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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi Rod, Thanks for looking in!! Things still very slow for myself to be expected although I'm throwing all the physio sa the right side as I can!! 😀 Got my eyes tested also as I found it very difficult to see detail and place correctly. (I think that the Sub-Assembly phase was assisted, in no small way, by my "Diopter" flu resent lamp. I hope to have my new "Specs" next week, it will be a huge bonus!! 😀 So, hopefully some updates of consequence soon. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  2. Hi Ted, Nice solution!! Have you tried to use a "Tea-Light" candle with a hollow cut into it? (Medium Drill Bit) CA seems to take a long time to go off in the hollow. I guess what works for you is the best solution. 😀 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  3. Hi Joe, Thank you for the excellent information and photos!! I'll ensure that I install the Guards/Grids. Since the Gutters are so narrow, the Guards will have to be at the very edge of the Decking, no problem. 😀 Pictures really do speak volumes!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  4. Hi Gentlemen, I personally am happy with the Dark Grey Turret tops and in the only publication that I have to hand, "Kagero Super Drawings In 3D," they show just this. I guess there are many iterations that could be.... As I am too well aware, many Ship Kit, (Inc. Plans, Publications), information is open to discussion or erroneous. Please do not let me dissuade you from further discussion of the subject and please continue to use this thread, I find it fascinating. Anyway, I have a question for the forum as well, The subject is "Interference Grids," (Snips" attached), that the "Kit" wants you to install at various points along the Main Deck Rail. (The Grids are supposedly to catch used Shell Casings.") I am wondering if I can get away without these as they occupy the Main Rail Gutter. (Incidental have never seen these in any documentation. (Maybe they were "Unshipped" when not in use?) It's not that I want to get away with not installing stuff, I am aiming for something that is not too "Cluttered." (This is the same doctrine that I'm going to use with the Accommodation Ladders, I am not going to install them "Shipped" as in my mind, it clutters the lower superstructure. I received some excellent plans from Joe regarding construction and placement of these items, amongst other detailed drawings. (All I have to do is "Prototype these when I gain a bit more movement, soon I hope, I'm starting to go Stir Crazy....😀) Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  5. Hi Joe and Happy New Year!! Good to know that the morning of May the 21st is correct!! (HOF's Bismarck 😀) Interesting letter also, many thanks!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  6. Thanks once again Gentlemen, The advice is invaluable especially with the fact that I have had no real experience with Decaling since my teens. (More than a couple of years ago.... 😀) From memory, the blurb that came with the Decal Sheet mentioned that the Decal was printed on 2.0 micron carrier film, does this sound about right? Anyway, I think the I am pretty much done with the "Micro-Sol." after about seven applications, I am not going to push my luck any further I feel that things are about as good as I can get them. I guess the order of the day will be to put some Matt/Semi clear to seal ant protect before installing Anchor Chains/Hatches. Cheers and Regards, Harry
  7. Thanks OC, I'll carry on a bit more then!! 😀 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  8. Thanks for your kind words Bob. Things would move a little faster if I could use my right arm properly. 😀 (I feel this is slowly improving with the amount of "Physio" that I'm throwing at it.) All the beast for you and yours for the new year also. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  9. Thanks OC. I am not 100% happy with the Fore Desal where it goes over the Anchor Chin Decking. I feel the edges are not "Sharp" enough. (I have given these parts about 3 "Doses" thus far.) Do you think that extra applications of Micro-Sol will do the trick? Having never really used this stuff I don't know if I'll get a nasty buildup of this product. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  10. Thanks Ian, Interesting excerpt from AOTS. (I am assuming) Unsure about the Yellow Turret tops. I agree that the markings make Bismarck more "Menacing." (I like to say "Purposeful." 😀) I am happier having the markings rather than a big slab of Grey.... May not be 100% historically accurate but never mind.... No one will ever know apart from real Bismarck aficionados or those on this wonderful site!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  11. Hi All, Small update: A small update is better than none.... (I got the Bow/Stern "Air Recognition Markings" on. This process worked o.k and I can now see the valur of Gloss Polyurethane as a "Grounding for the Decals. I also rate the "Micro-Set." The Decals are still drying and I may go over the Bow Decal with "Micro-Sol" later. (It depends on how the Decal dries over the raised Fore Deck areas. I am reasonably happy with my efforts today and am preparing the Stern Hatches for installation hopefully tomorrow. Initially, I liked the Deck without the Decals but am coming round to the idea that it adds a bit of color. 😀 Cheers....HOF. Photos:
