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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Absolutely wonderful work Amalio May I ask how the lining planking is fastened to the mould to allow latter removal? Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Just popped in for a catch up Bob Excellent work Kind Regards Nigel
  3. Outstanding! Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Quite simply outstanding Michael Kind Regards Nigel
  5. A huge congratulations Daniel I am certain that with Mamoli's choice of some not to common subjects coupled with your great kit design ability,the models will be great sellers Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Excellent work Ian I simply love the notched planking detail. Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Excellent work Bill My take on the van de velde work was that although six ports are shown,the cannons would be have to be moved from the front most port to the outer ones in the bulkhead.There isn't sufficient deck space to use two seperate cannons for both ports.at the front corner. Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Keith,absolutely STUNNING work,the stern looks fantastic .I have been following quietly in the background,watching your dedication coping with the trials and tribulations of this complex stern.Your patience has paid off in spades. Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Great work Michael and glad the pencil worked out for you Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Wonderful work Igor The model looks like that of Roland Vlahovic Kind Regards Nigel
  11. So sorry to hear of your drama Michael,but glad to see you are already on the way with the repairs,as they say 'what doesn't break us,only makes us stronger' Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Excellent work Daniel I feel a special order for my Nuestra Senora coming in the future,for my model though,I would be the odd one out and choose D Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Congratulations Bob,absolutely fabulous work Kind Regards Nigel
  14. A LITTLE update? Planking looks great Mark A good sand and scrape will eliminate any blemishes in the timber. Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Nice clean methodical work Nigel,looks great Kind Regards The other Nigel
  16. After looking at pics of your kit,i would say possibly 3 sheets for the second planking plus the kit strips.There is a possible pitfall to this,I personally think you will struggle to match the supplied walnut.The Amati walnut is a European variety and I can't find sheet stock to match it and I live in Europe. My advice would be to use the supplied kit first planking and maybe buy some sheet stock for the bow if you are determined to spill the first layer.I would then give serious thought to replacing the second planking completely.The timber will then match,but also you have the opportunity to change to pear or box.They are both more resilient to breaking than walnut,a problem that can occur when cutting curved shapes(i.e. your planks)out and then bending. Kind Regards Nigel
  17. I doubt anyone will have these,to my knowledge they were never available seperately and as the Mamoli factory went up in smoke,the only option would be to get a half built model and cannibalise it for them. Personally though,having seen many Mamoli builds,I think these gunports can be more of a curse than a blessing.Your better option would be to make some wooden boxes up and glue one side to the bulkhead.This will make sanding the hull easier and you are not dictated by the tab positions,from what I have seen,rarely do these line up like the manufacturer intended. Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Very much depends on the shape of the bow Dave,for the central section of the hull,the kit planking is adequate,this will follow the slight bend caused by the sheer.You only need to spil the bow area and possibly some of the stern(especially if it has a round tuck).What vessel are you building,that would give a better idea of the shapes involved? Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Hi Dave I ordered the widest sheets of Pear available (75mm) for Nuestra.You can then 'nest'the shaped planks side by side with a small gap to save material.My second planking is only 4mm max wide on Nuestra,but the last one I cut for the bow is probably 40mm wide across the corners!! Kind Regards Nigel
  20. Yes Bill,I did think you may do that and I must say it does look good and is certainly a plausible possibility. Kind Regards Nigel
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