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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Danny I've got a dumb question for you. What's the difference between the dead flat frames vs the other? Aren't they all the same except slightly different shape? Looks good to me what you have done anyway! Havagooday mate Greg
  2. G'day PatrickDave took the words from my mouth. That is what I thought! Love the gloss black, black to me means "a mean machine" to me, and this vessel is a 'super mean boat'. Well done mate Greg
  3. Happy birthday mate. May God bless you always with good health and happiness. Greg
  4. G'day Danny It's so good mate, as we say in Oz, "It's just like a bought one!" Like your idea to make the ribs so need! Haveagreatone mate Greg
  5. G'day PatrickThat's a novel and SUPER idea! That will look great, and you don't have to cut into the beautiful lines of the hull. Havagooday mate and remember do all the nasty cutting and sanding stuff in the fresh air. (Sounding like your dad) I'm sorry Greg
  6. G'day John, your definition of fun and mine are different. Lol. Well, Danny, I'm assuming that's fun for you as well. So keep on having fun mate. Havagoodone Greg
  7. G'day Dimitris What a fine ship you have! Now I know you secret, you've got a lovely assistant working with you. You should be proud of both of them! Haveagreatone mate Greg
  8. G'day Dan Thanks for the coming link. You're right it's so easy to make MATES all over the world thanks to NRG. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Dan What more can I say which hasn't been said before! Brilliant, marvelous, superb, the list goes on. You have given me more than one or two tricks to put into my memory vault! The eye bolts will be there also. Thank you so much for not only giving us a great ship to see being built, but also for your so detailed descriptions. Can't wait for the next build! I'll keep this log open on my list, so when you start your next ship, please send a link to it so we all can see it. All the best and Havagooday Greg
  10. G'day Dimitris Marc has answered the question for me. Age will make the rope the colour that is natural, so don't do a thing! It's perfect just the way it is! Haveagreatone mate Greg
  11. G'day Patrick At this stage she's a beauty. Hope that you're using a mask when you're sanding mate! For safety reasons. Havagooday Greg
  12. G'day Mobyone Fantastic piece of workmanship. Could you please post more photos of all the stages. Either on this site or on dropbox etc. Very interested to see all I can. Again marvellous and a piece of art you should be proud of. Havagooday Greg
  13. Welcome back mate. It's so good to see your log again after a "wee" break. Sorry Patrick, couldn't help myself with that pun. I will look forward to see you turn the last photo into a piece of art! Haveagreatone Greg
  14. G'day Dan OMG Did you say "the end is in sight." No, It can't be, I'm enjoying this log very much. Well great guns as usual. Havagooday Greg
  15. Ditto from Nigel, Patrick and Don. Amazzzzzzzzing work ans soooooo fast. Trying to finish this build so you can get on your RC I presume! Havagooday mate Greg
  16. G'day Denis She's looking great! Ditto from Patrick's comments. Havagooday mate Greg
  17. G'day Marsalv In two words: BLOODY MARVELLOUS. Your craftsmanship is outstanding and a great lesson for us, the pure mortals. Havagooday Greg
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