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Everything posted by captgino

  1. Wow !! She is beautiful. You have done a wonderful work. How many hours would you say was to complete this build?
  2. The ratlines might be a little to loose on the first one. I will try to make them more tight on the next 3. Do you have a method to have them perfectly even? Do you glue each knot? Please let me know if you have a method...
  3. Caronade details added. I decided to enhance my built. The original plan were not very detailed or telling the way to rig the caronade. I tried to find information on the web, but nothing for my specific ship, so I looked for different ship from the same era for details.
  4. Not too happy with the vernis on the mast. I have to find a way to clean it up. Any suggestions?
  5. Worked on the mast this weekend. I decided to enhance the mast platform as the one provided in this kit is not very detailed and fragile.
  6. The cables are looking fuzzy. How does one make them smooth? Any recommendations?
  7. Worked on the bowsprit. Pretty happy with the result. I modified the attachment on the side of the hull. The plan just asked to use a nail and I did not like that. Again, I am using this first ship as a practicum and experimentation.
  8. Last night, I applied 2 coats of Min Wax Weathered Oak on the ship to give it some additional depth. I am happy with the overall result.
  9. Hi Obi, What kind of stain have you used for this ship?
  10. this weekend, it was time to do some painting. Quite some fun to do.
  11. Get pin rails, and more ready. Drilling, sculpting, sanding time.
  12. it is not glued on yet but I am starting to finalize some details.
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