  12. Hi Ian, From my understanding, the "Full Baltic Stripes, (Superstructure), were removed prior to May 21st and the Deck Markings Greyed out just after this as were the Hull Baltic Stripes leaving the Bow/Stern Waves and leaving just the White remnants of the Stripes on the Water Line. I have not done enough research as yet to be 100% accurate. (Joe100 is a superb source of information with respect to Bismarck.) I guess they had many crew to paint things. 😀 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  13. Thank you OC, James and Kevin for your responses. I have had a PM or two with Rod (rvchima) with reference to his build. (Thanks once again Rod.) Rod advised Decals first and then Hatches followed by a paint touch-up. I made up a tracing paper template for the Hatch positions first. I have separated the decals from the sheet and carefully trimmed to the Decal edges and Test fit with the template, looks about right. I painted Gloss Polyurethane on the Rear Decking, (I'll do the first), and I'll let this cure overnight. Ill affix the Decal with Mirco-Sol and do the Micro-Set after this. (It's been a very long time since I played with Decals....😀) With regards to your replies above, paint and masks I did consider but purchased Decals from "Custom Hobby Decals" anyway as I felt it was a little too late in the game to be worrying about major paint works. I am well aware also that the Ship had her markings painted over on May 21st 1941 I had already painted the Baltic Stripes on the Hull and I did not wish to have a huge Grey stripe across the Decks. 😀 So, I guess the model will be representative of early morning, May 21st 1941 before the crew got out the paint. 😀 In the last couple of days, I attempted to fix the Stern Anchor Chain in place, I did not like the result so removed and will attempt again after Decaling. (Just as well I have plenty of small chain as the kit did not provide very much....) Anyway, enough from me today. I'll post some photos as soon as I have something decent progress to share. 😀 Happy New Year to all!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  14. Hi All, Starting to get back into things ever so slowly.... I have a question for the Forum: I have a group of four Hatches on the Rear Deck, (PE), should I attach these first and then the Swasticker over the top and hopefully let the "Mark-Fit" do its' thing or decal first and add the Hatches and paint these items afterward? If someone could find the time to come back to me with opinion or advice, it would be very much appreciated. (Maybe it's simpler to omit the Decal?) The area in the "Snip" is Greyed out. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  15. Hi Chap, I think that I may have picked this up from Mr. Earls' BN practicum many years ago?? Anyway, the method is what I have used in all of my ships, thus far inc. Cutty Sark.. (The only exception thus far is Bismarck.) Your BN is looking great, keep up the good work!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  16. Nice One!! When you get to stepping the Masts are you going to fix, (Glue), in position or let the Rigging do the securing? Myself, I let the Rigging, (Shrouds/Stays), do the securing, gives a bit of "Wriggle" room and enables a Mast to be replaced if these ever break without performing major surgery. My opinion on the matter and there a probably others more learned than myself who may be able to proffer an alternative. (You could post a query in this forum under "Masting, Rigging.") Looking great!! Cheers....HOF.
  17. Hi there, No travesty at all.... In my mind, the modelers choice, after all, it is your own piece of maritime art. Cheers.... HOF.
  18. Hi Chap, Looks pretty good from where I'm sitting!! Cheers....HOF.
  19. Thanks Rod, I hope to be able to do something soonish.... The weight machine seems to be helping stretch the muscle/tendons out. Movement is slowly returning. 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  20. Hi Chap, I am looking forward to your continued perseverance with your project!! I too have had paint issues with my Pen Duick. I used Vallejo paints and then a clear lacquer to get that "Shiny" finish. The lacquer was too "Hot" and crazed the paint. It took quite some time to carefully remove what I thought, all the lacquer. As it happened, the new paint also reacted with the lacquer that I hadn't removed, so, I had to do it all over again.... 🙂 Live and learn I guess.... All the best and following with interest. Cheers and Regards. Harry.
  21. Hi All, Putting "Feelers" out for a 1/32 Arado AR 196 kit.... Does anyone out there have one in thier "Stash" that they would be willing to sell or trade? (I'm thinking that an Arado would be a nice display addition to my 1/200 Bismarck.) (For trading purposes, I have a Tamya 1/350 Bismarck with Gold Madal PE, 1/350 Dragon Z Class Destroyer, a Fletcher Class Destroyer, Tamiya and a 1/250 Frigate, HMS Bligh. All new in box.) (Also on my "Bucket" list is a 1/32 Swordfish and a Hasegawa 1/16 Sopwith Camel but the Arado is at the "Top.") Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  22. Thanks Ken, appreciated. It's going to take a bit of work to get things moving properly again. I guess that I did o.k. on the Bismarck build thus far with 1.5 arms....🙂 (Not as young as I used to be.... (Cliche)) I just don't wish to break anything at this late stage in construction. Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  23. Hi All, A quick update.... (Well, an update when you're not having an update) It's been some time since I posted on this build, it's still sitting on my workbench a little unloved. I am hoping to getg the Rigging underway in the very near future but as I have mentioned in the past, I am still limited by my right Rotator-Cuff injury and cannot lift my arm very much, something that has been plaguing me since the injury in August 2021. So, I'm now on my weight machine to help myself get things moving properly, and I need to move properly as there are many delicate bits to knock off!! I was hoping for assistance from my partners son but for one reason or another, this has not occurred as yet. I am also deliberating about whether or not I'll do the Deck Decals, I have a bit of time to think about it a little longer.... 🙂 Apart from the Rigging, the rest of the sub-assemblies are ready to be attached, (Boats/AA Guns.), so not much at all really. (I did toy with the idea of starting something new but decided against this as I just cannot build multiple projects. So, I have not given up and apologies to anyone hoping for something positive from myself, but it is coming!! Cheers and Regards, Harry.
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