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Posts posted by Canute

  1. Well, a minor doubling back on myself. I've been busy digging out of the snow we had here in WNC, so I hadn't looked at the launch since Sunday. I was contemplating the port sheer plank and noticed it looked like a hockey stick on the hood end. How'd that happen, I opined. :huh:  I looked at my first 3 molds and realized I hadn't faired them after adding the cherry frames to molds 4 thru 15. If you look at the first and third photos in #50, you can see, in HD, that they aren't faired in yet. :( Frame 1 left a crimp in the sheer plank worthy of one of those hand planking benders. So, this afternoon, I "handled" that little issue. All nicely faired in. :)

    The port garboard turned out much better; fits into the rabbet better than what the photos show. So, I'm hoping to get the planking started this weekend.

  2. Matt, are you steaming/boiling or just pressure fitting your planks? I presume the latter, since you're zipping right along and using CA.

    The rabbet seems to be good, although your joint at the stem is in shadow. I used a steel binder clamp to hold the hood end of the planks in the rabbet. Don't want to leave my finger prints where they shouldn't be.

    Keep on truckin'.

  3. Jonny, any model train shops near you? They may have some brass wire in stock. We have an outfit called Detail Associates (DA) that makes round brass wire. If my ciphering is correct, 1mm equals .040 inches and  DA carries that size. They go all the way down to .006 inch wire.There are other brands, too. Maybe try a local hardware store, too.

    Staring at the screen like that does a number on your eyes. Back when PCs were new (mid 80's), we had monochrome amber screens. I had to do data entry for my unit's weapons scores. If I spent more than a half hour doing that, I'd get bleary eyed. The other Weapons officer wore his sunglasses to do entries, it bothered his eyes so much. The CO thought we were daft, but our inspection results were always top notch, so he humored us.

  4. Matt, my Italian Gramma did that kind of beautiful work. I have 2 pieces for putting under lamps, inherited from my Mom. Sis got all the rest of the handiwork. That is some beautiful work! :10_1_10:


    And as Keith says, it makes a lot of sense that Captain Bligh would carry the barricoes that way. They keep liquids in, so they can also keep salt water out. I work with a lady who crochets. Maybe I can talk her into doing something like this. :rolleyes:

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