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  • Birthday 08/15/1971

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    Yorkshire England

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  1. Just had a very pleasurable read through your log Bob,great work! Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Good to see you back in the shipyard NickLining gunports is a thankless task,so doing something else at the same time is a good idea Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Doris,absolutely fabulous work on a model of a vessel from my favourite period of English naval architecture Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Who would of thought a bit of silicon,toothpick and tape could look so effective! Excellent Michael Kind Regards Nigel
  5. Fabulous model,congratulations MartynDon't keep us in suspense,go on what's next? Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Michael there is a useful guide to Leds on this website,this is where I get my LEDS and various other items for my RC builds. https://www.componentshop.co.uk/ Kind Regards Nigel P.S. make sure you follow the guide to voltage,required voltage varies with the colour of the LED,too low it won't work,too high it will blow.This is why you quite often have to incorporate resistors in the circuit.
  7. Excellent work Michael.Two suggestions re lanterns.One is to cast them with the LED inside using clear casting resin.Other option would be to buy larger LEDS and file to shape.The body is clear epoxy I believe so should shape and polish with files and wet and dry abrasive. Kind Regards Nigel
  8. It has been a while since I visited your log Jason due to not being around much of late.I must say this is one of the cleanest,sharpest kit based builds I have seen.I am also an advocate of Tamiya dark iron.It also works well with a little very light drybrushing of flat aluminium. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Excellent work Michael If I may interject,rather than painting your metalwork plain black,try Tamiya XF-84 dark iron acrylic.This is a matt paint that trust me looks so much more appealing than plain black.A light dusting of their aerosol fine surface primer is adviseable though to prevent paint lifting in the future.Not so much of a chore if you hold several parts down to a board with double sided tape and spray a few at once.Just a thought Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Excellent work MarkTamiya do masking tape up to 40mm wide I think and is low tack.Dampening the veneer can also help to reduce splitting when cutting.Just make sure it is bone dry before gluing.Only thing you can't use both as the tape won't stickI have found life easier to roughly cut the spiled plank oversize,then trimming the edge that butts the fitted plank first.This can then be held to the hull with tape to mark the second edge.Cut slightly oversize then shape with a sanding stick. Kind Regards Nigel
  11. I am bit late to the party Michael,great startI look forward to following your progress including refinement and alteration to what is supplied in the standard kit. Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Lovely work MartynI still have a massive soft spot for this vessel. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Great work OC and a very clean sharp paintjob Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Michael a thought springs to mind if you are going to scratchbuild a lantern.If you are going to make a globe shaped one,like this model is often depicted with,then a clear marble or glass crystal sphere would make an ideal base for attaching the frame to and it would act as the 'glazing'. Kind Regards Nigel P.S. Lotus Espirits utilised a Renault 25 transaxle
  15. Fabulous work BobI am trying my best to catch up after a long period of absence.You have completed one build and Well on the way with another Kind Regards Nigel
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