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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Patrick Simply breathtaking. Love every minute when I Googled my eyes over the photos. Next ship? Tell us more please Havagooday mate Greg
  2. G'day Alexandru I'm glad that you didn't say "a little update" as you use to say. When I see that you have posted photos, I click on the first to enlarge, and after absorbing all i can see, I'll click on the next. And so on. When I reach the last one, I'll say dame to myself because there are no more
  3. Yea you are right about the glass..............but it is better to have this wonderful model, behind glass to stop the dust and little (and some time big) fingers from touching it. Alexandru can take allthe photos before it wiĺ be encased for security. Greg
  4. G'day Nils I presume that you will have Cortisone Injections at he nerve endings. That good mate, they help me a lot many years ago. Greg.ashwood will be doing a post very soon to explain the process. Havagooday my friend Greg
  5. G'day Ulises Brilliant job on the last 3 posts. Your solution for the two boxes at the stern is a bit of genius! I agree that PLASTIC is not on on a wooden ship! Is is more like swearing to me, but blastomy is also correct! Happymodelling mate Greg
  6. G'day Nils I can answer that question for you. It's a scratch build and yes he will be doing a log. On a personal note, I'm so pleased that you are getting better and that you are doing work again. I take it that all was good with the doctor today. Havagooday my friend Greg
  7. G'day Keith Great job toon the transom. It looks great. I forgot to mention that I'm so pleased that the masking tape came off and on again with no problems. Havagooday mate Greg
  8. G'day Keith Bloody marvellous mate. Love all of it. Your tendency to be perfect, is definitely showing off in you work! As the saying goes in Australia "if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing right!". Bravo mate Greg
  9. G'day Dave This might not be correct for you, but when I was on the replica of the Endeavour in Sydney, I was told that the power was in a small bag that was left under the boats on the decks along with all the other tools for the canons. The historian guy told me that the keg was never on the deck except when they were in port to get new powder. I would assume that woud be the case for every ship. Great job on all of the buckets. You could change the powder barrel to a rum barrel and havadrink on me! Havagooday mate Greg
  10. Hi Patrick I just tried to send you a message, but I can't for some reason. Greg
  11. Yeah you are right, but I think Bill King wasn't talking about YOUR scale! Greg
  12. G'day Dave Bloody marvelous buckets. Love your tiny details like the brass straps and handles. Don't forget to make 2 buckets with a rope connected to wipe the sailor's backsides! Lol Great going mate Greg
  13. G'day Patrick Loooookinggoodmyfriend! It's hard enough to do a curved staircase at 1-48 scale, but 1-300 or whatever it is, I think it would be impossible. But again you proved me wrong. The paint work is brilliant, everyone knows that photos shows all the faults, no, I mean blemishes, and macro is another thing you have to dill with. Just super Havagooday mate Greg
  14. G'day Vince Great log explaining all the difficulties that you have endured and most importantly solved. Well done. Happymodelling Greg
  15. G'day Dave regarding your question "I'm leanings toward shot garlands mounted on the bulwarks. I can't find anything to tell me when brass monkey's came into use." Well a few years ago I was researching the the saying 'cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey' and I dicovered it came from the 15th century when the brass plate (brass monkey) would shrink faster than the steel canon balls, so hence came the saying. So to answer your question, it was between the 15 and 18th centuries when brass monkeys were used. Hope ths helps. Greg
  16. G'day Mark The rudder is "ruddy" good. I've some test myself on the canvas. I also using and old sheet, but I'm staining it with tea. It works well. Happymodelling Greg
  17. G'day Ulisus. What a dilemma! Is it possible to remove all the gratings and redo the frame? Or Keith's idea sounds good to me, only if you can remove the planking! Good luck my mate on what ever you do! Its seems like a month of "enhancements" or redos for everyone on this forum! Happymodelling Greg
  18. Thanks Mark I told you I don't know anything about rudders. Glad to have a lesson and again thank you for sharing your wisdom! Havagooday Greg
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