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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. Here is a couple of pictures to show that I haven't been procrastinating on the Ratlin Rita. I have the front deck planked and working on the engine hatch and rear hatch now.
  2. A short time ago, a fellow told me to be careful not to deviate from the manufactures original plans for these boats, if my intent was to sell them I guess assuming the buyer wanted it to be original to the boat or manufacture of it. But as I pointed out that I don't build to suite anyone but myself and if someone likes what I have done and wants to purchase it then great if not, no problem and this has always been my objective. The only exception to that would be if the build was a commission piece then I would build to suite the buyer. Now after building anything from tall ships models, R/C boats to R/C planes and a little something in-between at last count was around 50 that I have sold, traded, given away or donated, I think I can pretty much judge what people would be willing to buy. But now if they want museum quality, then that ain't my style.
  3. I'm sure you will see plenty of them up in New Hampshire. We see plenty of them here in Mt. Dora and Tavares 6 miles from us because they host the Antique Boat show every year and they are chocked full of Chris Crafts of all flavors. Yes, I will run it to test it to make sure the Rattling Rita is sea worthy and trimmed properly. And if no one buys her, she will go to my grand babies when they get old enough to appreciate her.
  4. I got the hull all planked and installed the interior and leather on the side panels and floor.
  5. Such a rare talent gone way to soon. He will be sorely missed. My prayers go out to his family.
  6. I say give it the old Butt and be done with it:)
  7. There are some things you have to tolerate like a pesky hurricane every now and then to live in paradise. I've been living the dream most all of my life and wouldn't live any where else. CD will be missing it too the first or second year of shoveling snow, freezing to death. He'll be back, they always come back after they have lived in Florida for a few years, usually 5 years or a bit more then their blood gets thin from the heat and humidity hahahahahaha.
  8. I don't know, trying to find a Merit Hornet is like trying to find hens teeth. That is a shame CD, I was so hoping to see the Hornet getting all dolled up. A fellow has one for sale for $750.00 with the added extras kit. A bit rich for my pocket book at the moment, but if I had the extra cash right now, I would snatch it up. There will always be other builds CD, like the Calypso, Typhoon and others in your future.
  9. The picture really doesn't do the color of the paint justice. The color is really a blueish green color and more of a turquoise in color.
  10. I've started the planking of the hull, and although it's going pretty quickly with such large planks, the mahogany planking is soooo brittle due to the age of the kit, I have had to do a few splices as well as joints. Which is a shame since the planks are a bit larger than the hull, so it could be planked with full planks. I picked up a can of Sea Glass blue spray paint that I intend to use for the seats.
  11. Island people are a resilient people and even though it may take a while, they will be back and running sooner than you may think.
  12. Welcome from another Floridian. I'm glad you came across Model Ship World. Your search can end here because this site is the site among sites for anything ship modeling and just about anything in between. When you have a question or just want to say hey, post it on here and you will get all the help you need. Best site on the internet in my opinion and I'm sure it's shared by a lot of others. mike
  13. Not so fast CD, it ain't joggin to the right yet as they are predicting, if anything it's going more left, which means it will still be our baby. I hope it goes straight up and turns east back out to sea:)
  14. I'm curious to see how the salt will work. I like the idea of the black sub-paint and then paint over that with the gray paint, which should give it some neat shadowing effects.
  15. Yeah CD, I almost got into two accidents today going to rehab. All I was hoping is that the airbag wouldn't inflate because I'm not sure after getting gutted like a fish, the steering wheel might have felt better than the airbag. But they were just close calls. No place around here has any gas or water. I stood in line yesterday just to get 15 gallon of gas for the generator. My wife wants to board up, but I told her that ain't happening, I can't hold up sheets of plywood yet nor my Craftsman drill to screw them into place. So I'm just dropping and securing the aluminum awning and secure the windows.
  16. Hi MOG, The upside down keel build is really very easy and in my opinion one of the best ways to keep the whole build square. Once the framing is completed, you just cut the building tabs off and you have your frame ready to plank. The PT 109 is on my to do list one of these days or if someone is looking for one and ask me to build it:) If I lived in the UK and within driving distance to Cornwall with a day or three, I would be there so often, they would probably lock me out especially when my credit card hit it's max limit.
  17. Thanks CD, I figure for $15.00 it's quite inexpensive to add this little bit of class to the model. Thanks Mike, no, I don't print the decals, I purchased these from a fellow over on RC Groups.com who does the printing for them. I got like four of them for $11.00 shipped. Now to fix your stern lettering problem, Cornwall models in England sells sheets of vinyl lettering from small as in minute to like one to two inches tall or millimeters in their Country. That is where I get mine from, the price isn't bad at less than $10.00 US and the shipping is just a few dollars more. They are peel and stick, I usually use an xacto knife to position them onto the stern. They also have waterline numbering graphics that I usually order at the same time if I don't already have some. The shipping takes about 3 weeks, which isn't bad either for regular postal mail.
  18. I purchased this lambskin leather remnant, which is a really light cream color that I intend to use for the flooring and side panels of the 1930. I intend to paint the seat a turquoise blue color. The bottom of the hull will be painted gold up to the waterline area. But it's still a bit early in the build yet, I could change my mind between now and then.
  19. Yeah that is my intent, but I have also read where if you run these Mahogany run about boats with too much power, you can actually swamp them. But at 36" long and 4" sides on the Rita, I don't think that would be an issue as long as the throttle was moderated properly when turning.
  20. This is what that hog of a motor will look like mounted in the boat. I'm hoping with the weight of the motor will help balance out the boat and I will not have to use a bunch of dead weight.
  21. Yes Pittman does, but I couldn't find a Pittman motor this large. I wished I could, I hate having to order and wait for these motors to come from England.
  22. I finally got the beast of a motor in from Cornwall's in England. It took a bit over two weeks and cost about $38.00 US. Which isn't too bad considering you can't find a brushed motor in the US of this size or caliber. To give you an idea of the size of this motor, I put my fist up next to it. I also comes with the motor mount, which makes it a lot easier when it comes to mounting it.
  23. The only rule I have when it comes to model building, is what ever makes the job easier, faster and safer is my moto or creed I thoroughly believe in artist license or builders choice hahahaha. I have taken a belt sander to a ships hull when I could find someone to hold it.
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