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Posts posted by Canute

  1. Nice to see progress, Clare.


    One way of avoiding soggy paper or card is to spray with grey primer first. Then you can use acrylic paint over it, as it renders the card waterproof. I've done this for years with models of stage sets I've designed.

    Druxey, coat the side without printing or both sides? With wood, I'd seal both sides before using acrylics, else we get potato chips/crisps. Pitting paint over the printing seems counter intuitive. :huh:


    Clare, the grates look very good. Last order I got from Poland/Ukraine, it sat in a NY post office over a week. Customs, I presume. Took <1 day to get from NYC to the hinterlands of western NC. :) Must have used an SR-71. ;)

  2. I was contemplating my garboards and sheer planks, in order to add the next planks. One sheet of the laser cut planks has a very pronounced cross grain, so it looks like the outside will get painted. I'd have to go very dark and the grain still would show. :(

    Then, looking at the bow, I realized the hood ends did not remain in the rabbets. Arggh! :angry:  Up with that, I will not put!  Out came the IPA (no, Cap'n, not any kind of ale) and 5 minutes later, I popped the sheer planks off. (Ya know, I could have used a Smithwicks about then. Down to me last Guinness now :( ) Cleaned off the old glue and I will very carefully, with more lighting and my good old optivisor, re-glue the sheers. I've been putzing around on this hull long enough. Sorry for the building buffoonery, mates!

  3. Wow, it's been a month since I updated this. :rolleyes:  Life keeps intruding with gotta do's and must do's. All I can do is keep on truckin'.

    I mirrored the plank bends on the starboard side with the sheer and garboard, except I had an oops. I was bending the garboard dry, just a preliminary curve to the hood end, when "snap". I busted about an inch or so off. This is basswood, so I reached for the yellow glue. Set it up and left it over night. Next time I could work it, I popped it into a pan of boiling water to "loosen" it up. Slid it up onto the frame and pop goes the glued joint. To my chagrin I grabbed the water resistant glue, not the Tight bond III water-proof stuff. Darn Hench squirrels of  the"Squirrel Whisperer"! :angry:

    So, after a suitable drying period, I applied the correct glue. About this time , the Admiral walks in and asks me when I was gonna build a steam box or some such thing for doing planks. Wha?? I'm thinking I don't want to go thru too many more delays, cobbling up a box and steam maker. Oh, yeah, I just remembered. The Master (Chuck P) has a video on planking using heat from a blow dryer. I dutifully reviewed the video and said " I can do that". So, I clamped the garboard into place, turned the hair dryer to full hot and played it over the end for 3-5 minutes. Had to anchor everything down on the bench; the little huffer puts out quite a volume of hot air. Could have launched a flying squirrel. :o Plank end looked OK, so I went and did some other things. {Cut sticks to build up a telegraph office for my club's garden railroad}. Came back after a cooling off period and Viola! a bent garboard. :) Hope to get this all glued up so I can proceed with planking the hull, but we have company coming for Easter. I doubt the Admiral will let me play in the shop. Maybe Monday, after my trip to the doc for my annual exam. Happy Easter and Passover to all who observe.

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