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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Thank all of you my friends for your kind words. It's time now for me to search for some water or alcohol based dye for my display board side molding. I also want to make a few extra things for the display, like a few crates of Heineken beer, another anchor, a few more mines and crew members of course. For all practical purposes the model is finished and am now figuring out how to take the photos. I plan to make a few prints on glossies to give to the museum in Holland. So, till then, Cheers
  2. Thank you all for your kind words and my special thanks to SawdustDave for planning this event for a very worthy cause. Children who have lost their fathers in a war. Regardless how tragic this is for them, at least they have their father buried in a tangible grave they can visit. I do not have that, and not till a rather recent time I did not fully know how my father died. The part of the ship where his battle station is is the part that was hit by the Jap torpedo and in the resulting explosion that part just vanished, evaporated, with him and his shipmates. Yes, I write it in the present tense, for a reason. However, I now do have actual photographs of the wreck and the stern section just aft of his battle station, so now I also have a grave marker. I do have closure of sorts but the hurt is still there. So, I do fully understand the loss of these children, the mental anguish they have to deal with for a long time. I was fortunate in that my father came home while his ship was being rearmed and fueled, to say his goodbyes. One of the things he told me man to man was, that it is his duty to go out with the fleet to meet the enemy. That word - duty - is burned into my memory. No matter how unfair this world deals with us These fathers have sworn an auth as well. It was their duty to put their lives on the line, tragically, some did not survive. Dave deserves our admiration and thanks for his time and effort to set up this affair in order to gen up some capital to give something back to these children as a small token of our gratitude for the ultimate price their beloved fathers paid. That's why I did not hesitate to drive 450 miles to be an active part in that effort and share my story. Sorry for the sob story but I felt all of you needed to know why Dave set this up, for there is a great need to help these children and of course the widows who are left behind. I sincerely hope that more can be done in the future. Cheers,
  3. Hey Popeye, marvelous work my friend. I see the air horn! Like it? That's not the word for it - - I LOVE it, it's looking great. Came back today from Fayetteville and there were a few similar models, nice but naked compared to your ship! I'll post a pic of them tomorrow so everyone can see what a difference it makes to a model when everything is put on the model that can be put on a model. Cheers,
  4. Hello all and thanks for the birthday wishes, also to the ones who PM'd me. 81 Years young - I honestly never thought I'd be this old But, living on borrowed time for many years I'm thankful for each and every day. Well Mark, I'm not too thrilled with the molding but will have to wait till after I come back from Fayetteville, N.C. next week. I haven't even looked for water or alcohol based stains yet. Dave, the models are all stowed in the truck and I hope to shove off between 0600 and 0630 tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a boring ride all by myself. Yeah, I'll be careful alright, it's the other drivers I'm worried about. Hello Jack, good seeing you again and yes please, go play catch-up. I'm actually doing the same thing and am at page 59 now. Y'all hang in I'll see all yuns next week. Cheers,
  5. Well done Patrick, weather vane too no less! Sails look great. Cheers,
  6. Hey Nils, just fantastic work. I hope I can do half as well when I start rigging and putting the sails on my VOC ship. Question though. Where did you buy that small blow torch for hard soldering? The one I have is about twice if not more, that size. Cheers,
  7. Looks fantastic Dave. Yup, Rust Oleum makes some real nice paint, I have been using it on the O19. It covers nice and is tough. I'm afraid I'll not be using gold on my VOC ship, much too extravagant for the Dutch company. Can't blame them one bit. Cheers,
  8. Looks okay Nenad but thin Cu wire may look better as simulated steel bars to keep piggies safely locked up. Cheers,
  9. Looks good Patrick and agree about the shading being a bit too dark. Try a B or H pencil and see how much or little graphite is placed on the sails. Perhaps the 2 B is too soft. Question though, would the gluing up of the panels not make the sail too stiff? I guess some experimenting may be in order. I sure like the effect you have achieved. Cheers,
  10. Looks about right, scale wise Patric. I think you have nailed it. Cheers,
  11. Thanks for the URL on the decals Anton. Adding the decals you made is like icing on the cake, sweet. Cheers,
  12. Bar stool, definitely a bars stool like seat. I use that when working on the VOC ship but I have been standing for 2 1/2 years when working on the O19. A bar stool like seat is also much easier to get on and off of with a swivel seat. I love it. Letters came out real nice Nenad. Cheers,
  13. You have all the right to be proud of what you have accomplished. She's a very handsome vessel and I picked up a lot of good ideas, just hope I can remember it all and find my notes back. Cheers,
  14. An honest to goodness air horn I see! I can hear it now - - braaaaaat - - braaaaaaaaast! Great update Popeye, nice work on all the "stuff" you are adding. Cheers,
  15. We don't care about a little dust, we know you and Anja have been busy with they house, no time to ship-shape the ship Railings look magifico! Good to see you back in the shipyard. Cheers,
  16. Great update Popeye, more "stuff" added and a too long a ladder as a bonus. Yup, you are almost there. Cheers,
  17. Oh, I know the sentiments Dave, have done the same thing a time or two. It's just time and some wood, the end result is what counts. Cheers,
  18. Beautiful looking yard John. Great in heaving a lathe that can take a long piece of wood! Cheers,
  19. I quit adding more polly, it looks rather presentable for the Fayetteville event in a few weeks. Plan C is still being contemplated, just need to find the right dye. Thanks to you who have given me the suggestions. I have been busy with other things in the last few days, not only domestic chores but also doctor appointments. Got some very good news about the prostate cancer issue, that seems to have disappeared altogether. One more annual visit for next year and after that I'm cut loose. Tomorrow is a pre-op for the bladder cancer and the end of April I'll get the cysto for an inside look. Let's hope that it looks as good if not better then 2 months ago. In any case, I mounted the O19 onto the newly made and finished display board and took it outside for a picture. I know, I should have added this to the profile part but so what, yuns can see how she looks on the board. Cheers,
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