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Everything posted by Canute

  1. You could always head to a sushi bar, get some rolls and dunk them in wasahbi. Guaranteed to open all sinus passages in your noggin. But curry will do, too.
  2. It is that time of year for us Northern Hemisphere folks to encounter the usual winter time head colds and such. Like OC said, load up on Vitamin C and Zinc and have the more focused remedies available to fight those colds. And stay away from others (which isn't too difficult these days). Work on your models, if you can.
  3. Denis, be careful with the virus. The incubation is something like 1 to 2 weeks, so you may not show signs until mid week.
  4. Denis, sorta rubbery? I'd expect that, since it is meant to be run around your rug/backyard/wherever. Should be another interesting Popeye build.
  5. EG, hope the weather effects are minimal on your meds. That is very sloppy work. Our delivery services really stink these days. The Amazon folks walk up my 300 ft slalom driveway to my back door, drop it at the "mail room" door and walk back to their truck. If I didn't see the fella walking up the hill, I'd never know of a delivery until I got the delivery made email. Granted my goods are glues and such, but too cool or wet could affect other items. Chuckleheads. Fascinating review of Surigao. Yes, the USN set up a kill zone and destroyed the Japanese force. It was not a well executed maneuver of crossing the T as all the "Gun Club" members wanted. Has there been a more current study published? We (NATO air and ground forces) did similar planning in West Germany during the Cold War, attempting to funnel the Warsaw Pact hordes into areas we could bring our forces to bear effectively.
  6. Don't forget, the Depression hurt the democracies much harder than the dictatorships. Funds were tight. The Washington Naval treaties restrictions were being more and more ignored, but the democracies were fiscally trying to hold the line of shipbuilding costs. The Treaty cruisers were a prime point.
  7. Don't want to "like" getting a cold. Some chicken soup/broth will make you feel better. No medical factoids there, just my observation over the years. I've got similar issues when my sinuses act up. Luckily, this happened after my flying career was winding down.
  8. It is, EG, unfortunately. And no reports of singed bodyparts. Y'all be careful, ya heah.
  9. Must have been tough growing up with a birthday so close to Christmas. I had a friend who had a Christmas Eve birthday. His folks threw him a birthday in late June.
  10. Needs shards of fiberglass and lots of blood. Don't ask how I know that one. 😌
  11. Inciteful discussion of the battle, gentlemen. Thanks. 👍 We sit and wait on the wayward delivery systems.
  12. Tough loss their, Bob. But he'll be waiting for you, one day. Aircraft is looking very good.
  13. Good choice. One could also use Bondo Spot Putty (the red stuff that sticks to plastic). There's them that has and then there's them that will. Case of TMB, Jack. Too Many Birthdays. I'll get my coat and hat.
  14. Nice paint job. And markings for The Silver Fox. Very nice.
  15. Kevin, looks like a good idea. I built a wood grain mill kit for a garden layout (1/24 scale or some such) with a water wheel. 👍
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