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Posts posted by Canute

  1. Matt, that mortar looks great! Well done.


    You might look at Birchwood Casey and Bluejacket to blacken brass and pewter metals. Paint adds a layer on top of the metal; these color the metal. They both make blackening liquids for some different metals. You may find the Birchwood Casey stuff at a gun shop; they're gunsmithing supplies.

  2. Cathead, thanks. All my ACW in-person viewing has been in PA, MD, VA & NC. Need to check out the West.


    I would think that since Cairo was built as an ironclad from the keel up and meant to be used occasionally as a ram, the hull was over braced, with all the extra frames. For a transport, I'd surmise the frames were much further apart.

  3. Cathead, check out Gene Bodnar's build of USS Cairo, an ACW brown water ship, here: http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?5406

    Another almost flat bottom (well, it does have a keel) build of a War of 1812 row galley, with an interesting build gantry idea: http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?4335

  4. As another with a model railroader (MRR) background, I agree with Andy. It's important to define, if we are going to an IPMS or NMRA event, when you have to categorize the models for a contest. As an occasional contest judge and model evaluator for model railroading, I've been in the cross hairs of some irate contestants. It's a tough spot to be in. I try to avoid contest judging nowadays, but still help to evaluate folks' work, normally in their homes. Can't haul your layout in to my place to look at track-work or scenery, can you? ;)


    We don't judge here, we support and offer constructive criticism. Big reason why I'm here. For our purposes and  usage, super-detailing and kit bashing are equally valid terms and the MRRs here will occasionally slip and call these kit-bashes superdetailing. Let's not fall on our swords over a little semantic issue. C'est la vie! :cheers:

  5. Okay, I'm in too! Looks like you have some really interesting mods going on here.


    Oh, and for the record, I don't have OCD..................... I have CDO...............'cause the letters really should be in the correct alphabetical order! ;)

    :D  I have two mates who have the same affliction. And when they get together it's an installment of "The Bickerson's", nattering back and forth on some detail. They're a hoot!

    This will be a most interesting build. :)

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