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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. Bloody amazzzzzzzzing mate. My admiral is also knocked over by these photos. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU DO THEM? Thanks a million mate ! Haveagreatone Greg
  2. G'day Bug Just started to read this log. It is extremely nice of you to complete this very important build. It is not only for Augie's immediate family, but for our family in this wonderful forum. God bless you for stepping up for this venture. Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Keith Re your post about the 2D plan in the real 3D world. I agree with you completely as I'm had the same problem with my drawing of the Royal Caroline. The height of the transom is viewed from behind the ship. Taking the angle of the transom into account, I had to expand the vertical height without changing the width. In photoshop this is a easy matter. What I trying to say maybe the length of the side of the RW have to be stretch horizontal only in the area of the bow. This way the gun ports will be in a closer position in the 3D world. Havagooday and I hope understand what I'm trying to convey. Greg
  4. G'day Marsalv Your canons are splendid. Was each one done separately or you used a master to copy them. The reason why I asked is that they all seems so uniformed. Henry Ford will be so proud of your product line! Amazing workmanship mate. havagooday my friend Greg
  5. G'day Dave Bloody marvellous! The last photograph is simply outstanding. It's a pity that you can't add an extra room to your home to display the full rigging. There's always room in my home in Australia, if you are interested!
  6. G'day Patrick As you know, I've had some family issues lately, and this is the first time I've had a chance to catch up with your incredible log. Fantastic, unbelievable, breathtaking are just a few words that come to my mind. Inspiration is another and there are no faults with this model, trust me, it's only your mind playing tricks. Could you please take photo with your hand as a size guide holding the dining chairs. It will blow me and others away. Havagooday mate Greg
  7. G'day Mark Outstanding and it must be a very delicate piece of bending of the windows. Did you bend it after cutting out the windows pains? I thought it would be easier and safer to bend it BEFORE. But it would be more difficult to cut out the windows pains after. DAME IF YOU DO AND DAME IF YOU DON'T.
  8. G'day Mark Did you say "fun bit"? It's look so difficult! Shaping a block of wood in a 3D shape, I think it's fun but patients is required. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Nils I can't believe it....it has almost been a month since I've last looked at this marvellous log! Sorry mate, but family's hassles has to come first. All I the can do is to echo and echo everyones comments, and say that my eyes and heart are so warm now after feasting on this extremely wonderful log. Your details to your craft is so impressive and to think, it's metal not wood. I can hardly solder two wires together, nether mind, what you can do. so Happymodelling my friend and Havagooday Greg
  10. G'day Denis. That's right...the outer limits. That's it. A great show as as Dennis the menace. Memories of our youth. Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Denis As you know. I've been away from your log for a while......I felt like I'm turned on the the TV and starting to watch that very old TV series about different realities......you know the one, where its starts by saying we can control the vertical, the horizontal etc....Damm I can't remember the name of the show. Well mate, with your great work on the "rusty" hull boat, I thought this might become another Andrea Gail......I was enjoying the details very much and I was amazed by your attention to details, and then you went 180 degrees and started this new hull...... HOW CAN YOU DO THAT? Is your head spinning as well, like mine? I wish I can handle 2 jobs at once, nether mind 4 or 5! Your are doing a great job mate on ALL of your boats. Keep us intrigue all the time Havagooday Mate Greg
  12. G'day Mark I havta echo everyone's comments........beautiful transom base and the painting is so great! Can we have some of your warm weather here? Havagoodone mate Greg
  13. Toni. Simply breathtaking! I assume that you used a single hair brush on the painting of the freeze on the steps! Unbelievable Havagooday my friend Greg
  14. Glad to see that your a purists mate. Good luck in the carvings, it is NOT my strong suit. Knowing you, you'll do a cracker of a job. Keep up the great work! Havagooday Greg
  15. G'day Mark Great progress on the gallery windows. I'm so envious of you to have your very own "death star". Regarding the carvings that you are planning. Could you use your lazer and cut the what you want to do in layers and joined them together like plywood? I don't know much about what program that you use to make the windows etc,but maybe you can splice up yhe carving object into layers, if you can understand what I'm trying to express. If you can't do that, try 3D printing! Great work mate and havagooday. Greg
  16. G'day Ulisus Sorry for being absent from your log for a few weeks. Great stuff that you have done. I'm amazed at the amount of work that you have completed in such a short time. Regarding your idea about plugging on the bow doors QUOTE: Drill small holes on the wood. I put a drop of Boiled Linseed Oil on a piece of fine sandpaper. The dust will mix with the BLO and fill the holes. This will make the effect of plugs. Great for deck planking. this is a brilliant idea mate. Another thing that will go into my memory vault! Regarding the 34° of the bow sprint. What Pat told you re the digital level, is what I do as well. If I'm not mistaken the angle of taken from the waterline not the angle of the deck (which could be on an angle it self). havagooday mate Greg
  17. G'day Mark Been busy for the past 2 weeks and haven't been able to get on and catch up. Oh, mate great work on your research on the gallery windows. Glad it's you and not me! I think it was you that has a desk plaque quoting something about Apollo 11 like 'we are doing this not because it's easy, but because it's hard'. Or something similar. So mate the gallery windows are your 'moon'. havagooday mate Greg
  18. G'day Danny As usual work is excellent. I wish I had half your talent and I'll be a 'happy chappy'. Love your details in the tree nails. Thanks Robin! There must be a vent or something above deck to allow for fresh air to circulate. Havagooday all Greg
  19. I agree 110%. Thank you Keith for a very in depth instruction. I'm sure other RW builders in the future will (should) take your advice. After all that is what this forum intend to do best. Pass on others members errors to help their friends. Havagooday my friend Greg
  20. G'day Patrick Again mate, I'll take my hat off to you! Brilliant and outstanding work and I love the brollies! Was it difficult to get them balanced, to stay up without falling over? looked at Jean II. Now that's is a challenge for you! What scale are you planning? Havagooday mate Greg
  21. G'day Nils Been away from this site for about a week with some personal issues. Firstly I'm glad that you are back to amaze us all with your skills. Brilliant work with the foremask! Like wise with the lantern. I don't know how you do it mate, using common things to make that lantern. I've got a "thing that may come in handy" drawer which I never use, but some day I might. My admiral thinks it's a waste, but you never know. All he best mate. Happymodelling Greg
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