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Everything posted by captgino

  1. Monsieur... Votre modèle est incroyable. Les détails et la précision de votre travail sont exemplaires. Magnifique!!!
  2. Thanks Zoltan. This is very useful to know. My plan will be to drill the holes in a rough matter at an earlier and to cover them with the scupper and black strake. In this case it will achieve both goals, which is a clean look while still allowing it holes to go all the way through.
  3. That is a pretty cool build! I will definitely follow up its progression. Well done so far !!!
  4. Hi Zoltan, Thanks for the note. The scupper is the inside part above the waterways and mirroring that piece on the outside of the hull is the black strake, correct? The holes should be going across the hull. My plan was to install the waterways start working on this scupper and I would get the correct height and placement to start drilling. Are you suggesting to remove the 1/8 all together and determine the scupper holes location?
  5. I have also worked on the timberhead and the Knighthead. It is a ok result. I may try to redo them but I haven't decided yet
  6. Made some dust last night and sanded the transom. After looking at it this morning I think I may have to do some touch up here and there
  7. Thanks Zoltan. I got a bottle of Krystal Klear and I think I will go with that. However I will keep this in mind for my next build
  8. Thanks Brian and Zoltan!! You both have some very good advice. The idea of the stopper in the back of the window is definitely a must as I drop them inside a few times already. As for installing the windows at a later time in the build this makes sense.
  9. Starting to work on the windows fitting. I have a quick practical question: Once all the fillers and Windows frames are installed, do you sand the back of the transom flathis? It seems logic but I just want to make sure.
  10. Thank you Zoltan. I am going back and forth between your log and Brian's for clues, tips and guidance. There is a lot of good logs of NRG for the AVS.
  11. Thank you Zoltan. This is helpful.the directions for this ship are at time quite difficult to understand or in the 'wrong' order.
  12. Worked on the transom this evening and installed the filler blocks[. This was pretty straight forward. With that said I am discovering that the windows are going to be a pain.
  13. Thank you for the replies, Ryland and Brian. My name is Jean-Philippe, JP. I will follow your recommendations and come up with some kind of sanding tool.
  14. The plan and directions are calling for tapering the walnut bow section. How low do I need to get? Any suggestions on which tool to use ?
  15. Medium update. - added reinforcement between each bulkheads - Worked on fairing the bulkheads - glued the sub desks - added the filler block at the bow of the ship - carved out the section to receive the knight heads Fun fun fun
  16. Wow. Outstanding work!!! I am just amazed how talented you are.
  17. Beautiful work. What is the recipe for your 'old technique'?
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