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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. Good day! Well Can Imagine how difficult what You are doing now! However it looks Great ! With single lead blocks for main and main top gallant stay on the fore mast - it sounds good and quite acceptable solution!!! wasa_31.tif wasa_31.tif
  2. Michael, funny thing I was 100% sure You made those small deadeyes from copper strip :))) together with chain as single unit and that white middle area was light reflecting on the photo but now I see it was made from plastic strip and painted at the ends as wood ... very interesting how mind could play with seen objects makes You believe in existing of fiction things :)))
  3. Michael, you are a very modest person! Perhaps such things for the participant are happening unnoticed, but from the outside the difference is very obvious !!! Rex makes his rigging differently, not as detailed as you ... if you follow the link that Mark left, this difference is obvious ... So that's great ! The more good models and ways to create them the more interesting !!! All the best!!!
  4. Good day, Thank You very much for information about process and of using threads ! Is clear now!Very informative! All the best! Kirill
  5. Michael, Please give a light , What do You use for making your crowfeet, which thread? Looks pretty good ! What is it...maker ,p/n, etc.? Could You make sometimes really macro shots of some most complicated spots where You spent most of the time for rigging ... for me would be interesting to see how did You manage rigging of that topsail halyard spinnkloben which is in my opinion very fragile part but difficult to see how You did it?
  6. Thanks for the link Marc! may be there were some private issues why he decided to leave all that platforms ... good to hear that he is OK and continue building his models
  7. Hi Michael! Great job! I dare to notice that you have already surpassed the Rex Stewart in the skill of rigging work!😲 The general detailing and accuracy of the extension of the binding of blocks, crowfeet, deadeyes, even for a larger scale, would be worthy, not to mention such a small one in which you are now working! Keep it up!
  8. Good day, Thanks wefalck , it is interesting fact that "... precious decorations were actually removable at least on some types of ships." I knew that there were some troubles due to weights and sizes of the decorations... but didn't realise they could be removable in some cases... All the Best! Kirill
  9. Good day, Dear Ondras, Such clean and beautiful work! Watching your build with great pleasure! All the Best! Kirill
  10. I see. now.. it was about stay twisting /I didn't have such experience with stay, I had that crows feet legs twisting a little when pulling them trough the stay ! You are right than angle "needle-stay" is very important! and also size of the needle - it must be special very thin needle! I used small long noise pliers to keep needle at right angle and pincet to keep stay steady at the penetration point ... Which tools did You ? I meant thereis no strait contact between fingers and threads ?... and Yes ... in this small scale which You work with ,materials could "feel" and act very differently compare to the larger scale like mine 1:100 ... there could be effect of different rope treatments which makes effect on the process as well ... my stays and shrouds were heavily painted before installation and became quite hard .... they became almost like lead wire or very soft copper wire/ the advantage of this thread condition that it keeps "strait" shape with min load required ... but threads which I used for making crows feet were unpainted at this "needle" stage remains very soft and flexible and passes easily trough the stay ... than all construction were balanced with weights , all necessary leg's lengths were adjusted, than legs were plated by "extra liquid CA " and on the next day after complete drying , all legs excesses under the stay were fine trimmed and I made imitation of crows feet legs knotting to the stay by separate very thin mono thread( it makes more accurate imitation of knotting compare to the same size thread , if try to use it for knotting imitation) ... and finally all were painted to the existing rigging color... purpose to use weights(under the stay) + counter balance weight (loaded other side of the back stay-crows feet unit) and very liquid CA - to make crows feet legs strait shape and to fix this strait shape without phisical ly loading them when weights and counter balance weights will be removed - imitation of gravity forces .
  11. Good day Michael, Your crows feet finaly looks pretty good! When you first try to make them with needle, did You use weight for each leg as well and super liquid CA to aplly on them, while they were under weight ? Just You mentnioned they were twisting... these weights and liquid CA solved my problem with twisting... but Your plan B does good job as well !!! All the best! Kirill
  12. Good day, Some digital CS drwngs in high rez. may it will be more handy to read text on the drawings https://cloud.mail.ru/public/BPpQ/wHjjVFTtz
  13. Good day Bill, What do You use for gilding of your figures ? All The Best! Kirill
  14. Oh! Bill! while I was trying to make readable text in google translator , You already answered my questions!!! :))) ... look at my modified previous message - about reproductions...It will very interesting to know your opinion about if we could to use that stuff which Doris use for making her decorations , for making sample for further reproduction copies in resin ?
  15. Sorry, Bill I just read your post 439 - that reproductions are planned ... Then of course there are no questions If only, maybe more convenient and more accurate on scale, if you first make a sample of the decor from this sculptural hardening mass and after polymerization in the oven, even then give the final shape using a model knife? And then make the required number of copies from this sample? Edited 49 minutes ago Kirill4
  16. sorry , but that decor she made , it is out of scale - remains too big, if compare to the original kit decor which could be seen on the photo... what if just sculpturally create a sample from that Doris magic sculp stuff as much close as possible to the original design , and after backed it in oven , than to cut by rasor nife to the desired final shape... doing this phase which she is busy now only once , and than, just to start making copies from epoxy or special casting resin?
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