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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Mark It appears that I've missed much since I was last on due to personal reasons. Glad that you are back in the ol'ship yard. Looking so good on the beams, it's almost a pity to cover them up. Happy Father's Greg
  2. G'day Patrick Bloody brilliant idea about your invisible stand! It's suits your marvelous boat to the T. The whole thing is a complete credit to you memattieee. Congratulations on a very impressive job. You're setting the bench mark high for you next endeavor my friend, but I know that you are up to it. Havagoodfather'day on Sunday. Greg
  3. Mistakes? What mistakes? I can't find any. I also agree with Frank, the spread out photos are amazing and IT DOES SHOW how hard you thought about it. Havagreatsundee mate Greg
  4. G'day Patrick Just finished catching up. Bloody marvelous mate and if you put any more details in, it will blow my mind and many more. Btw could this be your wife and mother? havagoodweekend me Mattie. Greg
  5. G'day Alexandru Congratulations on a marvelous model! I'm sure l8ke many others, I am very sad to say goodbye to this outstanding log. I'll be waiting with open arms for your next venture. Havagooday my friend Greg
  6. G'day Nils Been away in hospital for 3 weeks and I couldn't read any logs on NRG site. But I've spent over 2 hours reading and absorbing you marvelous entries. I agree with everyone and I wish I can see this marvelous model with my own eyes. Regarding the life boats you really don't need to put any seating etc in them, because they should have a cover on each of them to stop the rain etc. This is what I did on the 4 boats on my endeavor. Havagooday my mate. Greg
  7. G'day Denis Been away for a time and I've just spent 2 hours reading and enjoying your log.BRILLIANT is all I can say mate. havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Mark Bloody marvelous mate! Looks so, so real. You should be so dame proud of it. Well done memattieee. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Mark Firstly happy belated birthday! Been off the air for a period. Janet should be so proud of the plaque. It proves to me a marine do have a soft spot, especially when his admiral has his heart. Looking great mate on the model side as well. Havagooday my friend Greg
  10. G'Day Nils I'm speechless again mate. For anyone to see the true beauty of this ship, I suggest them to enlarge each photo up to 400% actual size and THEN you can see everything. As I have said before, Simply amazing mate on the finished and details. You are making the bench mark too high for the rest of us Nils! Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Denis The hull looks great mate! The shape seams to be designed for shallow waters, am I correct to assume that? Havagoodone Greg
  12. G'day wombat My condolence to you and your whole family on the death of your daughter. The only condolence that you may have is that she is in peace now and no pain. God bless Greg
  13. G'day Nils I, and I'm sure everyone else, are amazed with how much details you are putting into this wonderful ship. Enlarging the photos shows me the minute and delicate details that you can put into such a tiny scale. Also the enlargements show NO signs of being inferior, which is another amazing fact. havagooday my friend Greg
  14. G'day Mark You done it again McGoo. Your workmanship and painting is outstanding. Can't wait for your next update! Havagooday Greg
  15. G'day Robert Mind boggling is only thing I can say. Amazing amazing amazing workmanship. Havagooday Greg
  16. Thats Rail looks so great mate. It doesn't matter if it was done by the DEATH STAR or not. You still have to do it in Corel. That would be a very trick job, and you deserve all the praise mate Havagooday and look after Janet! Greg
  17. G'day Vince What ever you are doing keep doing it. With all of your TINY mistakes makes this model, your own. It's very courageous of you to write and publish your errors to help the LUCKY ones who will follow in their build. As usual your finishing off is absolutely delightful to see. Brilliant work and havagooday my friend Greg
  18. Tom you are almost correct, not hobbiest but PROFESSIONALISM. To be more to the point. Havagooday Greg
  19. Looking great Dave. Are you going to blacken the brass??havagoodone mate Greg
  20. I use my admiral 's baking paper. It works well also. Havagooday to all . Greg
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