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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. I'm back! I will attempt to catch up with all of your builds tomorrow! I cut out all the other templates, and took a brake from sanding to start construction of the keel. I also redrew the very much faded centerline. I started with the stem. You can see from the pictures, it is now glueing. Now that it is glueing, it is back to sanding :D!





    The pictures were from my iPad, as it is near my bedtime. Until next time!

  2. I am having a homework packed weekend, so no work on the ship :(. Also, the files from the camera are too large to post, so I guess it is back to the iPad. The Syren materials arrived, and they are great! I don't have any pictures not on the camera, and have to get back to my homework. sorry, I will be back to work as soon as possible!

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