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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Beautifully done Nenad. It looks like the real thing! Cheers,
  2. How did I miss your post yesterday John? Oh yeah, I was in the kitchen cooking Everything looks splendid my friend and love those outdoor pics, she's looking real! Cheers,
  3. Ah yes Dave, you are taking the weathering to extremes - - - you can now tell people that a seagull flew over and dropped some happiness on the dek Cheers,
  4. Yeah, stuff happens Kees but I'm glad you were able to salvage your work. I surmise that you found new primer? Cheers,
  5. Ingenious idea with your vent pipe Popeye - Yankee ingenuity. Really like the lights and the GPS thingy. Cheers,
  6. Thanks everybody for the comments and also to all who clicked the like button. The board is (surprisingly) beginning to look fairly decent. It's taking more time then I figured for such a simple thing. The side trim pieces needed to be shaved down in width which took quite some time. First on the table saw to get it close to the width of the board and then today I used a small plane and sandpaper. There is still some more sanding and fiddling here and there before I can glue the top trim pieces on. Yeah, that sledge is my go to tool for delicate work You should see my watchmaker's screwdriver though Hopefully I can make a start with gluing these top trim slats on tomorrow. I'll have to do it one side at a time because I don't have enough claps to hold them down. But that's okay, I'm not going anywhere except for the usual chores around the house and yard.
  7. Hello Boris, great to see you started with the Hr. Ms. Java! I'm keenly interested in your build and hope you'll post many updates. I'll respond to your e-mal soon. To Jan B. : That ship, the Java, was the ship my father served on and went down with her during the battle of the Java Sea. Boris has a great interest in the Dutch ships and planes that fought the Japs during WW II. Be well my friend and stay in good health,
  8. Hello everyone. I have had a few very busy days that kept me out of the dockyard but today was rainy so I spend quite some time cutting, fitting and gluing the side trim moldings on, at least those for the sides. The top finishing pieces may come tomorrow. I made a picture of the board so you get an idea how it'll look like. It was a little cramped working there because Gwen's car was inside and it was raining. Not a big problem, it worked out okay. Before I can glue the top trim pieces on I have to do some sanding. I have hammered small finishing brads into the side pieces to secure them to the board frame and to act as clamps for the glue. I tapped them in with a nail-set. I have used some fine wood putty to fill these dimples and all that need to be dressed. At least we are making progress. The dark spots on the wood is from water where I wiped excess glue away. I laid out the final top trim pieces to show where they go, the one on the left side is laid loosely on the board. Cheers,
  9. Hello everyone, just to let all yuns know that I didn't fall off the edge of the world I have been busy with yard work but did manage to cement the bottom plate to the display board frame. It's looking okay, so far. I hope to glue the side moldings on tomorrow. Then I have to stain it and varnish. I have already put the O19 on it and boy does it fit nice and looks great. So, just stay tuned for the next episode. Cheers,
  10. Hey Brian, good to see you here on the Surabaya shipyard. Yeah, I know you from the cooking blog and really enjoy that topic. I like your instructions on technique, specially classic French, although I prefer Provençal. Thank you very much for that compliment but I don't deserve it. I love to do planking and on this model I just lucked out. I studied out of a few books in how to do it so i just did as is suggested. Once the O19 model is completed and on the display board and in my studio I'll get back at working this ship again. HI Popeye, thanks for dropping in but I'm not quite ready yet to continue with this model. I need to complete the display board for the O19 first, which is close. Just the edge trimming left, staining and varnish. I have already tried putting the O19 on it and it fits great, looks good too. I know you and Brian are busy with your own models but make some time and plow through this build log from the start. You'll find that I had to do several re-do's. I'll also be making new furniture for the captain's cabin. I'm really looking forward continuing with the work here. Cheers,
  11. Nenad the pinprick painter! Your name plates and decorations came out beautiful. You can be very proud. Cheers,
  12. Hey John, if you don't like the boats that came with the kit you can always contact your friend at the museum and ask for a few detailed pics of the whaleboat and then scratch-build all six That way you get your foot in the door for a future scratch build model. You are certainly capable in doing so. Cheers,
  13. Fantastic work Kees. If, or when, I'm goin to build the Musi I may just venture into styrene. It resembles steel so much better then wood or paper. I just need to get familiar with this "strange" material, it's so much different from aircraft aluminum Love the pic of the Guilder too, I still have a few as well as a "daalder" and a few other old cons.
  14. Hey Popeye, look at what Piet is doing - - - From ear to ear! I'm glad my dome making idea came in handy for you. The lights look great! I think that I would have used a jeweler's saw for the cut-outs but your tube cutter works too. Yeah, I have one of those in my toolbox. Cheers,
  15. Nice work on the davids John and that without breaking a drill bit! Whaleboat looks nice too hanging there. Cheers,
  16. Hello all, I have been busy with other things in the last few days and had very little time to spend in the shipyard. I did manage to finish gluing the mounting blocks to the display board though. After the glue had cured enough I also put a few brass woods crews into them from the bottom side, just to be sure they are secured. Next is to cement the bottom piece of plywood to the board frame. Right now I am battling a slight bow in the board I don't like. I hope that with the other plywood sheet on it that it'll straighten out. This funky weather we are having is also not very helpful. I have also bought some nice pine molding for the sides today. I'll most likely have to use small finishing nails to secure them to the board with PVA glue. I'll set them in some and fill the holes with wood putty. After that it's sanding, prepping for stain and finishing with poly. Well, here are a few pics on how I glued the mounting blocks to the board. The 1/4 inch dowels prevented me from placing the weights on them, so I had to improvise. Please don't laugh about my crude "clamping" arrangement, the main thing is that it works. I used a few of my rivet bucking bars as spacers next to the posts in the mounting blocks. I had no other way to put some weight on these blocks so the glue could take a good hold. I put the glue on the blocks between this pic and the next. To position the blocks accurately, I temporarily put the model on them and then placed the model on the board and positioned the blocks over the center of the cross pieces. I then marked the location of each one on the board. Yeah, I didn't take any pics of that work. Here you see the steel bucking bars on the blocks and ready for the concrete pavers for weight. Crude but effective. Here you see the weights on top of the mounting blocks. Cheers,
  17. Hoi Jan, I really appreciate your comments. Yes, much of my and those in similar circumstances, experiences are becoming or may already have become forgotten history by many. Only through stories, biographies, books and film can they be preserved. But then, who will actually read what is already published? Even the average Dutch population today knows very little, if any, what happened to their fellow citizens in their former colony. Thanks for "listening" to me and caring! Cheers,
  18. Hey Patrick, I'm at a loss for words, which is rather unusual for me She's just looking awesome. Your little paint problem can be fixed. For such a small scale I would use large "sticky notes." The paper is thin and leave a sharp demarkation line and they peel off rather easily. Yea, you'll have to sand the edges and repaint it but that's a minor chore. Cheers,
  19. Yeah John, that lighter colored rope on the fish hook looks much better, it matches well with the other lines I see. She's really coming together very nicely. Cheers,
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