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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Mark Sorry that I've been absent from your log for a long time. Some personal reasons, but I'm back, very slowly though and trying to catch up on all the logs that I've missed. You're are going great guns mate and i havtasay that you are a master of this craft. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! And with your death star you are getting like the DARTH all the time. LOL. Happymodelling mate Greg
  2. G'day Nils Wow this is the first time I realized HOW BIG the model is going to be.....you holding the base stand in your hands and the photo of the stand next to the false keel. It's mind boggling. Havagooday mate Greg
  3. That's a very good point about gluing after everything is done. Did you learn that lesson a hard way many years ago? Similar thing happened to me on my first build..... so I'm like Saint Nic - making a list and checking it twice. So it wouldn't happen again - I hope. havagooday my friend Greg
  4. G'day Vince Ditto from me as well. Again your eyes for details makes this model stands out to be one of the best. Congratulations Greg
  5. G'day Mark I gonna be a broken record. Just brilliant mate. I wish there are another way to say it, but everyone has said it before, so ditto, ditto. You are correct when you told Keith about his RW. It's been very quiet in Melbourne - no posting coming from there! There's an Ozzie way of putting it. GET YOUR FINGER OUT KEITH. Mark I'll be waiting for your next 'little update'. Happy 2017 to you and everyone. Greg
  6. G'day Nils The boat - Le Canot Imperial is a very interesting vessel. After Janos did his brilliant model of it, I thought to myself that it would take a very brave person to even to attend to do one. All I can say, if anyone can match Janos's model, it would be only you. This would be be very interesting for me as I've only seen your models in steel and brass etc. This one is just wood. Looking forward to see your interpretation. You mentioned that carving is not your ideal pass time. Instead of carving why not try what Doris on the HMY ROYAL CAROLINE did and use a plasticine type substance. This method is much easier for me over carving. Havagreatnewyear mate Greg
  7. G'day Dave Looking good mate. I assume that you will check the diagonal measurements between each bulkhead for squareness before you attached the rabbits. Are you going to use a cradle of sorts to hold the bulkheads in place? When I did my builds, I put temporary wedges to keep them square before adding the rabbits. I found that method a bit "if and miss", so next time I will make up a cradle like jig that will hold each bulkhead square. Havagooday Greg
  8. After all Dave, your name isn't no-sawdustdave!Looking good my friend and it's good to show how it is done from the start to help any new members. 'I take my hat off to you' to take your time to show this side to help the less experienced and people like me who has only been around for a few years. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Nils I don't know if I'm pleased or sad about that statement! We have only six months left of this amazing log and model..... I'm sad at that!
  10. G'day Nils Firstly I wish that you and your family had a great Christmas. My wife and I would like to wish you all a fantastic 2017! As Mark stated the full length photos shows how splendid your model is. It's also shows how bloody big it is. The original ship must have been enormous. Like ever one else has previously stated, and I can only echo what was said before. Fantastic build my friend Greg
  11. G'day Mark There's only 1 thing that I can negatively say about your build, more so your log. You are too bloody honest for your own good. Not many people would know about your wales being too low, and the ones who does wouldn't matter to them because they would know how difficult it would be to get the right. So keep up your outstanding work, but be less true full in the future. Havagooday my friend Greg
  12. G'day Vince Again bloody marvelous mate. Love the brass stanchions! And your eye for details like the capping around the bottom of the post that hold up the gangways. This is the difference between a a good build to a great build. Yours is of course the latter! Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all my friends on MSW. Greg
  13. G'day Dave I'll be front and (almost) Centre watching this exciting build. One question though. Did you have a straight edge order the false keel while it was clamped together? I assume you did. Havagooday my friend Greg
  14. You didn't say holy cow "crap"....the one that starts with S? Oh my goodness, what language! Lol
  15. G'day Dave Sorry that I've missed your log for a long time. 'Blow me down' it's amazing that the great SOtS is finished and I must join the chorus in saying congratulations on a bloody great job. Your SOtS is unique in every way. You must be a good boy this year to get a great pressy from Santa. Merry Christmas mate and please place a link on this log first your next build. Greg
  16. And that's coming from an expert. A truly high praise indeed and you deserve it mate. havagooday Greg
  17. G'day Nils Just amazing as usual. I showed your log to a friend of mine who was visiting me last night and his mind was blown away. He couldn't believe what you can put into the scale that you are doing. When he saw your deck chairs on top of your fingertips, that was when he was speechless. He kept on saying unbelievable with some very colourful adjective which I can't repeat here
  18. G'day Nils Thanks for that very good answer. My grandfather once told me 'your day is not waisted, if your learnt something in it' . Thanks to you, my day wasn't waisted, thanks again my friend Greg
  19. G'day Nils Thank you for you wishes and you are correct when you talked about this forum. To me, the MSW is not just a bunch of model makers around the globe, but a huge family of model maker spread over the whole world. One question though. The sign on the stern is in english, shouldn't it be in German? Havagooday my friend Greg
  20. G'day Nils Spent the last 3 days going through your last 20 or so pages again. The only thing that I can add to the comments is 'ditto to everyone'. AMAZING IN EVERY ASPECT. I am so glad that you keep on saying 1:144 scale., because it's very easy to forget what is the scale that you are working in because all the details etc that you do. It could be easy 1:64 or even 1:32 scale. Sorry that I've been slack for not getting back to you earlier, I'm so buggered and my 'get up and go' has 'got up and went'. Well mate Havagooday Greg
  21. G'day Cristi Thanks for uploading your photos etc. It looks very promising! Havagooday Greg
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