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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Ulisus I'm so sorry to hear about your late mother. I know just how you feel. My father passed away just 5 months ago and it hurts do deeply. I'm glad that you have gotten back to you incredible model, it will take your mind off things only for a while. And each day it becomes very slightly easier. The coils look great. God bless Greg
  2. G'day Nils They look bloody marvelous mate! There's an expression in Oz that means when you do something great your self - It's like a bought one. havagooday my friend Greg
  3. Also these gell can weep water if they get too hot. If you ask me, it's too bloody dangerous and risky. Good though though. Havagooday tof all Greg
  4. G'day Keith That looks bloody amazing. I think that you are on the right track with Dan's funnel's lattice problem. Havagooday to all Greg
  5. G'day Nils I always thought your model was incredible, but I was wrong! It's bloody amazing incredible. Looking at that finished model that you showed us re the Y brace, your model is in a completely different higher league than that model. Well done mate. Havagooday Greg
  6. They sure did Patrick. Beautiful work on the hull Dan. The open hull design might be a problem, but I'm sure you can get around this matter. Havagooday Greg
  7. G'day Vince Pete has said it all......ditto from me. Havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Mark I'm sure that Pete will agree with me when I say that your log is a perfect example of what to do in building this great ship. The yards are brilliant, just as I would expect from you. And the amount of details are exceptional. Congratulations on another milestone mate. Greg
  9. G'day Patrick Bloody amazing results on the rooms layouts mate. Now the fun part starts......... can't wait! havagooday Greg
  10. G'Day Dave In my research about the Endeavour years ago, I read somewhere that they moved the cannons from one deck to another to even out the weight in heavy weather. But I don't recall that they moved them down below decks. That's all I can remember. Sorry about that! Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Dave Sounds like that you still having some teething problems mate. I do hope all of these enjoying issues will stop soon. If anyone can fix it, I'll put my money on you! Havagooday mate Greg
  12. G'day Marsalv The guns are a bloody ripper (very good) on the deck. Love the tackles on the guns - well done mate. Havagooday Greg
  13. Thanks another one I forgot to enter in. Thanks Keith. You're a bonza mate. (Great)
  14. Hahaha You may be right! Some non-Ozzie might hear Egg-nishner when we speak, it must be our accent.
  15. Australian English 101 G'Day all In Australia we make a few words in a sentence into one longer word. We, I must admit, are a bit lazy in our speaking, but for us it's normal. The reason why I'm writing this down, so other countries and their population might under stand our lingo. Some examples are:. Lingo = language Ozzie = Australian Havta = have to Havtagree = have to agree etc G'Day = good day Havagooday = have a good day Havagreatrip = have a great trip etc If you say it out loud long enough, I hope that you may understand our poor speech. In Australia we use bloody a lot. Bloody is one of our best adjective to describe something so good or some times bad. Eg bloody fantastic is very good. Bloody terrible is very bad. We also break down large words into a smaller/shorter word eg. Air conditioner to Aircon. There are many more facets to our unique language, above are only a small sample. havagooday to all Greg
  16. Sounds like you know what talking about cog re the secret compartments. Lol😆😊
  17. Australian English 101 G'Day all In Australia we make a few words in a sentence into one longer word. We, I must admit, are a bit lazy in our speaking, but for us it's normal. The reason why I'm writing this down, so other countries and there population might under stand our lingo. Some examples are:. Lingo = language Ozzie = Australian Havta = have to Havtagree = have to agree etc G'Day = good day Havagooday = have a good day Havagreatrip = have a great trip etc If you say it out loud long enough, I hope that you may understand our poor speech. In Australia we use bloody a lot. Bloody is one of our best adjective to describe something so good or some times bad. Eg bloody fantastic is very good. Bloody terrible is very bad. We also break down large words into a smaller/shorter word eg. Air conditioner to Aircon. There are many more facets to our unique language, above are only a small sample. havagooday to all Greg
  18. Australian English 101 G'Day all In Australia we make a few words in a sentence into one longer word. We, I must admit, are a bit lazy in our speaking, but for us it's normal. The reason why I'm writing this down, so other countries and their population might under stand our lingo. Some examples are:. Lingo = language Ozzie = Australian Havta = have to Havtagree = have to agree etc G'Day = good day Havagooday = have a good day Havagreatrip = have a great trip etc If you say it out loud long enough, I hope that you may understand our poor speech. In Australia we use bloody a lot. Bloody is one of our best adjective to describe something so good or some times bad. Eg bloody fantastic is very good. Bloody terrible is very bad. We also break down large words into a smaller/shorter word eg. Air conditioner to Aircon. There are many more facets to our unique language, above are only a small sample. havagooday to all Greg
  19. G'day Marsalv Havta agree with Steve...... Don't worry about it....they are great as is. Havagooday Greg
  20. G'day Dave Bloody fantastic result. Your should be proud of yourself. Havagooday Greg
  21. G'day Mark I can only see a slight different, but wow! It looks great now. Well done. It's amazing how a suttle different makes from brilliant to outstanding! Havagooday Greg
  22. G'day Patrick Bloody great job on the rooms. Must be so tedious to do them all. Hopefully 'Eagle Eye' wouldn't see any spinners this time. Lol😆 Can't wait first the furniture. Havagooday matee Greg
  23. '.......right but i persisted. I us......' G'Day Steve My dear late Father had a saying. Persistent is a virtue, possess if you can, seldom found in women, but always in a man. Sorry Toni, you're the exception! Great job again Havagooday Greg
  24. G'day Nils Bloody brilliant mate. Ditto to everyone's comments. As I have said before, so much details in a very very small scale. INCREDIBLE! Havagooday mate Greg
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