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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Nils Again fantastic piece of workmanship! "....., lucky, no scap so far..." not luck memattie, if you ask me, it's SKILL. Havagooday Greg
  2. G'day Nils Thanks for the photos explanation. It makes sence to me now. It just prove to me, that YOU can teach and old dog (like me) new tricks.
  3. G'day Bug All I can say is bloody marvelous. It would be good if you could do the ropes and pulling on the hidden guns, but don't worry about it....it's good enough the way you did it. Havagooday Greg
  4. G'day BugMark said it all! As I have said before, Augie would be very honoured for you taking over his last build. Goodonyamate. Havagooday Greg
  5. G'day Nils I havto echo the other entries. A big congratulations on closing the hull! It looks like end end of the build is coming closer all the time. Havagooday my friend Greg
  6. G'day Patrick The more you do, the more I'm amazed. The details in the radar area (at this scale) is impressive. But I'm like Bob, can't wait to see in internal majic that you are sooooo goooood at. Havagooday mate and I hoped that you had a great Australia Day yesterday. Greg
  7. G'day Nils Simply fantastic! The tank, staircase and everything else is beyond belief. Glad again to see a photo with your thumb in it, it shows how small of the scale that you are working in. Incredible! Havagooday my friend Greg
  8. G'day Vince I can echo Pete's sentiments. The guns looks well weathered and with the pullies etc, it will be great. The word 'rig-less' is a word now and it's says the true meaning. Havagooday all Greg
  9. G'day Dave I bet your grey matter is working overtime on this problem... Looking great mate Havagooday Greg
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE What a surprise for you. Going to Boston and also your son will be with you. Now that's a birthday present that you deserve. Good luck on the canons and I, for one, can't wait for the proto-pics. Havagoodone mate Greg
  11. G'day Nils Just when I thought it was impossible to improve on greatness.... THEN YOU DONE THIS! Simply fantastic in both workmanship and I assume patience. It's the crowning glory to a wonderful model. We are privilege to see what you can do. Greg
  12. G'day Mark Firstly I must say, congratulations on this stage being finished! What a beauty she is! And you must be so proud of your achievements thus far. Every stage of your log so far has pushed the envelope and it's a 'benchmark' for all to follow. All I can say is ditto to all the previous entries. Have you weighed her so far? I'm also curious to find out how heavy she is. Havagooday my friend Greg
  13. G'day Nils What more can I say that hasn't been said before? It's amazing again and again. I hoped that you will have yours eyes checked out before attempting to lay the 30 pieces of glass in that dome arched window. You will need all the help that you can have to do THAT job. Looking forward to see your usually fantastic work. Havagooday my friend Greg
  14. G'day Patrick Amazing as usual! What do you mean when you said it was a bit off? To me it's bloody beautiful. The shot with the power point in the background......it looks like a scene from 'honey I shrunk our yacht' Havagooday my friend Greg
  15. Nice and clean cut Nils. A good tool and advice are always good to have. It proves one thing to me Nils....you are never too old to learn something. That's my case anyway. Havagooday Greg
  16. G'day Mark Great piece of work on the anchors. It's a good idea of using heat shrink for the metal. I did an experiment on a piece of wood with heat shrink around it , oh about 18 months ago and put it on the window sill. Just looked at it and so far just like new if you blow away the dust (it's my garage window). It gets direct sunlight for half the day. So far so good. Havagooday my friend Greg
  17. G'day Dave With all your efforts and heartburn, the stern and transom look incredible. I sure it's a relief to you! A great job and congratulations on a brain numbing job! Havagooday my friend Greg
  18. Also lead is a heavy metal and you DON'T want that in you! I've done a similar thing with copper wire and it worked well. You might have to put it through the roller quite a few times though. Havagooday Greg
  19. G'day Nils It has all been said before me........ so all I can say is ditto and echo everyone's entries. My grandfather gave me his old bit and brace auger bit set. It must be 65 years old, but as good as it was only made yesterday! It comes in a wooden case with 9 bits ranging from 1/8" to 1 3/4". It's a beautiful set, but I don't need the brace head now, so I cut it off with my angle grinder and use them in my variable speed battery opperate drill. Hasn't time change? Well mate Havagooday Greg
  20. G'day Dave It's seems that with Tom's help your little heartburn has been fixed. Goodonyoutom Greg
  21. G'day Dave Amazing work on the beak painting. At toothpick as a brush! It must have taken you hours...... Who said it wasn't fun waiting for the paint to dry? Do you know that you can buy a single hair paint brush? It might be easier than a toothpick. Brilliant Google tour of the the Constitution. Havagooday Greg
  22. G'day Patrick Ditto from me as well. I for one is soooooo pleased that your house painting is done, so you can get back to your Shadow and give us more tantalizing photos. Happynewyearmattie. Greg
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