aware that some powered boats of this type had sails. Very nice!
  16. Sjors, I like seeing the progress. Just my two cents here... If you've got other bright brass on your ship then I would leave your pintles and gudgeons as is to match. As for historical accuracy, these are only representations of the real thing and the beauty is the builder's interpretation. Besides, the real thing wouldn't have fired cottonballs.
  17. He's a poet and doesn't know it!!! I couldn't resist. LOL. Let's hope those deadeyes come in soon. I really want to see some current updates.
  18. Your Snake is looking very good. The coppering is coming along nicely as well. Have you considered using a dremel with a high speed metal cutting disk to cut the extra copper off?
  19. I like the windows opened up like you did. It offers some depth.
  20. Brian, this is a new approach to the waterways and planksheers. It looks as though you have some clean parts. I look forward to some red paint and getting them in place.
  21. That's very clean looking Andy. The netting will look very nice when you get it installed. It's not that Sjors is so impatient, it's that your work on your Pegasus is very good and we all like seeing more pictures of progress for the "Ooh and Ahhh" factor.
  22. The standing rigging looks fantastic. It always feels like a huge accomplishment, huh?
  23. The painted mask and dragon's head look great. I like the artistic license you took with them. The flag looks very nice as well.
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